One such gorgeous summer day,we stayed out on the water rather late.That was unusual.I didn't like driving the boat in the dark.We entered the docking area and I turned the boat into our private dock.I usually threw the boat into reverse at the last moment,to stop the boat from hitting the dock and to bring us to a full stop.
The boat stalled.Brian had to lean over the side quickly and use the strength in his arms to stop a two and a half ton boat.He did it and then he sat down rather suddenly and clutched his chest.His face was greenish white in the lamplight.He fell to the deck retching and gasping for air.I jumped out of the boat and tied it up,and called for help.There wasn't a soul around.
We still weren't sure what was wrong.The fact that he was in pain was so alien to both of us.I told him I would have to leave him for a moment to get help.He begged me not to leave him.I found out later,that he thought he was going to die right there and didn't wish to die alone.
The car was parked up on a moderately steep hill.I couldn't bring it down to the dock.I would have to help him walk up the hill.We were wasting precious moments.We walked.The pain by now,was so intense,tears were running down his face and he had great difficulty breathing.I drove like the proverbial bat out of Hell to the gatehouse,where a park ranger called 911 immediately.The ambulance arrived and the paramedics took his vital signs and told me it was very serious.
I told them I would follow them in my car.They said I would not be able to keep up with them.Since I didn't know where the hospital was,the ranger kindly offered to lead me there in his truck.The hospital was in a nearby village.I could hardly see the road for tears, flooding my eyes,non stop.My heart was pounding so hard,I could hear it.I had a horrible feeling of dread.
When we drove into the parking lot,I waved a shaky thankyou to the ranger and looked at the building.Oh my God! It was a tiny country clinic.Maybe,there wasn't even a doctor on duty.........To be continued.
OMG. Sounds serious. He had a heart-attack or stroke, right?
ReplyDeleteGood that you are able to talk about it.
I few similar things happened in my life to. But they are safely locked away in the drawer of my memory. Gladly, I lost the key to it. And I don't plan to find it ever. Too painful.
Jeannie..I know it were hard for you..I remember you said how scared you were when Brian had the heart attack on the lake..and there were no one around to help..thankful he made it up to the car,I realize it seem like hours till you reach the ranger station,he has not finish his work here,you have said that you look at Brian and still see the man from many years ago..things like that hit close to my heart...I remember what my friends have to say and talk about,each time you talk about it,you realize just how lucky you are to have a great love like Brian..He is your hero and what a wonderful life the two of you have..I'm working on it..you and sis is my inspirational guides..thank you for being my friend..."NEE"
ReplyDeleteI understand,Vix,how hard it is to examine those memories.Writing this,brought it all back,and I wept,like it was yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pleasure and an honor to be called your friend,Nee.
ReplyDeleteI will be leaving soon on my hot date...Jrammie I wanted to tell you a commenter at dojo visited up,she saw your painting..I just skip over the posts,I like to see what they are saying.it's under David Caruso:Stag in LA,it by Lindy,they are a hoot.
ReplyDeleteLordy,now I can't spell your name,but take a gander at it and laugh.
ReplyDeleteI understand. Once they suggested to hypnotize me to make it easier. I declined. I don't want to be reminded - neither in a wake state nor in a hyptnosized state. I am comfortable with where does memories are now. Buried deep. And that is where they should stay.
ReplyDeleteIt speaks for you that you can deal with it the way you do.
We all are special people,if we all did the same things this would be a very boring place,thats is why we are so unigue.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I couldn't stay and chat tonight ladies.We had people dropping in and we were trying to put the Christmas lights up on the house.And,we had Brian swearing as he got stuck in the bushes and half the old lights didn't work.
ReplyDeleteIt looks pretty now....finally.
I understand. Wwll, you are back now...LOL. Our neighbours have put up some. That'll do it for me.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to steel myself to write the second half of my story.It takes some time to prepare myself to face it.
ReplyDeleteI'll get some tea and a snack and stall for another ten minutes.
Take your times, sweetheart. Old Vix will be online for at least another 5 hours (my time.)