* A hobo
* Yeti
* Joaquin Phoenix
We can't decide which is worse- the front view of or the back view. When he took off his knit cap it became evident that his matted and unwashed hair is forming dreadlocks. Maybe he quit acting to become a musician because he figured rockstars don't have to bathe. Anyway, we're sure his female fans were jolted to see him looking like this when he performed at LAVO at The Palazzo in Las Vegas. Rumor has it he's planning to record with the British band The Charlatans.
(Source: http://janetcharltonshollywood.com/gossip/joaquin_phoenix/joaquin_phoenix_needs_a_bath_20090117.php)
What happened to the good looking actor we saw on "Gladiator" and "Walk the line"? Is it just us, or do we suddenly feel the need to scratch? YUCK!
What happened to the good looking actor we saw on "Gladiator" and "Walk the line"? Is it just us, or do we suddenly feel the need to scratch? YUCK!
Do we have to have Dave as a fixture on our blog? He has enough sites to be on...I think he's cute,but not for here...it ruins the pictures that Jeannie puts up for Partners in Crime,I think its great to have a post about him every once in a while,he don't belong here. But thats just me.Jean`ne
ReplyDeleteNo, not really. I just meant it as a JOKE. Since we talked about bottom-feeders, shrimps etc. yesterday. RELAX.
ReplyDeleteCUTE? Cupcake?
ReplyDeleteI really was talking about Tinker,I had no idea that ugly bastard was getting a heads up here,the blog is very pretty now,and that ugly bastard ruins the whole set-up....
ReplyDeleteRELAX, cupcake. RELKAX. LOL. I'm working on it...LOL
ReplyDeleteVix...you are right about one thing ..."JOAGUIN " really do smell.
ReplyDeleteNow that's my girl. He looks terrible. Alcohol and depression. Never a good mixture.
ReplyDeleteWhen he was here about 3/4 years ago,the housekeepers wanted to hose the suite down,I have met a lot of these rags to riches people,most are all alike,don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.As I have stated so many times money can't buy class/respect.
ReplyDeleteAnd as always, you are right Cupcake. But it is a shame, really. Because Joaquin has talent.
ReplyDeleteAll his family is very talented,I also met a lot of celebrities in L.A. when I lived there with my ex. Vix ,a lot of them are not prizes...I was reading some of your comments on DCV trying to catch up,Angela has really lost sight on reality,you have to play the cards you are dealt,you have to make it better,sure girls is shy,around boys,speaking aloud in class, shy is not being dumb,sweetie I don't know how you stand it...
ReplyDeleteCUTE....VIX....Thats exactly what you get if you fuck with the"PARTNERS in CRIME" a good dose of "HELL" be very careful how you tread,we take no prisoners,known fact...you have been warned,so enter at your own risk. (GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteYou are right, CUPCAKE. And i can't find anything endearing in playing the class clown either. Caruso´s constant need for attention is mind-boggling.
ReplyDeleteJoaquin is a very good actor.He has that intensity that you only see in an Al Pacino.It was a loss to the acting profession when he quit.Maybe he'll return someday.
ReplyDeleteYes, I liked to watch his movies. I'll never understand why he really quit acting. Some said it is severe drepression, others said it is alcoholism....
ReplyDeleteJoaquin...the word is he taken a leave,because he was fed up with false-hoods/back-biting that go on in the business...he was on Jon Stewart not long ago,said he might be back...he had found inner peace.Maybe a lot of them need to step back and take a look.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, CUPCAKE does he look like a person that has found INNER PEACE to you?
ReplyDeleteTo me he looks like someone who needs a good shrink and to spend a few week in an addiction-clinic.
Musicians are pretty notorious for drug use.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the best environment for recovery.
Right. Especially with Phoenix's (family) history of drug abuse. He doesn't look too healthy - in body and mind - to me.
ReplyDeleteNo he don't, his words...but then again all of them tell the public what they "THINK" we want to hear,once down that road,you have to strong in body and mind to turn back.
ReplyDeleteJeannie...all the logos are beautiful,I bet our visitors/fans are enjoying them,I know I am...you have a great eye for colors/art/style.
ReplyDeleteI have collected enough graphics now to change them every week.I enjoyed the project.Vix chose the template,quite a soothing one,I thought,and she helped choose the graphics.Thanks Vix.
ReplyDeleteAre you at home now Nee?
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Jeannie...We should settle for two. Leave one permanentely and change the other weekly or every other day.
ReplyDeleteI will be home later arond7 my time,getting my stuff together,I didn't really how much...Yes the layout is very soothing to the eyes,I was tired of the pink shit,Thank you both,we are indded on the go.
ReplyDeleteJeannie - PS. You remember the French person who allegedly has been working in a clinic for years and who left a comment on your dialysis-article?
ReplyDeleteWell, she took permanent residence at Tinkers place. Just to say that I have been right about her in the first place....
Sometimes you have to read between the lines to get to the truth.
What do you think about my suggestion - setting for ONE fairy and changing the other every other day?
The natural works of mother nature is so cool,it good to know she has a sense of humor and likes a little porn .(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI like your idea Vix.Ill put another one up after dinner.
ReplyDeleteVix ..I told you that woman was a bottom feeder,go to any lemgths to have something to talk about..once a stupid ass always a stupid ass.Well she can have our scraps when they fall on the floor,as Jeannie would say...HA!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jeannie. This way we get an artsy touch.
ReplyDeleteI know, Cupcake. It is no big loss...
Nee,tell your Canadian friend that I was a graphic(commercial)artist.Although I have sold some of my paintings as well.
ReplyDeleteI can't do much any more,I'm gradually going blind.God's little joke.
The problem comes from my dad's side.My mom has 20/20 vision still.I have a few years yet and medical miracles are happening all the time.
OMG, I am sad to hear that. Isn't there anything that can be done about it? Surgery?
ReplyDeleteYour talent shows nicely in every cartoon you make for us/me.
I met an artist once,who painted by mouth.We both agreed,that if you lost your hands,you could paint with you feet.If you lost your feet,you could paint by mouth, but if you lost your eyes,you were out of work.
ReplyDeleteThere is something they can try as a last resort but only if I'm almost blind.It's risky.I'm holding out for future development in eye surgery.I have some visual abnormality but I've got time yet.
That is good to hear. With the rapid development of medicine nowadays almost everything is possible.