I will allow happiness to come to me in ways
I least expect.."Happiness often sneaks in through
a door you didn't know you left open."
I think we know what makes us happy----watching a favorite televison show,cuddling with our man,enjoying our kids or grand kids,not surprising ,we try to make time for the things that bring us happiness.
If we keep ourselves open to it,however,we may find happiness in surprising ways.Can doing dishes make us happy?Think about the warm water and soap suds,someone thinking they are easing up behind you,hugging you..you asking who is it,now ladies and gentlemen that is happiness,because you know what happen,if not use your imagination. (GIGGLES)
Cute cat...
ReplyDeleteThank you..not a cat that's a pussy (GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteOKAY. Nice pussy..LOL
ReplyDeleteVix I am going to make you bad yet..old Dave is in the room ,see how she covered the pussy.hahaha
ReplyDeleteShe must know types like Caruso - always aiming for the hairy one...LOL
ReplyDeleteI am very suprise,she is no brown suger.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she coloured her fur..
ReplyDeleteI see Nan informed ou of the accident,he died tuesday after falling from the top of the third floor escalator to the first floor,I got my dealers someone to talk with.
ReplyDeleteWhat did he die of?Are you(the casino)being held responsible?
ReplyDeleteWas it an accident?
What a horrible thing to happen.Not the best PR for your business.
Glad you're back with us,Nee.
They are not commenting on anything he was 21years old,people are saying maybe a fight,don't know,no they are saying we are not at fault.
ReplyDeleteI counselors for the dealers,I think they was leaving the poker room
ReplyDeleteNext door at Sams Town a 68 year old lady died as she was going into the doors..Jeannie ,first time it hapeen to us,but it is so common .jump off the bridge drive into the river,all the casinos is on the banks of the Red River.
ReplyDeleteJeannie I told you Gilly weighed 14 lbs ,no such thing ,he weigh 12 lbs 7 ozs. I was weighing him on the bathroom scales,hahaha he is 22ionches long.
ReplyDeleteGilly is a big boy.I am so happy for you that he is thriving
ReplyDeleteDoes your post mean that if you have a pussy you'll be happy?
ReplyDeleteJust joking.It was a nice upbeat post.
(GIGGLES) just trying to get the hang of it.
ReplyDeleteJeannie have you throught about compiling Jakey's work,he might be on to something..his mom is a writer.."GUNNY"can do it all,you might be surprise.
It's a good thought.He trapped me tonight.Asked me if there really was a Santa.
ReplyDeleteOuch! Now that are the really tough questions. What did you say?
ReplyDeleteJaye is presently writing a book with her friend in California.Her friend is a well published author with several novels under her belt ,so it has a good chance of success.
ReplyDeleteI asked Jakey if,in his heart,he believed in Santa.And,if he did,the believing is what makes Santa real.
ReplyDeleteKind of like,'clap your hands if you believe in fairies.'
That was a great answer,will have to remember that one for when I am asked,see I am learning,all these babies in my family,I don't know shit...
ReplyDeleteTHankyou,Nee.Does Gilly still have a midnight feeding?
ReplyDeleteYes,I am waiting for him to wake up,he's right on time,but he sleep through the nite..
ReplyDeleteso you get maybe six or seven hours sleep?what a good little boy for only two months.
ReplyDeleteKind of like,'clap your hands if you believe in fairies.'
ReplyDeleteHe was okay with that?
My daughter slept through the night when she was 9 weeks. Last bottle at 10.00 pm. The next at 06.00 am. Perfect.
ReplyDeleteAll I did was put Jakey off for a while.He'll be back with the same question when he's thought it over.His brother has no doubts about Santa.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter was on an ideal schedule.Nice when it works out that way
Gilly started sleeping through the night around 5 or 6 weeks old,he was 2 months old on the 6th of december,but he is a tittie baby,my choice,doctors say it is good for their immune system and bonding.
ReplyDeleteSecret ingredient in mother's milk, colostrum.Protects their immune system .Also good for overall health.
ReplyDeleteThe bonding thing works too.
I'm sure Gil likes to bond with you that way too.
Brian's done a bit of bonding of his own.
(GIGGLES) oh yes Gil told Gilly he just loan them to him, he looked at Gil and gave a gummy grin,I swear thet boy acted like he knew what his dad said,then he shitted.hahaha
ReplyDeleteThat was Gilly's way of telling his dad,He was full of shit.
ReplyDeleteHe'll decide when dad gets the titties back.
Your daughter was on an ideal schedule.Nice when it works out that way.
ReplyDeleteI had a special formula for the night-bottle. She drank, burbed and fell asleep. No matter if we were at home or on vacation.
Alot of moms put a little pablum in the night bottle.They say it makes them sleep longer.
ReplyDeleteNo. OMG. Nothing like that. Nestle has developed a special nightformula with carrots that keeps them from getting hungry throughout the night.
ReplyDeleteThankfully she liked the taste. But she was a very calma and easy baby.