Why is Brad drinking so much? Friends says Brad is trying to escape troubles at home. Brad Pitt had flown to New York to attend the premiere of the movie he co-produced, "The Time Traveler's Wife", but he obviously had other priorities on his mind, when shortly after arriving at his hotel, he arranged to meet a friend at the bar. Away from Angelina Jolie and their six children. Brad was looking to have some fun and blow off steam, explains one of the actors pals. Hours later , guests at the premiere saw a sight thats become all to familiar these days---Brad visibly tipsy,he slurred his words and was wobby, says a eyewitness at the August 12th event.
At the after party held at Manhattan's Rouge Tomate restaurant, Brad was the life of the party, shares an insider, who saw Brad toss back several cocktails. "It's very shocking to see an A-Lister actor that drunk." A pal points out ,Brad has never been a teetotaler.The 45-year -old seems to be drinking more than ever lately.
Recently Brad said , "I'm just a drunk."He was only joking , many are saying it's no laughing matter.
" Brad's drinking is becoming a worry", reveals one of his close friends,
" everyone is talking about it."
Brad made a spectacle of himself at the after party for the Berlin premiere of "Inglorious Bastards" getting so drunk that he had to be escorted home.Though he seem to be in control at the L.A. premiere of his film, his pals says that was only because Angelina was with him. There are two Brads, the pal explains.There is the Brad who is responsible father of his six kids, and there is the other Brad, who's a frat boy looking to have fun.
Brad's drinking is making for even more tenison between him and his partner. "The Brad that Angelina fell in love with isn't the Brad he is now," says the pal, who adds that Angelina is so turned off by Brads drinking that she almost finds it offensive. A light social drinker, Angelina worries that Brad's drinking is taking him away from the family. A pal says Angelina recently gave all the liguor in their L.A. house away, to send Brad a message. It isn't a message he's ready to hear--especially considering their frequent fights,according to a source. Angelina refused to go to the premiere of "The Time Traveler's Wife because Brad had initially bought it as a vehicle for himself and his then wife Jennifer Aniston. Jen called to wish him luck and Angelina went through the roof.
Brad admits he was a stoner..Brad's drinking may have gotton worse in recent months, but he claims he's given up another vice--[marijuana]A big smoker in his younger days, Brad says he's glad he quit because, "I was turning into a damn doughnut, really."
He told talk show host Bill Maher he stopped because he's a dad now." You want to be alert, and my eyes used to be glazed over when I did pot."
But Quentin Tarantino tells a different story, revealing that the "coolest"thing Brad did when they met in France was pull out a brick of hashish and give him a piece of it.
My take on this: A word to the wise...I am wishing the best for Angelina/Brad, because of the children. Angie , everyone knows you are a homewrecker, and you deserve what you get, but for the sake of the kids , I hope you make it. Once they have tasted the forbidden fruit, there is no stopping them, you may have to get your babies and run like the devil was on your tail.You can take a mule to water , but you can't make him a drunk....been there ,did that, next time get a man of your own. Jen may have been glad you took the drunk off her hands. But hey, thats just me. Stay tuned: the saga continues.
What a waste of a gorgeous hunk.He's quite a nice guy too.
ReplyDeleteI hope he doesn't go the way of Mel Gibson and become a drunk and a nutbar.
Hope you are having a great evening PIC,
I don't think he's as crazy as Mel.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
Sometime I think he misses Jen and the life he had with her.
ReplyDeleteBrad is really stressed out, going from a happy go lucky guy to a father of 6 in a couple of years.
Six kids will do that to you.
ReplyDeleteI hope one day Jen and Brad will get back together. Nobody could get as crazy as mad Max.
ReplyDeleteLife with Angie is probabaly chaotic too.He does miss Jen.She was his soul mate and he's probably just realized it.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jen will ever really love again.
Jen seems to be blundering from relationship to relationship,getting hurt over and over.
ReplyDeleteShe'll never find the perfect relationship.
