(Click on pictures to enlarge!)
Oh, Donatella, couldn't you have worn a bikini-top? Do we really have to see this? Woman, you run one of the most renowned fashion labels in the world and then you create one fashion faux-pas after the other?
There is nothing wrong with aging. We ALL do. However, most of us don't run around topless thus creating an image we very well could do without. We sincerely hope that there were no children around when you posed like that. If yes, they might be in despearte need for therapy by now...
Thanks Vix.I just got home and I was eating a snack.I've lost my appetite completely.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is photographed at least once a week,being ugly and disgusting.
Sometimes i do wonder doesn't she know how she looks like? Or
ReplyDeletedoesn't she care?
"WTF" Whars wrong with this picture...was she baked in a oven?I would think she know there are long lens cameras....what the hell anything to stay in the news...she looks just plain shitty.
ReplyDeleteBeauty is in the eye of the beholder...know what...she is she only one looking...so sad...
I will never allow that to happen to my body ..yuck
ReplyDeleteAnd if it does happen,I'll wear a nun's habit to the beach.
You never know what's going on under a nun's habit.She could be wearing a black lace teddy,fishnet stockings and have a vibrator stuck up every orifice,humming away.
ReplyDeleteTha's why they have those little smiles always in place.
Notice the difference between the boobs and the yucky skin? That alone is enough to freak people out.
ReplyDeleteI take the nun's habit...she is one one over-baked bitch...wonder what kind of oil she use...maybe crisco oil by the gallons.
ReplyDeleteI also do wonder, she owns such nice places in Italy, France and Miami. Why can't she sunbathe in her own backyard? This way an image like that would do no harm to innocent viewers like us.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a very wise person,she really is hard on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteShe seems to be proud of her body.I know she has had tons of work done.
ReplyDeleteOr she is past caring at all.
ReplyDeleteI liked the one with the two ladies a bit better...