I feel jusify my anger.But justified anger can be as harmful as unjustified anger.I can't do anything about other people and what they do,I can only change what I do.I can learn to release my anger.
I may not be able to avoid getting angry at times,but I can get past it and move on.When I can,I will forgive those I feel have wrong me.(not likely)I will accept that I have been wronged,but I will not wrong mysely by holding a grudge.I have some great stories to tell---and so do the people I want to tell them to.I will make room for them on the "stage" of our conversation.I will not just give them a glance and pretend that I am listening,in fact when I am not the least bit interested in what they are saying.
If someone I know have something to say,I'll listen,really listen,to hear what they are saying so I can know what is going on--not just dismiss it as if it is of no consequence to them...."that's just my world" I will contuine my saga" Jean`ne
Interesting...get comfortable on the couch and tell Dr. Vixen EVERYTHING. Be sure to include EVERY detail! LOL
ReplyDelete...ps. I call justified anger REVENGE..sounds better.
ReplyDelete(giggles)Revenge is a good idea..I was just thinking about old tinker to day,I got angry for a moment,ViX,Jeannie and myself..this is fun for us,I have never asked her to like what I talk about..I hope she has the sense to know that's "SAINT HELENA"blowing her top,look closely you can see a face,and tinher it is coming for you.
ReplyDeleteAccept your anger ,roll with it.Then blow it out your arse.
ReplyDeleteIf you hold it inside it will hurt you and no one else.
Revenge is merely holding on to your anger until the opportunity arises to hurt someone with it.
Personally, I prefer the "silent" rage. On the surface I smile sweetly and don't let on what I am really thinking. Seldomly you'll see me swearing. I'm patiently waiting until the time is right for some payback.
ReplyDelete...Then blow it out your arse.
ReplyDeleteGood idea. But I just can't do it. I don't have the ability to scream, rave and rant. It is not my nature.
I have the memory of an elephant. Never forgive, never forget. One of my biggest obstacles.
Who gives a rats ass what Tinker thinks?She lives in her own little mad,mad world all by herself,so the only person interested in her opinion is Tink.
ReplyDeleteShe is a smear of something nasty on tour shoe.Just brush her off.
Well,I told old Tink off,I had held it in since the 4th of dec.but feel better now,I realize she is a lonely and confused woman,I wish I had a rubber dave to send her.hahaha
ReplyDeleteRemember your post on letting happiness in?You can't do that until you let the anger and bad feelings out.
ReplyDeleteNever worry I don't let nothing hold me down very long,to mess with us she has to be stupid or crazy..aw shit,we all know she is all of that.
ReplyDeleteI dyd I just get a little hot,but I let it pass.....I have a hot date with my man "Saturday"I will attend the Trans Siberian Orchestra"
ReplyDeleteI'm sad you have to deal with an obstacle like that in your life Vix.
ReplyDeleteYou're such a terrific woman,intelligent and wise and funny.Your path through life should be smooth.
I know you love music.The orchestra will be wonderful.
ReplyDeletethat kind of powerful music gives me goose bumps.
Thanks Jeannie. It is part of my character. We all have a character trait that is unique. I think it is just part of being human.
ReplyDeleteEverybody deals with anger differntly. You, me, cupcake, crazy tinker - even old ass Caruso.
always wanted to go..have a built in babysitter..I can never stay angry at the old fool,really I pity her,I think about how lucky I am ,family frinds..now that is what I call wealth..they will be with you ..money won't...
ReplyDeleteThat is the glue that binds us together..we are all unique in our own special way
ReplyDeleteWe're both very wealthy that way Jean'ne.Couldn't ask for anything more.
ReplyDeleteI've asked Jakey to write a little something for our blog.He 's thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteHey that's great. I am looking forward to it. I am sure it will be very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWell the book starts here,I will be cleaning up my act just for Jakey
ReplyDeleteJeannie I really think we have hit on to something here,there are a lot of people out there who will love our Jakey..can't wait.
ReplyDeleteWe promise to be at our best when the young man pays us a visit.
ReplyDeleteThankyou ladies,I think he would be thrilled to talk to you online.
ReplyDeleteI,ve just been practising making a collage.It's always trial and error with me.I can't seem to do something right the first time.
Ah, I just remembered that you are an artist. You'll get it right. You'll see.
ReplyDeleteJeannie is that Jakey with the bears...oh yes I know how to be good..have a little one here also,little people have big ears,soak up things just like a sponge.
ReplyDeleteJakey will write for us another day.I would like him to become more educated in all aspects of the computer.blogging is a new one on him.He's interested though.
ReplyDeleteShow me one kid that ins't. Be it for the games or for the surfing.