For some(I don't know WTF) reason,Steppin Out Magazine asked Kristin Davis,the owner of Wicked Models Escort Agency(a cover name for prostitutes),
how much she would charge,if some of today's biggest celebrities were hookers, working for her.
She said if BRITNEY SPEARS cleaned herself up,she might be able to get a thousand dollars an hour for her.Britney was just voted the hottest celeb on earth by Sun Media,followed by,Angelina,Jennifer and Brad.An hour of her time is not worth much by a madame's standards.
Apparently PARIS HILTON is worth $1500 an hour because she is slender and looks more like a model.
KATIE HOLMES would be very popular because she has that all American,college girl look.Men,Kristin says generally want model types or fresh faced young girls.Runway queens,that are unattainable,or prom queens,they lusted after in high school.She figured she could get $2500 to$3000 an hour for Katie.
She said ANGELINA JOLIE would be her top girl and she wouldn't book her for less than four hours at $2000 to $2500 an hour.
Kristin thought LINDSAY LOHAN would be very popular with her freckled face and could handle volume work,short stays,but lots of them.
RIHANNA,although stunning and gorgeous would not have a market.Apparently,Asian and African American models don't do too well in her
agency...HUH...GO FIGURE.
Way to go Jeannie,wonder how much kristin was worth before she became a madame.....every one wants a ho but they want one like the girl neat door,go figure(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI figure all madames must have been hookers first,no?
ReplyDeleteHow ya doing Nee?
Not necessarily. What they should have is a good common sense and business savy.
ReplyDeleteWhere prostitution is legal,it could be a profitable and well run business like any other.Well,not quite like any other.
ReplyDeleteBrown sugar doesn't appeal to every man. Only a very small percentage of white men likes the ethnic kind - like Caruso.
ReplyDeleteI guess most of her weathly clients are white.
Yes,Caruso likes them ethnic,but not too dark.More like a permanent tan.A little spice but not too rich.
ReplyDeleteTrue. But he is a minority. Most men who pay for services like that prefer Caucasian girls.
ReplyDeleteWrong ...a lot of them is crazy about the brown sugars...Chris Noth ...Bill Mahlar...etc...the last 5/10 years it seems that it has turn around ...Halle...Nichole Richie,on it is a lot of the,Dave didn't start out that way,we just got smart when it came to him,there are some hot black men out there.
ReplyDeleteDid you already vote Jeanny? Did you see the video? Your take?
ReplyDeleteWrong. Chris NOTH's wife is Asian. Doesn't count as Brown Sugar. Halle Berry is an exception. (Half Caucasian through a white mother).
ReplyDeleteSo, men who prefer chocolate are still in the minority.
I have a nephew thats married to a black girl,really there is no different between them black/white,it's just some people have hang ups when people are not with their own kind,me i don't care as long as it is not my man.but they talk about the Italians also."WTF"
ReplyDeleteThe video wouldn't work for me Vix.I'll try again presently.Unlike you,I kind of like Sharon.She doesn't back down from anyone.As hostess,it may have been more diplomatic to ignore the ignorance and move on.
ReplyDeleteNo Chris wife don't know what she is ...but he and his girlfriend is here now,the one that has the baby and she is black,high yellow we call them
ReplyDeleteI checked it . It is fine. Well, as a host of the show you should be a bit more diplomatic.
ReplyDeleteMegan was a fool to mouth off like that.
There are some black men out there that really float my boat.Gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteAnd some of the female celebrity AfAms,today are stunningly beautiful.
Shit I am not going to have a pissing fit with you ,I don't have any hang ups,to each his own,whatever rocks their boat so be it.
ReplyDeleteWell, the Madame in Jeannies article clearly said that Blacks/Asian/Multiracials don't sell as good as the white girls. And I agree.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Nee,to each his own.I'll stick with my broke down old limey.
ReplyDeleteJeannie you are so right.....If Gil hadn't come along I might have tried one on for size(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll stick to my own. No mixing for me.
ReplyDeleteKristin is speaking of her stable,there are different strokes for different folks.
ReplyDeleteI guess if you're in the business of selling ass,and you're selling mostly to white men as Kristin obviously does,white ass sells better.
ReplyDeleteBoy I'm starting to sound like a professional madame.I think I'd do well in Canada. Canadians are a horny lot.
You have a link to this article? Just curious...
ReplyDeleteI did try one.
ReplyDeletehow did we get on this subject,if we hadn't mention Caruso aww hell
ReplyDeleteThe Link or ass?
ReplyDeleteoh Jeannie my god,I just call sis ...she's tried one also,she wanted to know what it was all about
ReplyDeleteLink oer ass, jeannie?
