Meanwhile , the 45-year-old former beauty queen --[Sarah was runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska pagent] is trying to keep a lid on her marital split for finanical and political reasons, sources say. The couple has made a pact to publicly hide their divorce .Darling of the most conservative elements of the Republican Party, she's in line for big money deals with books, talk shows and speaking appearances. She's raked in a whopping $ 11 million advance for one book she is currently writing , and is also a top contender to run for the President in 2012. Another Web site , AlsakaReport.com, claims "multiple sources in Sarah's hometown of "Wasilla" and the state capitol of "Anchorage" have confirmed the split.
According to the AlaskaReport.com a story about Sarah's alleged affair with "Brad Hanson" in 1996 is behind the recent collaspe of her marriage and har decision to quit her governor's job.At the time Todd was away working in the oil fields, while Hanson was a city councilman in the nearby town of Palmer and Sarah was in Wasilla. Jim Burdett, a former Hanson family member says, Todd found out abut the affair and was so mad he broke up their partnership at a snow-mobile dealership. While Palin and Hanson have strongly denied the affair,the explosive story led to the deterioration of the Palins marriage and the stress from the scandal led to her resignation as governor of Alaska, says blogger Gyrphen.
Another source say's all of Alaska is abuzz about Sarah and Todd.
Sarah has overpowered Todd--and he can't keep up with her anymore. Todd was great as a high school boyfriend and then as a husband while she was a small town mayor and even governor. But now Sarah turned into a superstar with huge political ambitions--and she's leaving him in her dust.Still the source says , that it is unlikely the Palins will divorce anytime soon and they have cut a secert deal "to avoid wrecking her political ambitions. A divorce can be political suicide, says the source. They'll probably stay married through 2012 when Sarah's political future will be sealed, one way or the other.
As if Sarah didn't have enough to worry about ! Levi Johnston,19. the hunky hockey-playing ex of her daughter Bristol, is looking to get into showbiz--and he's planning on spilling the beans about the "Palin" clan . "Levi's working on a tell all" , his sister Mercede says. "He knows all the family's deep, dark secerts, and Sarah is pertrified about how badly some of his revelations could hurt her political career. She's already tried to put it out there that my family exaggerates and lies, because she is so scared of what he might say, but Sarah is a hypocrite, and she brought it on herself." Levi will also be featured in an upcoming issue of "Vanity Fair".
My take on this crap: There were rumors about an ethics investigation--in which an independent investigator found that Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal fees. And still hanging over her head,even more stress as she comes to grips with her failing marriage. Sarah take some advice in the spirit that it is given....you will have to grow up and learn how to manage your family, let the ones more suited run the country. Stay tuned: to be continued.
Post Script to my partner's conclusion: This is a living example of how Sarah may have handled the affairs of the country. Should we count ourselves lucky that she never had the opportunity??
....Your friend...Jeannie.
You guys are lucky that this gal didn't become your vice president and possibly your president.God knows where you would be right now but there would have been a lot of squabbling going on.
ReplyDeleteHi Pic,glad to have you back.
HI PIC I am glad to be back, just put Gilly down now I am on my own.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou can see why Cindy McCann called her a hick and the reason they brought her some clothes, the guys look fine, she and girls look like the shop at a thrift store.
ReplyDeleteYeah you're right,they look tacky.
ReplyDeleteI sure like your Post Script, you hit the nail on the head.Someone put some pictures of her 15 year old daughter on myspace drinking booze and smoking pot.Sarah can't run her house how can she run a country?
ReplyDeleteHow you doing? How's Nana and Brian?
ReplyDeleteI laugh when you told Nan we needed a blizzard here.I would sent my babies home with Sis and Dad and stay in bed and let my man play with the choochie.[giggles]
I like your post on MJ's doctor, I left a comment and gave "Murray" a new name. HA!!
ReplyDeleteI tried to stay off the MJ subject but every day there is a new story that sounds intriguing.
