We think it is about time for a riddle and a bit of fun - because we can. Look at the picture. What do you think WHO/WHAT exactly this is?
- A very ugly dog
- Mentally ill Lacyleanne during one of her maniac spells? Before she takes her meds? Drooling over the latest David Caruso picture?
- David Caruso in the morning without make-up?
YOU'll be the judge. LOL!
(GIGGLES) Now that's a good question,it could be either one,both have red hair,Vix you are so right about the old shit-bat,she give me to much credit,don't she remember saying I was articulate and illiterate,now you tell me.Who is the dumb fuck? She is of course.I told her not to judge a book by it's cover.
ReplyDeleteVix,I have to give you a lot of credit and kudos,you are one hell of a woman,running all you blogs,all the different alias they say you have,now you have invented two more,now ask your Jeannie part how you doing,well I will answer since we are all you,feeling damn good and going to rock.
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetheart. Coming from you guys it means a lot to me. I just love to multitask. Things that I don't want to post on "David Caruso Revealed" get posted on "David Caruso & Me". And this blog is to chat with you ladies and for things that are noteworthy.
ReplyDeleteIt is a lot of fun to do it.
I read both and enjoy the a lots,we have fun ,can let our hair down and just hang out,shitbat said we was Sam,they ignored her. Vix you know Jeannie and I don't give a rats ass about what they say,hell we know you don't give a shit,you was holding your own when Jeannie and I came aboard.
ReplyDelete...shitbat said we was Sam,they ignored her
ReplyDeleteThat is her biggest problem. Getting ignored by those whom she wants belong to. In her crazy little world everyone who says something negative about old fart Caruso automatically is ME. It doesn't occur to her that there are many people out there who just don't like Caruso and don't shy away from saying so.
Equally laughable is her obsession with spelling, grammar etc. Personally, I don't care how something is written/spelled as long as I get my message through. Not spelling counts - the content is the important thing.
Batshit crazy lacy boasted recently that she has a diploma . YUP, a diploma in lunacy! LOL
Everyone's got a diploma for one thing or another.A diploma is not a license to call others illiterate or inarticulate.It doesn't make you better than anyone
ReplyDeleteelse.It should enlighten you and show you how much you DON'T know.It obviously did not enlighten her.She hasn't learned anything since she left school.
Experience in the big cruel world is the best teacher.But,Im sure she was the head Space Cadet at
LaLa Land U.,located in sunny downtown NeverNeverLand.
Right, especially someone who is vulnerable as she is.
ReplyDeleteThere she is telling the world that she is suffering from a heridetary mental illness . Then she turns around and attacks you and CUPCAKE for no reason.
She has no real arguments therefor she has to fall back on the old "...but you can't spell! Heheh!"
Interestingly enough she is stuck in her obsession with an actor who is just as weak and faulty as herself. Two birds of a feather...
Alleged diploma or not she has failed miserably. Not only in la-la-land but in REAL LIFE too. Poor mite
Feeling better again, Jeannie?
ReplyDeleteI liked your suggestion for another Caruso joke. He and Hillary would be a pair made in hell.
Jean'nee,you could wipe the floor with old Tink.She is definitely not up to your standards.No class.That's why she has to resort to insults and name calling.
ReplyDeleteThe thing with Tink is that, ignoring her,upsets her more than if we called her all the names under the sun.She loves it when we talk about her or post about her.It gives her importance and credibility.That's what she needs.
We are in effect,feeding the monster.But,I have to admit,it's kind of fun.
Yes,thankyou Vix.I feel better.The virus has settled in our lungs.It'll be with us a few weeks.If we hadn't had our flue shots,it would have been a lot worse.The coughing isn't good for Brian's heart.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is,we had some time to enjoy each other's company.That's something we haven't found the time for lately.I forgot Brian has a great sense of humor.
I thought the same, but the little brat in me thought that I just had to post this picture and write something mean.
ReplyDeleteWe may be feeding the monster - but we are having a lot of fun doing it.In the end that's ALL that counts.
Jeannie,glad you and brian are feeling better,not to worry about old dog-face,I have come up against better than her(giggles)
ReplyDeleteNow I have to turn my attention on the nasties...found some drawing,getting in gearmhow bad/nasty you want,these are the bomb.
Jeannie,sticks and stones will break my bones,names will never hurt me,just make me stronger,like I said tink ain't got no shit for me,I get tired of kicking her ass,just call the family,get her ass 24/7...she's not worthit,better things to do.
ReplyDeleteBring them on, CC. We all want to see.
ReplyDeleteO.k. you can tell me if they are all right,going to put one up.
ReplyDeleteI will.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you up to Nee?Got some sexy pictures?let's see them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Vix,feeding the monster is fun.
ReplyDeleteYeah CUPCAKE. Share the goods with us..