ReplyDeleteeither one
ReplyDeleteI found it on Celebrity Milkshakes,down in the Monday Links column
ReplyDeletethe post is about ass so it must be about Caruso
ReplyDeleteDid you by chance memorize the link?
ReplyDeleteA big gorgeous black man.I was divorced,a free agent and he was beautiful,looked like Sydney Poitier.
ReplyDeleteGIRLS, help me out. I need a very mean poem about Caruso - within the next 20 minutes.
ReplyDeleteWho is up to it?
It's the only one Brian doesn't know about.
ReplyDeleteHe suspects it though.
ReplyDeleteNo I didn't memorize the link vix.
Vix ,Jeannie will have to give you the poem,I can give you a lot of nasty words.
ReplyDeleteC'mon start up your brains....lets be productive.
ReplyDeleteBrian have nothing to worry about ...Jeannie choochie is all his..hahahaBrian will always be you ever-ready man,I bet you look at him and get all tingy inside.
ReplyDeleteDavid has a tiny heart,
ReplyDeleteTo match his tiny brain.
So his love is very shallow,
And his thinking is the same.
I feel a rush of love when I look at him now.Everything changed when I nearly lost him
ReplyDeleteSorry that was not brilliant Vix.I need at least forty five minutes.
ReplyDeleteThat was a good start Jeannie. If it could be a bit longer I would be very thankful. I feel like being mean for a change. LOL
ReplyDeleteFor a change?
ReplyDeleteDip that old poison pen and have at it old gal.
I am so glad I found you..sis always say there is more than humping,she lost her husband at 31never remarried,she said I will get better with age,I have to realize that Gil is 14 years older,when the time come I will be happy to cuddle.
ReplyDeleteI need a little inspirational nudge. And you have delivered master-pieces in the past. Just a few lines to shake 'n bake...
ReplyDeleteAnd every girl he claims to love,
ReplyDeleteHe'll be sure to break her heart.
So hit him for some money honey,
He deserves it,the old fart.
You'll be amazed Nee,the different directions your love grows in.it's a wonderful thing.It just needs a little nourishment now and then.
ReplyDeleteVery good. Now let me put it together:
ReplyDeleteDavid has a tiny heart,
To match his tiny brain.
So his love is very shallow,
And his thinking is the same.
And every girl he claims to love,
He'll be sure to break her heart.
So hit him for some money honey,
He deserves it,the old fart.
Now for the little finishing touch..... a few more word...PRETTY PLEASE...Thank you.
Vix you know when Jeannie and I start talking about our main men our mind go blank except for them,
ReplyDeleteVix I will be leaving in awhile I don't get to talk to Jeannie very much,you have change the whole subject.
ReplyDeleteI like talking about my family and friends,it gives me an outlet to talk about doing the nasty,I like sharing stories about each others families
ReplyDeleteI am just asking Jeannie nicely to add a line or two. I am sure Jeannie can manage. She is great in multitasking. And I am sure sh'll help me out..LOL.
ReplyDeleteWhen his eyes begin to wander,
ReplyDeleteAnd he looks a little bored,
He'll get another woman,
He's got them by the horde.
Get yourself a real good lawyer,
And be certain that you've scored.
Wasn't the subject prostitutes?
ReplyDeleteGreat. Outstanding. And I think as the grande finale we could add:
ReplyDeleteThis way he won't forget you never ever.. or so.
Do you know something that rhymes with that?
Nee,I just tucked Brian in to bed.
ReplyDeleteIt's so friggin cold tonight,you would not believe it.If you spit it freezes before it hits the ground.
I hope some old homeless guy doesn't try to take a pee.He could have a real problem.
ReplyDeleteI am sure Jeannie don't mind,but I have notice when we start to talk about our men,I should say my man you will always change the subject...Why?
ReplyDeleteDon't they have shelters they can go to - at leaat during the night? Like here in San Diego.
ReplyDeleteThere have been lots of gals before you,
ReplyDeleteHe remembers every one,
He thinks they're grasping bitches,
So make sure you're number one.
Lots of shelters,but there are always a few found frozen to death every year.It shouldn't happen in a country as enlightened and progressive as this.
ReplyDeleteCC: You are mistaken. I just had a question.
What about: This way he won't ever forget (but I am sure he will have a lot of regrets)...
Does it need finetuning?
I think some of them don't want to go to shelters because they aren't allowed to drink there and there are rules to follow.
ReplyDeleteSo they rather freeze to death than abstain from drinking. Go figure.
Brian's had a bit of stress at work lately.he had to fire a couple of people.He hates doing that,especially now.I think the stress affects his heart.Maybe pushes the blood pressure up.
