.....Santa... he's got a list, he's checking it twice, and if you fall under the 'naughty' category it's switches and coals for you.
But what child in America is at all afraid of receiving a lump of coal under the tree? What child even knows what a 'switch' is?
Alpine Europe, on the other hand, doesn't have this problem. This is because years ago St. Nick's job was split - while the jolly old elf delivered the goods, an evil, goat-horned spirit called the Krampus brought switches and bad dreams to the boys and girls of Austria, southern Germany, Switzerland, and far northern Italy. Children usually will receive little gifts from St Nick/Krampus on December 6th..."
You must have had a few nightmares about that guy.You poor kid.
ReplyDeleteI guess you tried to be really,really good.
As a matter of fact I did. In the Alpine regions the "Krampus" also is a symbol for the winter. In February the "Krampus" gets a good beating by the good forces of nature...
ReplyDeleteSt. Nick/Krampus always come together. Sometimes they really wear ugly mask and heavy chains. It is a "pre-Christmas"-thing. It also shortenes the time until the "Christkind" comes on December 24...
Old Krampus better not show up here,I like my take on santa,nouse in scaring the nasty oyt of kids,some growns to.
ReplyDeleteXmas is suppose to be a happy time.
ReplyDeletethose are fascinating customs,if a bit frightening.
ReplyDeleteSomehow they don't seem as jolly as the western Santa with his dopplegangers in every department store and unbelievably commercial Christmas.
It is a tradition that reminds the children to be nice and behave otherwise the Christkind won't come to their house. Because Santa/Krampus work for Christkind and bad kids are getting put into the sack and go straight to hell...
ReplyDeleteWell, in the beginning it was thought as an educational tool. Right now it is big business of the toy/chocholate industry.
I can't believe that there isn't something similiar in the New World...
It was also a tool by the church to remind the people to never go astray and stay on the rightful path...otherwise Kramous will get you and you'll never see the gates of heaven.
ReplyDeleteTHe only Christmas bad guy we have is the Grinch
ReplyDeleteAh yes. Does he frighten the kids?
ReplyDeleteSounds a bit like bullying to me.But,they sound like very ancient customs.The church had so much power back then .
ReplyDeleteSome people are just evil,why would you want to scare the shit out of a child to make she/he behave....Now I know what happen to old Dave..if he didn't do all the tarts old Krampus..(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteThe grinch doesn't really frighten kids.They feel they want help him understand Chrisymas.
ReplyDeleteCC.Dave should be terrified of old Krampus.He'll never see the gates of heaven
ReplyDeleteMy freaking mouse doesn't want to work.I'll have to replace it again
ReplyDeleteIt is. But people in rural areas lived and died by the rules of the church. Even nowadys on the first weekend in December the Krampus/Nikolaus are an integral part if every church mass throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteCC.Dave should be terrified of old Krampus.He'll never see the gates of heaven
ReplyDeleteLOL! I was thinking that too....He will go straight into old Beelzebubs sack! YEAH.....and all the fangirls will cry and cry...
I am so very glad I don't live in that country,Oh hell I am catholic.I would just kick his ass and go to confession,he would have a whipped ass and I would be so happy.
ReplyDeleteWell, its one of those traditions that you come to love once you are a bit older. My daughter screamed her lungs out the first time she saw St.Nikolaus/Krampus at the day nursery.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you live in ol Lousiana - don't tell me there is a custom that scares people or reminds them to stay on the right path...
If you don't behave in Louisiana,someone put a voodoo spell on you
ReplyDeleteWell, the cutre little dolls one sticks needles into and wishes death and mayhem upon all the people who have wronged you?
Oh yeah..VOODOO is the go here,but truthfull I have not ever found or seen a thing that scare me..My brothers say I am to mean ,you just have to get me ,but I do thimk like the people in Canada,make love not war.
ReplyDeleteNO my trick is I tell them I will put the evil eye on them,you see not many people have eyes my color,I get akick out of it hahaha
ReplyDeleteOkay. Since we have the Krampus, "evil eyes" don't scare us too much. But "evil eye" sounds definitely very good.
ReplyDeletedoes that scare them CC?DO they run away from you and your evil eye?
ReplyDeleteNaw..they say I am full of crap and laugh there ass off.
ReplyDeleteSis says the Only person these eyes have worked a spell on is Gil.
ReplyDeleteSis is right.He is head over heels in love with you.Enjoy every moment of that.
ReplyDeleteIt has lasted 8 years?And it it stronger than ever.Wonderful
Jeannie ,Gil said he is going to write you a thank you note as soon as possible, he is in court now ,handling up on Josh Bolin,he got it off till Jan.
ReplyDeletewhen ever the celebrities come to town and get in trouble ,which most of them do,his firm handles it for them,Josh Bolin was arrested here at the Stray Cats Bar when they was filmimg "W" He got it postpone until Jan.
ReplyDeleteIs his firm the only firm in town? Or does he have such a good reputation that they all seek his help? If yes - congrats!
ReplyDeleteWhy was he arrested CC???
ReplyDeleteWhy would Gil want to thank me???
ReplyDeleteI,m going to nip over to Vix's blog and leave a comment..luv..luv
ReplyDeleteNo there is a lot of firms here;he was doing it in Reno,when he move here He was with the production company here.Josh was arrested for fighting at the Stray cat bar,Josh and his crew....most of them get in trouble,Gary Dougdoun in Bearnice,La. you would be supprise,and yes he is good,well all of them are.
ReplyDeleteGil says your take on a plea to gil.