ReplyDeleteI'll do something different tonight even if I have to make it up.
Painting going well,new washer and dryer arrived today.The guy who is going to put in new windows is coming in a couple of days.
I'll be here tomorrow night but Saturday We're going to Bayfield or Owen Sound for a day trip.And Sunday we're going to Port Dover with Dale and Barb for a fish fry.They are well known for their fresh water fish frys.We love them.It's an all you can eat situation.You'd be amazed how much Dale can eat.
Doctor Death is a great name for him.If you scroll down a bit you'll see I wrote a post on Michaels last moments.I list all the drugs that guy administered to MJ that night.I was apalled and sickened that the guy was pumping all these things into Mj every night.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are doing something on this holiday if only for a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteYou always enjoy Barb and Dale, that is so good to hear.
I think the MJ articles are good stuff. He's news, there is a lot more out there.
Lordy ,I meant the post script on the Palin post.It was a great spin, I always like it when you add something..."THANKS"
ReplyDeleteMJ and a lot of the A-List actors and actress are good for us, the search engines picks up up, so we can never go wrong with MJ and the rest of them and a little spice every now and then.
ReplyDeleteJust google [fun to be bad] don't put the rest on there and see what you get, I came across it by acccident.
Glad to hear you have almot everything finish. Now you can enjoy the rest of your holiday.How long do Brian have?
ReplyDeleteI took Nana to the doctor's today.Her blood tests are okay. She was having pretty extreme heart palpitations that were making her weak and dizzy.They put her on Digoxin and that seems to have levelled it out some.Her heart could go any time now.
ReplyDeleteShe's pleased about it.It's like you have said,she wants to go to him.
Brian's pretty good.Justin came by to help Brian lift some heavy stuff today and of course eat and borrow the truck and hit me up for gas money.Brian is taking it slow and likes to still feel useful.
ReplyDeleteJaye and Pete and boys just got back from a little holiday in Midland on Georgian Bay.The boys adore staying in hotels and bugging room service.
I know it is tearing you up inside to know you may lose Nana at any time.
ReplyDeletePeople is so quick to say they know how you feel , but they lie.I will pray that you be strong and I am so glad Brian is there for you, Brian truly is your "ROCK". the two of you have been through a lot together.
Justin is a character and you love every minute of it, and you love feeding him too.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Brian is taking it slow. Tell him what he don't get done to day will still be there tomorrow.
It is so good that the grands like helping, so many don't.
I bet the twins had a great time, I am happy to hear Jaye/Pete/twins got away.
Brian is my 'rock'.He's never broken a promise to any of us.When the going gets tough ,he's there for us.He's a good friend to have
ReplyDeletePIC...those boys are very smart and got their heads on straight.
ReplyDeleteYou tell Dale to eat enough fresh fish for me,boy I love white perch, hell I like all fresh water fish.
Have you ever had any gator tail?
Girl, you got it made..let's see now, hubby--lover--friend and someone to bring home the bacon.
ReplyDeleteOh yes ...to take out the trash.[giggles]
I love Justin.You'd love him.He's such a sweet guy.He'd do anything for us.He's very laid back.He just got back from a holiday in Florida and he always buys us presents when he goes on a trip.
ReplyDeleteHe's a sports nut.He scored well at the golf tournament.
He's coming back with some friends to tear up an old patio for us.He works for food.
He's lost some weight though.I wonder if he has a woman in his life.He likes the ladies.
I also forgot he's good at poking and tap-dancing ..I am hot and bad tonight. HA !!
ReplyDeleteYes ,I think you and I are both lucky.We have guys who take care of us and try to make us happy.Guys we can lean on.
ReplyDeleteAnd,they're pretty good in the sack too.
Brian is good at tap dancing in the sack but on the dance floor he's hopeless.I may put a picture of him dancing with Nana at Al's wedding in drafts for you and you can see he looks dorky and geeky when dancing.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever watched Seinfeld and happened to see Elaine dance, then you know how Jaye dances,especially when she has had a little wine.She used to look like Elaine too.Same hair.
