People - mostly women - who visit Dr. 90210 don't suffer from ugly scars or from deformations that would it make impossible for them to lead a good normal life.
All of those women come because they either want their boobies enlarged or their labia menora ( the inner labia of a vagina) shortened. RIIIIGHT. They don't feel whole if they are forced towalk around with a slighlty enlarged labia menora - which is a heridetary problem (according to the good doc). We do wonder how these women would go on with their lives/survive if plastic surgeons in LA were a distincted species. Who would fix their problems with their labia menora?
Personally, we watch it because we seldomly have come across a TV show with so many ridiculous/freaky people. Are they so bored with their life that they have to preoccupy themselfes with their labia menora?
Maybe a good shrink could help?
HA!..I'm still laughing.If you had said labia menora one more time I would have peed myself.
ReplyDeleteI wish I was that bored and that rich.
I don't believe I have ever been bored.Life is too rich and full of laughs.
I saw that on the screen and went WTF? The woman was 21 and told the doc she felt "an uncomfortable tingling while having sex" which caused a real big big problem...
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't care how long my labia menora is . And I haven't met a man who asked who measured it...
(g[ggles) I have never wondered how long my labia menora is..haha if a man aske to measure it I would aske him to let me see his feet...maybe they can tighten up old Dave's face.
ReplyDeleteI also never knew that if it is longer it could get in the way of a good shag. Well, just shows once again that TV educates us all.
ReplyDeleteDave most definitely should ask Dr.90210 to do his face - even if he normally only does boobs and vaginas.
Last week they showed a woman who had had two big babies and asked the doc if he could make her like she was with 18 again..seriously. AND HE DID.
ReplyDeleteonce my cherry is gone don't want another one,maybe those women is using if with a lot of men and very bib toys,tarts will do anything to keep it tight.