What happens when someone overestimates her own importance?
What happens when someone has her head so high up David Caruso's ugly bony arse that she isn't able to differentiate between her hallucinations and reality anymore? Read and be amused...
A few days ago we wrote an article about Crazy Tinkerbell aka Lacyleanne. Somehow nitwit dojo must have come across it assuming that it can only be HER that is talked about . Can we all say DELUSIONAL?????
It also prompted her to deliver the following sorry excuse of writing which we have the pleasure to rip apart . As always, dojos hallucinations makes little sense:
Is she referring to moi? Assuming the answer's in the affirmative, we'll address this to her:Heidi, we assume you're referring to us:
WHO is Heidi? WHY should anyone refer to you? Do you see yourself as crazy and bipolar? Good. Maybe you are. LOL
(a) How cute. You've once again boomeranged our tag for you; then tagged us (and David Caruso) with definitive terms applicable only to you.
HUH? How cute indeed. Does anybody really think anything you say has merrit? Does anybody really take anything you say seriously? Could you possibly be so narcissistic as to believe your readers don't read our blog as well? Wake up, nitwit .You're out on that floe alone.
(b) You can't possibly be so delusional as to think we would read your blogs.
Sweetcheeks , we highly doubt anyone reads YOUR blog.
Who's Monroe? Since you defend him/her, we have to believe it's someone who mimics your despicable diatribe. Does he employ the same gutterspeak and pornographic photos?
Despícable diatribe? We are assuming you are talking about the crap that you post day in day out and that keeps us amused to no end.
(c) No, Sweet Cheeks, no one walks on water, as you once believed David Caruso did. He is not a god, a saint, or a devil. We're not the obsessive one. We don't spend 24/7 either for or against.(d) As we've told you, and the internet world, ad nauseam, we're not here because of David Caruso.
No? You are drooling over that sorry excuse of a human being 24/7. Defending the douchebag and his bad reputation he is so well-known for. Desperately trying for some damage control - albeit with little to no success.
(e) You're carrying on arguments with yourself.
We have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. However, we are always open to try new things.
(f) We have to wonder who you obsessed over prior to David Caruso. He can't be your first. We suspect a long line of discarded psychotic attachments, from childhood forward.
The same here. We have to wonder who YOU obsessed over prior to "Heidemarie Schnitzer" (whoever that may be). We suspect a long line of discarded psychotic attachments, from childhood forward.
So sweetcheeks, it always pays to think before you start blabbering nonsense. Not that this is something new when it comes to you. Fact is you just made a complete fool of yourself. WE LIKE IT. Keep it up, old girl.. we like to make fun of stupid people...LOL!!!
PS: A few days ago KEYSER ripped dojo a new one. Great piece of writing: http://keysersozeslair.blogspot.com/2009/01/is-keysers-existence-worthless-you.html
A very nice post...no holds barred..1/2 punch,sweetie "ALI" would be proud...Ali had the mouth and the moves....
ReplyDeleteWhy do they think you were talking about her,shit she is not interesting...I like Tinkerbell because she will give you a good fight....we do think her for giving us some free "PR"
Thank you Cupcake. I had a good laugh when I read her rant. Things like that happen if someone thinks the world resolves solely around her.
ReplyDeleteDojo ...who? LOL
Her world is very small and getting smaller...now what is dojo's claim to fame,hubby kin to Dave,well big suprise..so is mine,I am not going to defend him...because he don't deserve it,if I could find another site where they are bashing his sorry ass I would be over there like a light.....
ReplyDeleteNitwit Dojo's only claim to fame is that she is obsessed with BOTH -fugtard Caruso and that Schnitzer-woman. She is just a loon like sarakanne.
ReplyDeleteShe is wannabe who plays to a very very small crowed of peasants. Not really someone to take seriously.
Cupcake - so would I.
The most ironic thing is that Crazy Tinkerbell aka Lacyleanne almost got an orgasm because nitwit dojo mentioned her in one of her posts.
ReplyDeleteIf this the worst case of being desperate for some attention that I have come across. And I have seen alot. LOL.
Just lets hope the crazy bipolar bat doesn't forget to take her meds....LOL.