Funny Comments
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get the milk for free. Here's an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.
Men are like....
1. Men are like Laxatives. They irritate the crap out of you.
2 Men are like Bananas . The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like Weather . Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like Blenders You need one, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like Commercials . You can't believe a word they say.
6. Men are like Department Stores ... Their clothes are always 1/2 off!
7. Men are like .. Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
8. Men are like .. Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
9. Men are like Popcorn . They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
10. Men are like Snowstorms . You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
11 . Men are like Lava Lamps . Fun to look at, but not very bright.
12. Men are like Parking Spots All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
[giggles] You are so right again PIC... but we just can't do without a good man...ain't we glad we found our's..I told my man today if he didn't straighten up and fly right , I was going to trade him in on a newer model.
ReplyDeleteThen I gave him a big hug and tols him I was just kidding.
How are you and everyone? I know you enjoyed the twins today. Are they going to spend the night? I know they had Nana smiling.
ReplyDeletePIC...where are you? I will just make hay til the sun shines.
ReplyDeleteGood girl.I guess they're okay sometimes.I get fed-up with their bullshit.I hear what assholes they are from other women.I don't know how women can put up with some of the infantile things I hear from friends.
ReplyDeleteA lady I know told me she found out her boyfriend was having an affair for a year.She confronted him.He said he was having a problem deciding which woman he wanted more.He suggested they become a threesome so he could keep both of them and he was serious...Hi PIC
I would try to cut his balls off, that man has some big ones...what gall.
ReplyDeleteI love Brian but he is full of shit.Sometimes it starts leaking out all over him.What a child.
ReplyDeleteOKAY!I'm over it now.In a great mood.Asshole's in the other room watching America's got talent.
If I were that lady, I would have kicked him in the balls...Just like old Joe did MJ.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do when you're horny but you can't stand your husband at the moment?
ReplyDeleteMy ass-ho;e is watching America got Talent also. They are full of shit a lot of time, but they won't pull that crap...
ReplyDeleteWell I am over mine too, ready for some fun.
I go take a long hot bubble bath and pretend he's not there and cry real tears.
ReplyDeleteShe just told him to enjoy his lover but she intended to make him pay through the nose.They have a house together.He loves that house and the way she keeps it and he loves her cooking and the way she takes care of him.
ReplyDeleteShe figures she's more like a mother or a housekeeper and the other woman was for wild sex so they both had their uses. He stands to lose a lot.
Our men are very lucky to have us.
ReplyDeleteI told my man if he ever started that mid-life-crisis shit, I was going to take my skillet and beat the shit back into him and he would be 3" 1" tall when I finish.
Those twins are sweet boys.Jaye tires me out more than they do.She likes to shop when she comes to my town.We had a nice day.We had torrential rain while we were in the mall.We were trapped there for more than half an hour before it slowed down enough for me to drive(no visibility)The streets were flooded when we came out .The storm drains couldn't handle it.I hope Steve didn't get flooded again.
ReplyDeleteI hope she takes him for all she can get. She won't be happy knowing for a fact that he's sleeping with her, and he may have others that she may not know about.
ReplyDeleteI tried, but nothing I got out without being bruised to badly...but I sure hurt his pocket book.
I had a dream once,I caught Brian in bed with another woman.He was huffing and puffing over her.I dragged him off and started kicking him and screaming at him.He kept saying he could explain.
ReplyDeleteI woke up crying my eyes out.
Do you think it means I'm insecure.
Or does it mean I think Brian is an asshole who doesn't honor his committment?
ReplyDeleteI hope Steve is O.K. maybe you will hear from soon, but as they say , no news is good news, Steve don't need anymore.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't get any today, but we will before morning.
Nana is okay.She still thinks I caused the blackout.(The whole city blacked out for a few moments.)But we have a good system in our province. We seldom lose power for more than a few moments.
ReplyDeleteNana enjoyed the twins.They did some fancy karate moves for her.
No I don't believe you are insecure.
ReplyDeleteI do believe Brian honors his committments. it took him a month just to get up the nerve just to call you.
I think you had a bad dream.
I also thinks we see so many crazy men and get to wondering about ours.
Wouldn't it be nice if the twins lived closer, and Nana could see them everyday. Nana would really enjoy them.She always do.
ReplyDelete[giggles] I am so glad yours was just a dream. Remember me telling you I caught my "EX" ass in the air and I sneaked into the kitchen and got my skillet. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI guess you're right.It shook my confidence.I never dreamed such a thing before.
ReplyDeleteAs you get older you lose a bit of your self image.You start to lose your looks and your sexy body and you don't feel so confident.
When anonymous visits again, I am going to call her/him "ONTARIO".
ReplyDeleteWhat you think?
If it happened to me in real life like it happened to you,I don't think I could handle it.
ReplyDeleteThat's cute.Do it.
ReplyDeleteNow you just listen, you have not lost anything...don't you know Brian sees you the same as he did. You see him the same, I think men don't show their feeling like we do.
