Controversy has followed Rebecca.In 2001, Rebecca pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter after she struck and killed a 9-year-old boy while driving , allegedly as she talked on a cell phone. A friend of rebecca said , that after the tragedy, the actress "really headed south emotionally". Then in June of this year, a photo of Rebecca nude in a bathtub while using what appeared to be a crack pipe was printed in a tabloid.Her friends says, that since that since the release of the unsavory pictrre- thaken in 2003, the year before she married Eric--the actress has been left in an " emotionally fragile" state. Rebecca was grief-stricken about it. The embrassing photo was taken during some of her darker days, says the friend, and it has been reported that she entered rehab shortly thereafter. Rebecca has made incredible strides in her life since then.
After the incident, Eric, has tried to help his wife nurse her wounds, but it has added more etress to the coyple's marriage, which was already suffering as a result of their repeated failed efforts to conceive a child. The friend says. Rebecca and Eric have been working hard to fix their relationship, so the scandalous new video came at a particularly tough time. Even though she did this with her husband, it is not something she is okay with. She is truly sobar and wants to have a family. The friend once said, Eric,36, and his wife Rebecca, 38, appeared to be living a glamorous life together in Hollywood desipte struggles with her very troubled past.
My take on this: To you Eric , I say bull-shit, you are trying to help Rebecca, you knew Rebecca was a mess when you married her, Eric knows any publicityis better than none and the more notorious it is the better. Anything to keep you in the limelight...huh Eric...Rebecca, hon, in one of your sober moments, you better make a run for it as if the devil was on your heels.
Stay tuned: to be continued.