ReplyDeleteHe a strong old guy though.A good man.
Vix Forget it I do notice all things ,thats why I was good in my job I read people....
ReplyDeleteActually,your line sounds just fine Vix.
ReplyDeleteJeannie ,I beat that had a lot to do with him getting sick,but it is nothing he can do things are rough,he has a good and caring heart,but hopefully things will get better,we had a big lay off
ReplyDeleteI am glad Brian is a strong man,by "Grace/Prayer" Brian will be with you a long time,I can just see the two of you sitting on your boat watchihg the sun set and you pinching "IT" hahaha
ReplyDeleteDid you have to let many people go Nee?
ReplyDeleteI'll always be grabbing that dangle,and he'll always be liking it.
ReplyDeleteWe always get horny on the boat,that,s why we got one with a litle cabin.
ReplyDeleteYes in all about 400 people in all,I went back in and oversees the tables again,just gave them 4 hrs;a day but I hope they may some tips
ReplyDeleteWow,four hundred.Hard times all over.I guess it'll get a bit worse before it gets better.
ReplyDeletewhen I were dealing ,it was easy to get $1500. a day on fri/sat/ sun/
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeannie, that is all I wanted to know. Now , she is all yours, CC...LOl
ReplyDeletewell we are looking for GM to close down,DC gave them some,they can't turn it around in 2 mos.
ReplyDeleteDo you mean in tips?
ReplyDeleteVix thats mighty big of you ,since you know damn well its my bed time,thanks for nothing.
ReplyDeleteyes i Tips,when Giland company came I was a supervisor of table games,no tips then
ReplyDeleteDon't worry honey,we'll talk tomorrow.Have a good sleep and God Bless those babies.
ReplyDeleteTips like that could keep a family in groceries
ReplyDeleteI hope our lay off is like it has been in the pass,come back in late march or april,
ReplyDeleteJeannie those tips was a long time ago ..abuot 8/9 years ,when you are mang. you don't get tips,but I saved my money
ReplyDeleteThis year could be a bit different.The economy looks kind of grim.
ReplyDeleteBut,things always turn around.Something will kick start the economy again.I have hopes it will be Mr Obama
Nite Talk to everyone to morrow hopefully.Maybe I will just have to post the things I want to say to you Jeannie when I want to talk about our families.
ReplyDeleteMy, are we a bit touchy tonight, aren't we? At first you are all over me because I didn't interpret your article right...
ReplyDeleteAnd then you jump at my throat because you don't get enough posting time.
Not to worry,now we've reached out to each other across the miles,I'd love to stay in touch with you
ReplyDeleteI do hope Obama try to do the things he says,I am hoping it gets better.
ReplyDeleteI am not worried. CC seems to be a bit jumpy tonight. Maybe she just had a bad day.
ReplyDeleteI think the whole world is looking to Mr Obama to lead us out of our financial and hostility problems.
ReplyDeleteRemains to be seen if he can live up to the expectations..after all the premature praise that man has got.
ReplyDeleteWell the three of us can't solve the world's problems,although if I come up with the answers i'll let you know.Come to FUN To BE BAD to get your problems solved.
ReplyDeleteVix ,you never read my posts you just skip over them...I did my post ,I were talking about our families,but I know where you are coming from...I am not touchy,I say say what I feel you never have to worry about why I think,I will spit it out.
ReplyDeleteVixen I did not have a bad day,I resent your saying it.I was find until you change the subject.
ReplyDeleteWhat you see is what you get with Nee.That's what I like.I always know where I stand with you.I always get an honest answer.
ReplyDeleteAnd the subject was prostitutes, when I remember correctly. So you hated that we didn't talk about prostitutes anymore? LOL
ReplyDeleteThen stop being bitchy. Simple.
ReplyDeleteJeannie, have you been able to watch the video?
ReplyDeleteWe always talk about famiy no set subject hear,Oh yes I see Monroe has paid a visit,I can be as bitchy as I want to be when I think someone has wrong me.
ReplyDeleteI'll do it now.
ReplyDeleteThat's odd.I've never had a problem before.It won't play.I'll go off the blog then log on again.
ReplyDeleteSame here. I can post whatever I see fit without you jumping all over me because I mistunderstood one of your posts.
ReplyDeleteI have the link if it doesn't work
Try it.
Vix ..Nan said she saw it yesterday I haven.t been able to get it to play.
ReplyDeleteVix i really read your posts,You have good posts,I have never said any thing about what you post...I just expect the same.
ReplyDeleteNeither did I.
ReplyDeleteVix ..that little pink thing at the bottom that says MTV push it ,take you to it,didn't stay there long.try it'
ReplyDeleteJust try the link I posted. It works.