ReplyDeleteNo,Brian doesn't show his feelings well.He'll make a joke at an inappropriate moment.Instead of comforting you he'll keep trying to fix your problems.They like to fix things.It's more logical than just holding you and letting you cry.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't handle it,I was so hurtI was out trere all anlone and I couldn't understand why, I was a good wife and supported him when he started drugs and drinking,But just look at me now, I am the better for it.
ReplyDeleteNow this one I got now, I get he got all his running out off his system and very smart. But like I told him he fuck up on me and he's the one that will lose everything.
I have my babies and he can't make any more.
I know what you mean, Gil can say something and thinks that should fix everything, but it don't, I know he loves me,but the fool didn't even notice I had lost 9lbs'3 inches off my waist and 2off my hips.
ReplyDeleteThe smartest thing you ever did was get out of that marriage.A lot of gals try to stick it out.They just get devastated over and over again.
ReplyDeleteOf course it was pretty smart to marry Gil also.
What a coincidenceI've lost about eight pounds and Brian hasn't noticed....HA!What a pair of dorks.
ReplyDeleteI wannted to see what Gil had, but I was afraid,he's been in and around the enterment business all his life and comong her ,I figure he just wanted something to play with and it wasn't going to be me,that's why I told him I wasn't going to f**k him to keep my job.
ReplyDeleteThe fool asked me did I want to make a bet, he wasn't only going to get in my pants , he was going to marry me.
Awwwshit,I am going to spank Gilly's little musty butt, he has me saying all kinds of crap.
ReplyDeleteWow,that's confidence for you.You gotta hand it to the guy,he was right as usual.
ReplyDeleteI meant entertainment business ,and knew his way around women.
ReplyDeleteWhat's Gilly doing?Whatever it is I'll bet it's cute.
ReplyDeleteGil's got confidence,he know what he want and go after it. He says that why a person should always be themselves, if you got it others will see it, If you are smart you don't have to tell everyone you meet, He know he is smart. but when you act like you know everythng people will just think you are a stupid nerd and there's no fun in that.
ReplyDeleteGilly is on the floor trying to get his pants off,he's gone back to his daddy .
ReplyDeleteDad told me he would ask Gil why he hadn't married and he said when he saw the woman he wanted to settle down with he'll marry her.
ReplyDeleteI bet he is one cute little guy.And already trying to take his pants off.That's a habit he'll keep all his life.Brian loves taking his pants off.
ReplyDeleteGil is right.Bragging is not cool.The less you say about yourself the more respect you garner.
Sis said ...what dad told her of Gil's mom, she was a quiet lady down to earth and a school-teacher, didn't care for the fancy life style was more of a homemaker, she helped him when they was starting out in the casino business, his brothers and their wives, aunt Mae and her husband.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Gil takes after his mom more than his dad?He seems a more quiet type.Intellectual and enjoys his family and his home.
ReplyDeleteGil sleeps in the nude . I forgot to tell you ,ant long ago,Gil was going to take a bath with Gilly, I guess Gilly seen his dangle and grabbed it ,you could hear Gil calling me to get him. I laugh so hard.I asked him was he going to let him take a bath with him ..he said hell no.
ReplyDeleteI think he takes after his mom from the way he talks about her, he say she would have picked me out for him. I think she died when he was about 40.
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny.That Gilly is a joker.He just wanted to ring it like a bell.
ReplyDeleteBrian used to have twin babies on either side of the toilet watching him pee.
I can't wait for you to see my bad ass baby . Everyone here is into videos, I don't think any one owns a camera if they do they don't have any film.
ReplyDeleteI bet that was so cute ,and men think nothing of their boys seeing them.
ReplyDeleteYou can always mail me a copy.I would love that above all things.
ReplyDeleteI love babies.They are pure and completely honest.
I'll put some more photos in drafts for you in a day or two.
I emailed my phone number.Did you get it?
ReplyDeleteGilly is a very happy baby, I potty train Jill, Gil says he will have Gilly potty train by the time he a year old..
ReplyDeletePut him on the potty and Gilly sit for about 20/30 minutes and did nothing, so Gil put his diaper on and about 5 mintues Gilly let go.
When? Just now? I will check. hold always tell me when I got mail.
ReplyDeleteI think Gilly was giving his dad a message.I'll shit where I want to.I'll let you know when I want to be potty trained.
ReplyDeleteI emailed it to you a couple of days ago.Maybe it didn't get through.I put it inside a little cartoon of a bundle of dynamite.
ReplyDeleteNo didn't get it.
ReplyDeleteWas it from commentbaby.
ReplyDeleteYes,I believe so.
ReplyDeleteI reckon I'll go do a post now.I think I'll stay home tomorrow and do stuff around the house.So I might check in during the day.
ReplyDeleteHave a good night Sweetie.I'm glad you and Gil are all right again.Sleep well..Your friend and PIC...J
I got an e-mail from them and they said my friend Jeannie had sent me their address, they always had something new, told me to cut and paste to my brower I did and when there it was the same as when you goggle it.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite PIC
ReplyDeleteNo more bad dreams....Have a good one see you later...LUV...PIC
So you didn't get my address?I'll send it again without the fancy stuff...Night luv