I called our son Steve,to tell him of this new development but he had already left,to come to his father's bedside,at this little country clinic.
I would have to wait here for him.I couldn't chase the ambulance to the hospital,as I wanted to do.I asked the nurse at the desk,if I could wait for my son.She said she would wait with me and unlocked the front door.Lovely people at that clinic.
After an eternity ,we heard banging at the door.Steve,my daughter Jane,daughterJemma and grandson Justin tumbled in the door all at once.They ran to me and held me until I could speak.Apparently,they had been wandering,lost,for the last forty minutes.So much for Justin's Google map.
I explained that we would have to go to the university hospital.Steve was very familiar with the city,so we made it there in under thirty minutes.Brian was still in surgery.That must mean he was still alive.I told them as much as I knew and we all sat there holding hands.
"Did you call Jen?"Steve asked me.
Jennifer had just left for a week's holiday with her family,to a special camp for kidney patients.She was due to have a kidney transplant in three or four weeks.She was very close to her dad,but I was reluctant to take that week away from her."No,let her rest,unless Dad dies,then,we have no choice."
By the time the surgeon emerged it was about two thirty a.m.
"Well,he's still alive,"he said."I don't know how he made it here with almost complete restriction of blood flow.I removed a long piece of plaque that was caught at an intersection of two arteries and it was blocking both.I've put four stents in the artery to hold it open.Fifty percent of his heart has been permanently damaged.That half will never work again because of the build up of scar tissue.In that sense,the human heart is unforgiving."
"He must live the time he has left accordingly.Change his lifestyle completely,so he doesn't put any strain on the working portion of his heart."
"If only you had got him here sooner,I could have done so much more,saved so much more of his heart."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY DOCTOR?"At that moment the strain was too much.I blacked out for just a moment.
When I came back to the real world,I was sitting down.My daughters were on their knees in front of me."The doctor went to get you some water and a cold cloth.Are you okay?"
asked Jemma.
The doctor's words were ringing in my head.That little pissant country doctor had nearly killed Brian,and he's destroyed whatever life he has left.I should have insisted they bring him to a hospital.Why didn't I?
Eventually we got to see Brian.As we walked into the room,we heard him say,"Don't let me die,I have to be there when my daughter has her surgery."
We wondered later,if that was the reason he hung on to life so tenaciously.Apparently,we found out later,he had died in the ambulance and was revived by the para medics and the doctor who had travelled with him.
When we brought him home,he didn't look like Brian anymore.He had aged by twenty years and his hair was grey.His eyes were dull and vacant and he couldn't remember anything that had happened.He couldn't remember our names or the names of lots of common items.I was told that his brain had been starved of blood and ,therefore,oxygen for so long,that it affected his memory,but it was temporary.
The change in his personality was not temporary.He was a completely different man.There was no more fun or mischief in him,no joy,no more good old dependable Brian,no more rock.He was a quiet,frail invalid,who seemed to have shrunk inside himself.
Steve stepped into the breach and became our patriarch,bless him.
One month later,against doctor's orders,a very pale and wasted Brian,stood beside a gurney,where his daughter lay,waiting to be wheeled away for a transplant.He had promised her he would be there,He held her hand and smiled at her and told her,she was going to be just fine.It was exactly what she needed.He has never broken a promise to any of us.
Did I say,no more rock?I was wrong.
That is very touching. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteJeanie...as I said before many times...you are a strong woman...you are very blessed to have your one true love...it is good that your family is so close and caring..Brian may not still have the spring in his step,or the twinkle in his eye...I bet when you look at him you see the very strong and loving man you fell in love with..That is the kind of love I am striving to have,since knowing you I know it is possible,there will be up and downs I know...our love and faith will bring us through..so nice that Brian were there to hold Jaye hand and to let her know he were there...(YES DEAR JEANNIE BRIAN IS YOUR ROCK YOUR SOUL MATE)I am glad you got to enjoy Sammy's play ,if you couldn't hear it,it made him very happy.
ReplyDelete"Wine for seniors"
ReplyDeleteI also like Beaujolois..a little wine is good for the stomach..."Hi Emmanuel"welcome...glad to have you with us,just grab your cup of gossip and join us,I know you will enjoy your visit..(giggles)
Ahem CUPCAKE..."Emmanuel" is a spam. It is a selling-site for wine. Just take a look.
ReplyDeleteWonder why they be speming us,I guess we are coming into our own,oh what the hell I will just talk nasty to spam.hahahaha
ReplyDeleteCupcake..I will have to log back in
I had to sign in..spam huh
ReplyDeleteIt happens to me from time to time to. No big deal. They have search engines which pick up every blog which mentiones - for example - the word "wine" and then they post there..
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that.Boy are we naive.Good thing we know a computer geek to keep us out of trouble.
ReplyDeleteHow do they pick up on a brief conversation about wine?
there are such sophisticated devices,it's a little scary.
ReplyDeleteYOU posted the topic about wine, remember? There you have it.
ReplyDeleteI am going to post about hmmmmm,do you think we will get any takers? Just be bad will get them here.
