Things are finally getting back to normal,thank goodness.Now I can put all my attention on whats important....
I gave up my post as the president of the Lawyers'Wives Club.It was the best thing to do.A certain lady called me this morning ,wanting me to be on her side.Now,she wanted the other wives to meet her at my house.I was supposed to tell them how it's going to be,because I was the boss's wife.Now that shit was not going to fly.I asked her to call them and arrange it.We would meet on neutral ground.The country club would be fine.They all agreed.Jill was in pre-school,so,my little man and I were on our way.My husband was aware of all the nonsense,but said nothing.I took my partners advice and told him.He said he knew...
The lady in question,wanted to be president of the club,in my place,and wanted one of the other ladies out of the club..Everyone there quit the club when they heard.
She said that they were old women and needed a change.I looked at the fool and told her never...never call my sis old.She would get an oiling down.Sis says she is just like a good wine,better with age.
I told her we will have to meet at social gatherings.We could never be friends,not even associates.She may get her husband fired.The lady she wanted gone is Gil's only
partner's wife,so she better be careful.That was the lady who brought her into the club.She started in on her shortly after she joined....not a very nice person.
That's why I always say,choose your friends carefullyMaybe she didn't start in on me because I have taken a lot of defense classes.I carried her with me,a couple of times,to the gym.....But hey that's just me(GIGGLES) and how was your day?
I'm sorry you felt compelled to give up your position.However,the lady in question sounds very ambitious and not very nice.
ReplyDeleteDo I understand correctly that all the ladies quit the club???
Yes they quit..she thought I was going to try to keep them there,Gil said I had to many irons in the fire.I have enough to keep me busy,he said it was a bad idea before we voted her in.
ReplyDeleteShe never fitted in...dad/sis say they can't believe I kept my cool.
ReplyDeleteWell done. There will be other things/other challenges. One has to know when to save face and to move on.
ReplyDeleteI also owe my thanks to the both of you...
ReplyDeleteOh yes remember me telling about Gil getting the old man out of jail for stealing some food...his wife pieced me a quilt,I got it a few mintutes ago..they are here so I will be shortly.
I'm proud of you.You kept that hot blood under control,and remained a cool calm lady.Kudos.
ReplyDeleteI like your angel.
ReplyDeleteThanks...I guess I am keeping my cool...don't need all that crap..I still have some pet projects I like to do...
ReplyDeleteI got her on a gift bag...now I can take the time and get stuff that I need for here.....
ReplyDeleteOuch! The dark knight is a bit hard on the eyes....
ReplyDeleteThe knight represents'TAKE NO PRISONERS'Jean'ne.
ReplyDeleteTake no prisoners...you will live to fight another "DAY" smart.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was Dark Vader.But he is protecting us from the dark forces of evil.
ReplyDeleteTrue. But the colors are a bit hard on the eyes. But that's just me. Otherwise, I like Jeannies choices.
ReplyDeleteI like Jeannie's choices very much,she has a good eye for detail...anything is a step up from the pink crap we had..I have been told we has one of the keenest blogs .
ReplyDeleteJeannie where are you?Whatever it was..it wasn't me.
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is better.The pink clashed with the angel's red frock.
ReplyDeleteI took the photos down.It was just for you gals.
ReplyDeleteJeannie he was fine the way he was....you are good.
ReplyDeleteThanks I can share some..I know you can get them off,Gil got two off...a plea to gil...the Shark
ReplyDeleteI meant I took the family photos down.I just put them there for you to see.
ReplyDeleteOur stats have slowed down.We were getting very popular in the beginning.Maybe we have strayed away from the way we started.I will write more family stories and anecdotes
Thanks for sharing, Jeannie.
ReplyDeleteI like sharing my family.I'm proud of them.I gave you a little glimpse of Brian,Nee.
ReplyDeleteYes...we started with the nasty,lets go back their...family seem to be what they want...I have a lot of nasty shit to tell,I think they like to here anecdotes..family,yes we have gotten away from there...I can make you think of a lot of stuff you told me,I have shit that will knock you off your seat.
ReplyDeleteI love being knocked off my seat .If you tell ,then,I'll tell.
ReplyDeleteJeannie .I love talking about mine also,you haven't heard about my sister the preacher's wife.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is what we are talking about. Since we have no clear "theme" people just stumble upon us coincidentally, i.e. through a link I post. They are not looking for us. No links no feeds no hits.
ReplyDeleteYou make sense Vix,but it doesn't look like the people who were visiting are coming back.
ReplyDeleteThat was him walking in the back ground....he is a very handsome man.I haven't told you about when I caught my ex.ass up in the air.We just made 2 months,lets put our stats back up.
ReplyDeleteOur theme is clearly stated in our heading,we talk about everything,I mean everything.
ReplyDeleteNo they don't - no matter WHAT we are talking about. But that is normal. Too many blogs so little time.
