It has to do with Christmas traditions gathered from around the world over the centuries and added one by one to our celebration,making it a wonderful,heart-
warming,joyful experience.
*Holly for example,was originally planted near a home to frighten off witches and protect it from lightning.Over time it became a symbol of peace and joy and people would often try to settle their quarrels near a holly tree.
*Candles at Christmas represent the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.A candle burning in the window of a home on Christmas eve came to mean that visitors are welcome in this place.
*Carol actually meant a round dance.Originating in the middle ages,when people joined hands and danced in a circle at religious rites.St Francis of Assisi is credited with being the father of the Christmas carol as we know it today.He led his followers in songs of praise to Jesus.
*It's generally believed that Scandinavians brought the idea of Christmas reindeer to the United States,but they became famous because of a poem written in1823.It introduced and named all eight reindeer and described them pulling Santa's sleigh.Until then,St Nicholas had ridden a donkey or a sky chariot drawn by horses.
*A Christmas gift,of course,represents the gifts brought by the three wise men.Each of the three gifts foretold what Jesus would become;gold,a king;frankincense,a priest;
myrrh,a healer.
*Plum pudding aka figgy pudding dates back to1670 in the UK.The forerunner to plum pudding was called frumenty and had chopped cows tongues as well as fruit,nuts and wine.It was good luck to stir the pudding and you got to make a wish.In a later incarnation they added a silver charm or coin to the pudding.It guaranteed the finder good luck.
*Mince tarts are a very old tradition,about 500 years.They were made,originally in the shape of a manger and the latticework crust symbolized the hayrack.They were meat pies back then.For good luck people ate a pie a day for the twelve days of Christmas.
*The ealiest record of a Christmas tree,as we know it,with decorations,is in the region of Alsace in 1521.Evergreens have always represented rebirth.A living tree in a tub was always brought into the house during the old German feast of Yule.
*Hanging stockings began in 300A.D. when a young bishop in Asia Minor,later known as St Nicholas and known for his kindness,left gifts for people.One night he climbed on a roof and dropped a gift down a chimney.It fell into a stocking that had been hung there to dry.Kids caught on pretty quickly.
There are so many more traditions and symbols.There are even some that we have stopped using.I couldn't include them all.People are always looking for reasons to celebrate and Christmas gives them a chance to do it in a big way.Sadly,it seems to be the only time we all feel good will towards each other.
Thank you Jeannie,yes I have often wonder where all the customs are from,I made some copies to share with others,I was just going off a little before you posted,I miss talking with you but I will catch you tonite,everyone was a sleep I just watched some ice skating,one young lady was from Canada,a champion,Jennifer I think her last name is Rogers,not sure...Lol
ReplyDeleteSince I don't like Christmas I never have given it a thought. Well, it is just different countries have different customs. What this has to do with the birth of Christ?
ReplyDeleteLittle to nothing.
I hate to say it bute Jehovas Witnesses have the right approach to it: they don't celebrate it.
Alsace/Elsass belongse to France. It has a German name but is predominantely French. Strassbourg is its major city and is close to the German/French border.
ReplyDeleteI love Xmas,there is such little joy in the world,a little hope is good for you.Well Jehovah Witness don't believe in a lot of things,I know first hand I know a lot of them,But when you see a little smile on a person face that don't have anything,it makes me feel good,I guess I try to find a little good everywhere,I love to see my little girl's face on Xmas morning.
ReplyDeleteListen up,just down at the casting office with Nan...Khandi Alexander ts going to make a guest appesrance on "CSI:MIAMI" in 2009it will in Feb./Mar.
ReplyDeleteShe also will be filming a movie for HBO...post Katrina/Rita hurricanes in New Orleans..Wendell Pierce is playig her husband,he is from New Orleans,they will be filming some shots up this way.
I know . Fangirls are all excited. They think just because she comes back for one episode doesn't mean she left because of Caruso.
ReplyDeleteThose fangirls live in a very simple world. Khandi comes back because they pay her good money. I doubt she comes back because of asshat Caruso.
Nan was talking to Abe,He told her they left the door open for her....Abe said it was such a grind on her,she wanted to do other projects..she might be in more,Csi Miami has at least 2/3 more seasons.
ReplyDeletewell,now we know just how long CSIM is going to last,two or three years.Enjoy it while you can Dave.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction Vix.My source was wrong.Although Germany annexed Alsace into their empire several times ,at the time of the Christmas tree story it was ruled by the Holy Roman Empire.
Annexed by Germany again in 1871-in 1919 it reverts to France.
1940-annexed by Germany again-1945 reverts to France.Confusing for the people,to say the least.
You are welcome. I didn't want to correct you first. But I knew many French people would mind. They are very proud of their little piece of land Alsace/Elsass..they have a great kitchen there.