However, there is one thing that drives us up the wall - constantly. Our friend isn't exactly a fan of punctuality.
WE have been raised to believe that punctuality is he most important features of all features. It is polite. And it is necessary to make things work. We like to plan our day minute-by-minute. If something doesn't go according to it we can get very cranky very easily.
Last weekend we had an appointment at 09.30 AM. Our friend promised to pick us up at 09.00 AM. We got ready in time, poised, Laptop in hand and ready to go. The only one who didn't show up was - our friend.
Finally at 20 minutes past 09.00 AM he arrived. Smilling and not in the least feeling guilty.We read him the riot act. How dare he to let us wait sooooo long? Arrgh!
A discussion ensued where we BOTH came to the realization that while punctuality means EVERYTHING to one person, it is merely a guideline to another.
He promised to be on time next time. We'll see...
Jean`ne's husband hand a wreck,18 wheeler pile up on interstate 20,I will keep you up to date as it come thru,my mom,Gil's dad is with her. Nan
ReplyDeleteOh that's bad. I hope Gil is okay.
ReplyDeleteJust heard from my mom Gil is o.k. just shook up.bruised ribs and a mild concussion keeping him over night Nee is own her way home to see about this little mean ass baby I am sure she will check in with you let you know everything all right. Nan
ReplyDeleteThat is good to hear!
ReplyDeleteThank you Nan for letting them know,Gil is o.k. thanks
ReplyDeleteVix your friend sounds like a wonderful person,never on time,we'll wait ,because we love them.
ReplyDeleteHOw is Gil?
ReplyDeleteHe'll be bettersince I get mad easily and I might bite his head off on one of those occasions.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that your hubby is ok.
Are you okay Jean'ne?
ReplyDeleteThankyou Nan for taking the time to update us.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy Gil is okay.Love and good
wishes for recovery.
Great to know Gilly is a mean ass baby.
Gil is reasting fine,it was a 5 car pile up,the 18 wheeler driver were drunk,be home tomorrow,
ReplyDeleteMy baby is not bad much,just pee in Nan's face,she has girl; she is sis daughter.
ReplyDeleteWE better start doting our I's and crossing our T;s old Tinker is dissecting ever word we say,glad to know she loves us so much.
ReplyDeleteI guess you're a little shook up.it was a close call.
ReplyDeleteI guess old Tink has got nothing better to do.
ReplyDeleteGet a life Tink.
I just let my dog Max out and startled a beautiful deer in my back yard.
ReplyDeleteI know it is beautiful this time of year like a post card.
ReplyDeleteThe deer get hungry in winter and come closer to the houses
ReplyDeleteJeannie Tink on a different page,she don't know where she is.Iwill not let her upset me,I live my life to fullest,the people I talk to know whats up,there are old and there are stupid.
ReplyDeletejust be happy you're not her.It seems to me she has a sad life.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,Nan and I grew up together,sis raised us as sisters,she is a year older than I,she is sis baby.All of them is older ,except my last brother's kids.
ReplyDeleteshe chose Dave to be obsessed with .It was a bad choice.He is not a good man ,but she will defend him to the death.
ReplyDeleteI won't attack her. I think her grasp on reality is tenuous.
So Jean'ne is one of the babies in the family?I wonder if they spoiled her.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,you make your own way in this wirld,you have a choice,it wasn't a bed of roses for us,but we turn out alright
ReplyDeleteThe deer is stil there and looks so beautiful in the moonlight against the snow.The snow is sparkling.
ReplyDeleteTinkerbell is SICK. If she thinks someobody is a good person because he has good table members she ought to be locked up.
ReplyDeleteYou know that she even used the "abused child" angle to get attention.
Months before you girls came on she told the world she allegeldy was abused.
Honestly, i don't believe it.
Oh Jeannie (giggles) I am not spoiled,everyone say I am,and Gil came along and put the icing on the cake..I am truly blessed
ReplyDeletei sincerely hope she was not abused.How can someone hurt a child like that.I can never get my mind around that.They look up at you with such trust.
ReplyDeleteIt's the worst crime against humanity.
Oh hell I can't count the spanking I got,they made me a better person,I will not attacked her either,it is no fun..she has no come back,in others words I am bigger that her,I lay no claims to being ill,hell I was born this way,I can't blame no one.
ReplyDeleteAbout 150 miles from here a young couple beat their 15 mo. old to death,say she had the devil in her,I wonder what they are putting in the water.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I don't believe it. She was too eager to talk about it. People who suffer through that don't go online and let the whole world know.
ReplyDeleteDon't let her con you into pittying her, Jeannie.
That's my Jean'ne.It is what it is.We are what we are.I like who I am and I like you.
ReplyDeleteJust forget that I mentioned it.
ReplyDeleteCrazy people should not have children.There aughta be a law.
ReplyDeleteYou could be right Vix.It could be a con.No way to know.
What do you think. Should I be more flexible and allow my friend to be late - from time to time?
ReplyDeletei don't understand how spilling your guts online can be therapy.So you have to wonde,how much is true and how much is the product of a troubled mind.
ReplyDeleteI don't pity her,I will pretend she don't exsist...what she say is on her,I will not play her game anymone.Because I am loved and I do love,I have friendsthat take me as I am,I like that.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta be a little flexible now and then,or your friend might not want to be so kind to you all the time.
ReplyDeleteYou're just a little short on patience.I actually understand that.My dad was a major in the British army.You did not dare be late in our house.
Yes somethime give in,Men are such babies,do you know Vix ,men can't tell time unless they are going to work,have fun with him,we enjoy their company,if thats all he do,just smile.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Jean'ne,about the game theory.Tink is trying to draw us into her sick little game.Forgetting her existence is the best way to end it.
ReplyDeleteJust watching Tom Jones on the tonight show.What happened to his head?He looks so weird.Too much botox?
ReplyDeleteYou did not dare be late in our house.
ReplyDeleteI would have loved tat man! Punctuaity is everthing. My friend told me that he understands but I also have to understand him. It's the Mexican in him, he said. We say in one hour but mean 1,30....
Well, that explains why their economy is so down...
Trying to stay young..a man should grow old graceful same as a womam,they just end up looking scary..like Michael Jackson..Well I am going to say goodnite,my bad ass baby is asleep,he haer Jill voice his little eyes looks for her.
ReplyDeleteNow that you mention it.I've heard that is the Mexican way of life.Put off until tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteYou would have got on with my dad very well.You're the daughter he always wanted.That's the teutonic blood in you.You love order and punctuality.
I live in a predominently German town.You would fit in so well.
I'm more like your Mexican friend Vix.
Goodnight Jean'ne
I'm going over to Vix's blog.Gotta keep up with her adventures with Dave.
ReplyDeleteSleep well CUPCAKE. Tomorrow the sun will shine again.