Our quality prodution and materials assure you that the Whizzinator will let it flow again and again,anywhere,any time you need it."
That is the advertisement used by the two men who have been selling this device.
Why would anyone want a Whizzinator?Why,to fake a urine test when being tested for drugs,of course.It comes with fake urine and pops negative when tested for illegal substances.
The men ran an internet company known as Puck Technology,which for three years sold the Whizzinator and related products,highly successfully.
Athletes;people in companies that randomly test employees;anyone applying for a job that requires a test prior to hiring,have successfully used this product.
The two men,who called themselves the" undisputed leaders in synthetic urine",have been busted and could face up to eight years in prison and a $500,000 fine.
Maybe,when they are released,since they have a warehouse full of penises,they could diversify and try a different market......HA!
Oh my, that is sooooooo hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWhy would wear anyone such a thing AND what for?
To make it appear they have a bigger one
Is this the wonderbra for males?
It pees fake urine,so they can pass tests for illegal drugs.
ReplyDeleteNow that you mention it ,it could do wonders for the man who is insecure about the size of his penis.As long as he never takes the pants off.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I wasn't aware of that. However, I do know if you have pee into a cup for drug-testing an officer will stand nearby watching you - at least where I come from.
ReplyDeleteYou think old Dave Caruso might be wearing one while shooting CSI Miami - to impress TV-viewers. Like little talent big willy?
Stop it stop it..we can get the and put them on rubber dave,now that would make a lot of ladies happy..hmmmmmmmmm
ReplyDeletethat's a good idea..we have a some fun shops here,sell some of everything.
ReplyDeleteThat's just GROSS: I mean, seriously, who wants to run around with such a (rubber) thing between ones legs.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Tinkerbell is interested in purchasing a rubber Dave AND a Whizzinator...double pleasure for the poor foolish mite.
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ReplyDeleteIf they get anything new ..they better get buck-ass nacked,so you can see what you getting.
ReplyDeleteJEANNIE...I am sooooo shocked...fangirls could wear it the same day - would put a smile on their sour faces...LOL
ReplyDeleteYes Cupcake.From now on I will inspect all the men I date at first meeting,in case they're wearing Whizzinators.
ReplyDeleteYes Vix ,the fan girls could conceal it under their clothes. no one would know why they keep giggling.
ReplyDeleteVix that old thing ain't been used in so long,she will just lay there like a board hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes but we will know when Tinker is wearing her's,her posts will make a little sense,if that's possible.
ReplyDeleteIt's so easy to gross Vix out .I'll have to think of a really gross post...HA!
ReplyDeleteSHe makes sense,about once a week.On Wednesdays I think.
ReplyDeleteTinker,not VIx.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,I would love for the three of us to get together and would really talk dirty ..just to see Vix turn blush.hahahaha
ReplyDeleteA few glasses of wine and she would be as raunchy as you and I.
ReplyDeleteYes but we will know when Tinker is wearing her's,her posts will make a little sense,if that's possible.
ReplyDeleteTINKERBELL, DOJO, LINDY and the rest of the nutty crew GRAB A WHIZZINATOR...
I bet we would nave a ball...Yes,they need to grab something and maybe have a little fun,it do the body good to do a little f..king.
ReplyDeleteThe whizzinator comes with a little rubber bladder for liquids.You could put anything in it ,dry martinis,perhaps.You would have to squeeze the penis to make it come out. Fun at parties,huh?
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking wedding showers.Fill it with wine coolers for the ladies.
ReplyDeleteI say I am going to visit them,but I won't..it's one thing to talk about Dave,but the little girl,no way ..she claim to be a mother,she will pay for that shit.
ReplyDeletethat's a great idea..Birthday party for sis,but we will have to get her a real man,we got her a penis once,she put the damn thing on display,my family is weird.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I hate to change the subject from Whizzinators,How much does Gilly weigh now.Does he still have all his hair or is it rubbing off?
ReplyDeleteAnd how is big Gill?Still sore?
oh,Sis has a great sense of humor.I think I would have arranged flowers around it.
ReplyDeleteI will say good nite..sweet dreams.
ReplyDeleteGillt still have most of his hair,he weigh 14 lbs 2 months today
ReplyDeleteGood night CUPCAKE..sweet dreams..
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he's so healthy.Goodnight
ReplyDeleteYes is still sore he says,but he put the kids to bed and he wants to do the nasty...Gilly is giving us some gummy smiles.
ReplyDeleteWell, if he wantst to do the nasty he CAN'T BE THAT hurt...LOL. or does he do it the Hugh-Hefner-way: flat on his back and Cupcake does all the work?