ReplyDeleteYes, but that is not a clear statement to a perfect stranger. I stumble onto blogs only through feeds. Or if I google special words. That's why I recommend links/sources. Things search-engines can pick up.
ReplyDeleteNot a handsome man anymore,but still lovable.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear about your ex.He sounds like quite a jerk.Maybe hitting him on the head knocked some sense into him.
Well if I have to fight with the fangirls/tinker,our stats will never go up..anyway it is for us to share,we don't have a certain person or thing that we bash..
ReplyDeleteI can see the sense in sources and continuing tags.I noticed you use the same tags all the time Vix.I'll try to do that.I never cared whether we got high stats or not.I just noticed they were slowing down.
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of people here coming in....some says we have gotton boring,the last interesting thing we had was the kidney story,human interests.
ReplyDeleteI backed away from the fangirl thing,and the Tink thing.
ReplyDeleteI got involved at Vipix in a fight with people I didn't know.I didn't really know what the hell I was talking about.It got nasty and I didn't think I was doing anyone any good,so I quit going there.
Jeannie the reson I wanted a blog after I met you,I liked your style,we had a lot in common,you loved talking about your family,me also,I don't give a shit about stats,nice true..I get the rag mags...I don't use them .
ReplyDeleteAnyway it's for our entertainment.
If you use the same tags the same time source engines will find you easier.
ReplyDeleteHuman interests are only interesting if you know the persons involved. They do nothing for strangers. I think we have a good mixture of EVRYTHING - celebs, everyday stories and family. It would be a mistake to do only one.
I wish I could draw,boy I would have you rolling in your seats,all I can draw is stick people...They also love your porn...Mrs. davis says it is nicely put.she is English, so she knows.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vix.I like the variety.Family stories,current events,celebs,and of course my jokes.And just a lot of gossip,sex politics, religion.Our banner says that we discuss everything.If that means we don't have a theme,well I don't care.Do you.
ReplyDeleteNo. Variety is always a good thing. I'll keep on entertaining you gals with gossip and other "finds"...
ReplyDeleteNo one say just do one...all the stories are good a nice mixture,I understand what Jeannie is saying,she could care less about stats,she just mentioned them,my sources so far has been me.I can't set here and just surf..I find a blog ,its the one I visit...I have quite a few that I am loyal to.
ReplyDeleteI have to say,that Vix finds some odd and funy things.She does that well,and it's fun to gossip about them.
ReplyDeleteYou and I Nee tell stories about our lives and families.We seem to be better at that.I'd like to do more of that.I'll try.I also like putting jokes on the blog(Sorry).
Well, then we are all agreed. We leave it the way it is....LOL
ReplyDeleteVix that's the name of the game,you have been at this longer than we have, so we will get better I hope.
ReplyDeleteAll in flavor say I ...all hell yes I agree...
ReplyDeleteYeah,VIx.This meeting wasn't too productive....HA!
ReplyDeleteHonestly,I've got a clearer picture of what you both want and expect.It's the same as what I like,also.I apologize for bringing up the stats thing.
Maybe things have got so bad people are pawning their lappys.
ReplyDeleteNo problem, since ours are a bit deluted anyway. I still find Jeannies and Cupcakes IP's among them. Meaning they count everytime you both come to post/or take a look. Mine never shows.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, we are doing great sweetheart.
Jeannie there is nothing wrong in saying something about stats,we are only 2 months old,not even walking yet,we will fine our niche in time.
ReplyDeleteIn fact I'm in the mood to pick a joke from my vast store.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any time to draw anything for weeks.Life gets in the way of pleasure,but Ill get round to it.
just do it Jeannie...and I have one or the other suggestions at WHAT you could draw....snicker..
ReplyDeleteVix I took the stat thing off.You can tell I just look at numbers,you say we are fine ..swell all I know I am having fun doing what I want to do(GIGGLES) whatever the hell that is.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct Nee,we just haven't found our niche yet.
ReplyDeleteWe all three have something to offer.I think it's a good combination.
Look out Jeannie I see Vix thinking...hahaha
ReplyDeleteI keep an eye on them (STATS) now and then since I check my blogs daily. Kind of old habit of mine.
ReplyDeleteI know ,you want to see my interpretation of Dave's ass.And, you would probably like to see if I put freckles on his schmeckle.I think I would draw it in a slightly tired and shrivelled mode.
ReplyDeleteJeannie...you know me so well....it is frightening.
ReplyDeleteCupcake - I'm watching "CSI NY" while I am writing. So, that explains the long intervals between my posts.
I am going to say goodnite....I am going to find my niche now.
ReplyDeleteHuh---Huh it's a sleep, all shit I just wake it up.hahahaJean`ne
Good nite, Cupcake.
ReplyDeleteNow,that is often a good show,not always.Vegas is more consistent
ReplyDeleteNight honey.
ReplyDeleteI'll go see what Vix has written on her blog.
ReplyDeleteVix I know when you don't come right back,I know you are working.
ReplyDeletethis time I am gone.