Don't fret. Looks like life in the Playboy Mansion is not all sex, drugs and rock'n' roll if Kendra Wilson, ex-girl of the Playboy Mansion, is to be believed:
..Life at the Playboy Mansion wasn't always a party, according to Kendra Wilkinson. As for sex ... well, she got it elsewhere.
"I had to have sex every now and then, so I had to kind of sneak it," Hugh Hefner's 23-year-old ex tells Us Weekly.
The buxom blonde says "of course" she and the Playboy founder were intimate, but notes she often only saw him once a day - in passing.
"Besides the nights we went out, I only saw Hef, like, once a day walking through the halls to his office. There were never solo dates," she said. Bridget told me that she's been faithful all these years, and I was like, 'How the hell can you do that?' I had to have [sex] so I could feel my age,like a healthy human being."...
"I had to have sex every now and then, so I had to kind of sneak it," Hugh Hefner's 23-year-old ex tells Us Weekly.
The buxom blonde says "of course" she and the Playboy founder were intimate, but notes she often only saw him once a day - in passing.
"Besides the nights we went out, I only saw Hef, like, once a day walking through the halls to his office. There were never solo dates," she said. Bridget told me that she's been faithful all these years, and I was like, 'How the hell can you do that?' I had to have [sex] so I could feel my age,like a healthy human being."...
Ouch! Looks like we have to search for another old dirtbag we can fantasize about....sigh....
She had a pretty luxurious life and met some famous people and didn't have to do much to earn her keep.She got a good bargain.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. She moved out on her own. Kendra also gave the impression to be the most ignorant of all three. Most of the tim her comments on "Girls of the Playboy Mansion " where extremely stupid.