Okay... when we woke up this morning we came across this little heart-warming article:
.... The first of these is that I am not going to watch any tabloid TV shows such as TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc and I'm not going on their websites either. I already don't by the supermarket tabloids, so I don't have to worry about resolving to cut them out of my life. If no one is watching their shows, going on their websites, and buying their magazines, then there will be no need for the paparazzi to hound celebrities. But, as I have learned, the networks pay close attention to the ratings, and if a show doesn't bring in the ratings, they get cancelled. If a website isn't getting the hits the owners want, why would they pay for the domain name? If magazines aren't selling, why would the publishers want to print them?...
Honey, we are sure TMZ, NE, Globe, Entertainment Tonight etc are doing so well that they will survive without you and the five readers you may have. But keep on dreaming.
.... The first of these is that I am not going to watch any tabloid TV shows such as TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc and I'm not going on their websites either. I already don't by the supermarket tabloids, so I don't have to worry about resolving to cut them out of my life. If no one is watching their shows, going on their websites, and buying their magazines, then there will be no need for the paparazzi to hound celebrities. But, as I have learned, the networks pay close attention to the ratings, and if a show doesn't bring in the ratings, they get cancelled. If a website isn't getting the hits the owners want, why would they pay for the domain name? If magazines aren't selling, why would the publishers want to print them?...
Honey, we are sure TMZ, NE, Globe, Entertainment Tonight etc are doing so well that they will survive without you and the five readers you may have. But keep on dreaming.
...And while I'm doing that, I'll send him a note or card once in a while to remind him that he has real fans out there that respect and care about him....
So sweet. I am sure they will land on the same pile like the rest - bound for the trash. David Caruso is so busy screwing his way through LA that he hasn't time for baublery like that. Does he care that you care? Highly doubtful. But hey, whatever rocks your boat.
We don't know who this blogger is . We don't know her age. However, judged by the naivite of her article, we think early pre-teens. It seems David Caruso is only able to attract either complete nutcases like crazy tinker or naive "reality is not an option" fans like the poster above. What does that tell us about the man? Nothing good, that's for sure..
At least articles like this are always good for a laugh or two...LOL
Source: http://truthtellerstvinsights.blogspot.com/2009/01/happy-new-year.html
ReplyDeleteA lot of people you think is naive is just stupid...they think by choosing sides,it give them the right to attack others...not so..I choose my friends very careful..not from what others say,I march/dance by my own drummer.Ladies/gents have you notice lately how many blogs have poped up trying to assassinate Vixen"s character,and ours,(Jeannie/Cupcake)because we call her our friend..The gossip magazines/talk shows was here when you came on board..they will be here long after you are gone.....Hell I should have made a post of this(GIGGLES)but I know it would over their heads.
Thank you CUPCAKE. I had a good laugh when I read this article.
ReplyDeleteIt is so childish. Like thinking if they don't read it nobody would.
Keyser's doing a great job making fun of sara and the old hag doesn't like that a bit. He calls her out on her comments and she is no match for his quick wit and intelligent mind.
Truthteller - I haven't seen anything on this blog that would come close to the truth. Left alone the ramblings by the author.
Either she is not very bright or she just doesn't know how to write interesting articles - or BOTH. Ranting about tabloids.YAWN.
The blog is so plain that people won't notice it. No pictures, no widgets - NADA.
Another miserably failed attempt by some fan to get some attention. Poor mite
You welcome as always..but the truth be told,everything you said from the start..it has been proven to be right on..She istrying to pick up where the fangirls leave off,silly mite...she will soon learn she has no shit for you.Vix Jeannie/I is always in the wings watching your back.
ReplyDeleteIf she would have something to say that was different from the rest. Something that is not exactly the same others have already chewed up and spit out. Something interesting.
ReplyDeleteBut the old "it's all the paparazzi's fault" song and dance doesn't hold up scrunity. Her brain is just as empty as her blog. LOL.