ReplyDeleteI bet he has some ladies, He may be on the go so he don't get a home cooked meal to often.
ReplyDeleteI know he is a sweetheart, all your kids sound wonderful, they don't mind working and they all want something out of life. As I have always said ..the nut don't fall to far from the tree.
We read about them everyday,you have to have a strong back-ground to raised your kids right, just look at the Spears for openers.
I'm not sure what the Spears did wrong but they sure fucked up their kids,eh.?
ReplyDeleteIt's so simple.Tons of love but with discipline.
Oh, and I forgot,tie bells on them so you know where they are at all times...HA!
ReplyDeleteI rather have a guy thats great in the sack and know how to make the choochie pop. hahaha.I seen Elaine dance,she's cute.
ReplyDeleteGil is a great dancer, I guess he had to be coming from Nevada. I am trying to teach him how to snake-hip..hahaha
The bells come in handy. I got into stuff a lot but Sis and daddy would let me know whats up, I am so thankful now for the training I got, I want the best for my kids and like Sis told me I would be raised like my mama wanted me raise. For that I am thankful.
ReplyDeleteHow does one "snakehip'?
ReplyDeleteYour mama knows that you turned out okay and she's proud of you.
ReplyDeleteShe's also pleased as Punch that you had those babies.
Do you think I could make some money on a tell all book on my ex ?
ReplyDeleteWhat does gator tail taste like?Don't tell me it tastes like chicken.I won't believe you.
ReplyDeleteI've had a few exotic meats: moose,horsemeat,porcupine,bear,seal,shark,whale,squid and eel.They were all either too gamey or too fatty.
But porcupine was delicious.
Yes you could."Tell All" books are what the public wants.DO you have enough information to fill a book??
ReplyDeleteYou twist your hips and kinda shake your booty as you go to across the floor to him, it's an old voodoo dance. Gil says he do that to me all the time, he just don't cross the floor.
ReplyDeleteIs he well known enough?What's his name?
ReplyDeleteSo GIl is an old "SNakehips" huh?
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny because that was my Dad's nickname.
No I don't have enough information, when things got bad I got out of there in a hurry, I tried for about 1 year,I couldn't handle it, if I had stayed I wouuld have killed him . He was a good man until the big bucks starting rilling in.
ReplyDeleteGator tail taste like shrimp just stronger in texture and taste.
Did your Dad dance, I bet he and Nana danced great together.
ReplyDeleteI would like gator tail.I also like crayfish.
ReplyDeleteWhen you get enough information to write a tellall biography. I would be happy to edit for you.I've been well trained in editing.
ReplyDeleteOr if you prefer,my daughter is a newspaper editor.She is a professional.Can't beat that.
Nana was a fabulous dancer.She made the major look good.But he was called Snakehips by Nana for a different reason.
ReplyDeleteJust like I call Brian the Rock for a couple of different reasons.
ReplyDeleteI got knocked off, send you an e-mail.
ReplyDeleteOkay I'll go check
ReplyDeleteI bet I know why on both counts. No I can't beat having you both.
ReplyDeleteWe had a good life here for 5/6 years,but it was not meant to be,we was married for 11 years.
Okay Sweetie,Grab a few winks and I'll see you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThe Hollywood scene is not what it's cut out to be, a lot of glitter and no substance,Some can make it and some let it go to their heads.
ReplyDeletePS. Eleven years was a big chunk of your life.That must have been a very traumatic time for you.When you make such a big emotional committment a divorce can really damage your psyche.It takes a long time to recover.
ReplyDeleteNight ....don't let the bedbugs bite,unless it's LS....luv J
ReplyDeleteGoodnite dear friend and I will see you tomorrow as we say down here...see you later gator.
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams and good snuggling with the rock. LOVE...PIC...NEE