Saturday, January 03, 2009

Fun in the sun in the sea 2

Oh, please!
After we had to see Donatella Versace in a Bikini last week with her skin slipping South we thought we had seen it all. That it couldn't get any worse.
However, today we were proven wrong.
Fact is it can.
Look at the picture and watch Amy Whinehouse doing a Michael Jackson.
Obviously, Amy's cake is itcing. Sometimes, simple things like a hot shower and some soap can produce relief...
(Click on picture to enlarge!!!)


  1. Sand in the crotch can be very uncomfortable.And,some beaches have those little sand fleas.

    Dave would scratch it for her.

  2. Anonymous6:22:00 PM

    Well, even IF one could remove the alleged sand less publicily. Scratching your cake this way in public just looks tacky. No something we daughters of the Mayflower ever would do.
    But then, Wino never showed any manners and style. I guess, that must be theBritish blood on her (sorry Jeannie, no offense)

  3. Anonymous7:51:00 PM

    She nssds to be carried to a car-wash get hose down,money can't buy style/class/respect.Anyway Dave will screw anything.

  4. Anonymous8:08:00 PM

    Right. The sad thing is, that at the beginning of her career she looked like a normal, attractive English girl. Now, after years of doing drugs she is a human wreck.

  5. Anonymous8:47:00 PM

    Hell wonder do she know my ex. heard he was seperated again?

  6. Was he separated from his second wife,or has he had others?

  7. I'm going to do a post about Travolta's son.Very sad .Parents adored him.

  8. Anonymous9:15:00 PM

    Sad, but those things happen. Just like one year ago Anna Nicole Smith and her son - he died suddenly as well.

  9. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    that would be great,do one on John's family,he is a nice guy so i'm told.
    Ron has so many women,he don't know who's on first.

  10. Anonymous9:31:00 PM

    But he is also a Scientologist.

  11. Anonymous1:58:00 AM

    Ron has so many women,he don't know who's on first.

    Does he ever mix up their names? Y


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