ReplyDeleteSo let's talk about peckers and vagigis and see what search engine picks that up.
ReplyDeletegoodnite and sweet dreams..Nee
ReplyDeleteI was going to go see what every oe is doing but I like here better.hahaha
ReplyDeleteLets talk about diseases of the intimate kind and see if any doctors log on.This could be fun
ReplyDeleteNow that's my kind of talk..doing the nasty,haven't had any since the accident,guess I will have to put him in my rocking chair.
ReplyDeleteOh yes,we will have a lot of fun.There are a lot of "STD's"
ReplyDeleteI saw a man today whose stomach was so enormous,he hasn't seen his dangle in years.Maybe not even his feet .I was just wondering how hecould make love if he can't find it.
ReplyDeleteThe only ones to log on will be pharamacists to sell you Viagra or a lubricant.LOL
ReplyDeleteGood Nite! CC
I can just see Vix grossing out,I would like to see her face,I bet her ears would be pink.hahaha
ReplyDeleteJeannie that must have been my Mayor you seen.
ReplyDeleteVix can handle a little smut,especially if it's about Dave
ReplyDeleteHow does you mayor have sex? He would have to put that tummy in a sling and have it mechanically lifted,so his wife could crawl underneath...eeeesh
ReplyDeleteDo you think he has to sit down to pee,now that is a hoot,Vix ..we can sell the little pills to old fart butt
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many old Dave have had,they say he don't like condoms.
ReplyDeleteThat's another good question.The man I saw today couldn't use a normal toilet. It would get stuck between his cheeks,and it would break under his weight.
ReplyDeleteCedric"s wife is a small woman ,he has always been that large.he look to be to large for her to get on top.
ReplyDeleteSo,Dave doesn't like condoms?Amina has her chance to get pregnant if she's clever about it and get on the old gravy train
ReplyDeleteI wonder how he wash his stuff.I bet it is moley
ReplyDeletei guess Cedric doesn't have a lap for her to sit on.I just can't figure out how they do it.I'll have to ask a fat man.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll ask Santa when he comes.
You know Dave stopped taking Liza anywhere,I keep going back to that picture..him on the phone.
ReplyDeleteI made a joke and didn't know it
ReplyDelete(I'll ask Santa WHEN HE COMES)..HA!
When Dave stopped taking Liza places,he was already seeing Gina.
ReplyDeleteSanta issn't that large
ReplyDeleteIs Dave still in Paris?If so,what gives?
ReplyDeleteMaybe he met someone there.
I am not sure...but you can bet that old sneak got some one stashed away.
ReplyDeleteI wonder will he go younger,next time?It is interesting,the antics of a grown man with red hair.
ReplyDeleteVix you will have to pull up my mayor..name..Cedric Glover...
ReplyDeleteIs Dave still in Paris?
ReplyDeleteNo he left on Saturday.
According to what I read Cedric Glover is a bit of a crook
ReplyDeletehe has to go younger,no real woman will put up with his shit,I wonder how long before we hear about the mystery lady.
ReplyDeleteWell, Jeannie when he met Marg she was 28/40.
ReplyDeleteWhen he met Liza is was 34/48.
Tha tart is around 30/51.
So, yes, they arew getting younger and younger again.
They get younger and more brainless every time.That's why I call them sperm receptacles.
ReplyDeleteThats the saying here also,he wanted Gil to run for City council,but he said thanks but no thanks.
ReplyDeleteEven a woman who's not too bright,should have more sense than to fall for his shit,knowing his record.
ReplyDeleteLadies it's the thrill of being with him,they can pretend it is good,we would tell he is worn out and can't fuck worth a shit.
ReplyDeleteit would be interesting to know how a man with no ass looks when boinking
ReplyDeleteI wonder do it get real hard or do Old dave have to pack it in,shit I can't go through that shit.
ReplyDeleteHe could use a shoehorn...HA!
ReplyDeleteGoodnight sweetie.
I am sure it will get hard - however it will take him a bit longer to mkae it get up. Amina will have to suck really hard.
ReplyDeleteMaybe thats why he left Liza her butt got to large and Old Dave was afraid he would fall in,hahahaha,that's why he like the small girls.
ReplyDeleteBesides, fucking a celeb is full of advantages - who cares if the sex is not so great. There are other things to make a woman happy ...
ReplyDeleteVixen,you're a bad girl.But you're probably right.By now Dave has taught her the exact suckage he likes.
ReplyDeleteObvioulsy, one thing she is good at - as opposed to acting.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite Jeannie...
ReplyDeleteVix leave it to you to fix..suck real hard..hahaha I am gone this time I will be over to your house early morning VIx...Lot of company.Nite sweetie
Whatever acting skill she has comes in handy in the bedroom,when he strips off for the night.
ReplyDelete"Oh, what lovely white skin you have,and those flabby arms and legs..yumm"
Night Nee.
ReplyDelete..and that pasty white arse...makes me wet all over...(NOT)..come here Davieeeeee...
ReplyDeleteOh, what lovely white skin you have,and those flabby arms and legs..yumm
ReplyDeleteI believe he is extremely hairy...