I could stick pins in those two people for what they did to Jaycee and her to kids, I hope it's not to late for her to have a good life, I know it will be hard.
ReplyDeleteHe's staying with Angie for the sake of the kids.He gets drunk to let off steam and relax from all the stress he has in his life at home.
ReplyDeleteHer life is fucked.Too many formative years spent in bondage.Her kids are fucked too.God knows what they have been exposed to.They must be kept out of the public eye now.
ReplyDeleteThey were perfect together..what can you expect from Angie, she was married to Billy Bob Thornton.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason Brad is still with Angie is the kids, and they will suffer in the long run.
I've read about a number of these cases and I cannot get a handle on the wives of these guys.They are enablers.They go along with it.For fuck's sake why???
ReplyDeleteBilly Bob Thornton is a walking talking nut-job.Anyone married to him has to be a nut-job too.Angie is a fruit-cake in her own right.There's nothing normal about her.I wish I had her pillow lips though.I wonder if her other lips are all puffy too.
ReplyDeleteNan found me an article today , it happen right here in Shreveport, it is a very nice article , I am trying to catch up with the people.
ReplyDeletePIC you are a riot, I will ask Brad next time I see him.
ReplyDeleteThey say Octo-mom had a little nip/tuck on her lips to look like Angie.
ReplyDeleteNan is a good source.I wish she was still a mole over at 'you know who's'.When I stumbled on her over there, I had no idea what she was up to and I blew her cover.
ReplyDeleteOctomom and Mel's squeeze,Oksana, look so much alike it's scary.Maybe they both wanted to look like Angie.
ReplyDeleteI think Brian would like puffy lips on me,top and bottom.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll get them all inflated.
Octomom is a nutbar too.Have you noticed we are surrounded by crazies thes days?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are the sane ones and we are crazy.
If Octomom or Mel or Joe Jackson decide to run for president,I stongly suggest you leave the country and come up here where people are still normal...mostly.
ReplyDeleteIt's a story about two sisters finding their brother and he was living accross the street and the three of them became friends. Their mom gave him up when she was 16.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get home till after ten and I need a shower so I'll sign of at 11:30 (10:30 your time)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I used to talk to Vix who was three hours earlier than me.Sometimes we were still talking at 4:00 in the morning.
I have heard of that story.It would be perfect for the blog,a nice human interest story.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about blowing my cover I have a lot of ways to get there if she do or say something I don't like.
Dojo is after Sharon Harvey saying she is like Heidi. Why should it matter to her if the lady know David or not. The fool woman twitters.
You and Vix could talk about all kinds off things.
ReplyDeleteMe...all I know to talk about is me and my family. Sorry but thats all I know.
I will try to get more human interest stories ..if not I will post poems and recipes.
I hope you really have a wonderful time out tomorrow with the "ROCK" and tell Dale to eat a couple of fishes for me.
ReplyDeleteDale will eat a couple of dozen fishes for you Sweetheart.He sure appreciates good food.He likes eating out most of the time.
ReplyDeleteHe has broken a lot of chairs in our house.
Nan I don't understand why Dodo is hounding that poor woman .Surely she isn't doing anyone any harm.
ReplyDelete10:30 my time.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the rest of your holiday and we will talk later.
I will say goodnite and hope all your dreams come true.
Nee,you and I have a lot more fun than Vix.You and I are often on the exact same wavelength.
ReplyDeleteShe used to get on my nerves badly at times.She was a nut job and she was obsessed.
Thankyou Nee.I will report back to you just how many fishes Dale eats.You will be shocked ,I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteHave a good night and you too Nan....Luv and God Bless...J
Maybe so Jeannie , but sometimes I feel like you wishshe was here instead of me.
ReplyDeleteIf you truly believe that of me, after all the time and effort I have put into our partnership and friendship, then, perhaps we are both wasting our time.
ReplyDeleteI thought we had something quite special.