The Shower Power Bathtub Handle For Shower Sex

1) "A Stuffed Rattlesnake:" What are you telling your friend or loved one when you gift them with this? Perhaps you're making a statement about their decor. ("Your taste is early trailer trash")
2) "A Farting Gnome:" Just who are you going to give this to?...your boss?...your grandmother?(for her garden)...Uncle Ed, who has that wee flatulence problem?
3)"Scented Toilet Paper:" A gift like this is inappropriate and in execrable taste. Therefore, some men would think it was a nice practical gift for a lady of their acquaintance.
4)"Sausage Making Machine:" I could actually name a couple of guys who would think this was a great gift for someone who likes to cook.
5)" Nose Hair Clipper:" I realize there is a necessity for these gadgets but as a gift, I think it says,"Either you have two shrubs growing out of your nose, or your hamsters are trying to nest in your sinuses."
6)"Six Pack of KY Jelly:" It would have to be a joke gift at a bachelor party, right? If you are giving it to your newly wed friends for Christmas, you ain't gonna be invited back.
7)"A Framed Photo of Yourself and/or Your Family:" Not even your family wants this for a gift. It says you really love yourself and you assume everyone else does too. And it also says you're cheap.
8) " Pubic Hair Dye:" Buying someone Pubic Hair Dye lets them know that you noticed they have grey pubic hair. Awkward .
9)" The Bettie, a body slimming undergarment:" Giving The Bettie says that you have no confidence that this person will diet or exercise to lose weight. And that they really need to lose weight.
10) " Pin-X...pinworm medication:" Pinworms are little parasites that tend to infect the digestive tract of small children. Informing a relative that you know about their little guests on Christmas is not a great way to spread yuletide joy. Don't be surprised if you get pinworms.
11)" The Shower Power Bathtub Handle for Shower Sex:" If your Aunt Edna broke her wrist due to unknown circumstances, you should not assume that this product will prevent future injury.
12)" Subtle Butt... fart filters:" These filters keep your gas from bothering others. 'Subtle Butt' is not the first product or only product to perform this function, but there is something mysterious about the name "Subtle Butt'"and it falls trippingly from the tongue. Oh well, even if you are as fascinated as we are, you still shouldn't buy these as a Christmas gift. (What is it anyway? A charcoal filter you wear in your underwear or a chunk of charcoal you....?)
13)" A Stainless Steel Shower Bidet:" Personal hygiene products should never be given as gifts and the Stainless Steel Shower Bidet is the perfect storm of personal hygiene products. It suggests a lack of cleanliness, it is meant for your nether regions, and it is made from corrosion resistant materials. Does someone think that your lack of hygiene is so extreme it can only be overcome by corrosion-resistant metals?
14)" Pretty Feet and Hands:" Giving this brand of hand and foot lotion says‚ "Sheesh! I think you have ugly feet and hands."
15) "A Coffee Enema kit:" I know they are very popular with a certain segment of the population and are supposed to be good for you, but pleeeese.....Coffee is a nice gift, so buy a can from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts and put a bow on it. It's perfectly acceptable.....Enema, NOT!
16)"A Mucus Clearing Device:" My personal favorite most hated gift. The mental picture of Gramps up in the bathroom trying out his new mucus clearing contraption would definitely spoil Christmas dinner for me.
What could I possibly add except a used toilet brush and a dead hamster. Hmmmm...perhaps Mussolini's brain, which was honestly, recently for sale on Ebay.
Christmas is about giving, sharing and loving. Let's stick to the old traditions.
I know a few people I would like to give some of those gifts too.
ReplyDeleteThey are the worst gifts ever.
If someone give me some of the ones mentioned, they would be on a very short list of mine.
Just saying you can't win them all.
Hi.....watching CSI:M
ReplyDeleteGuess which one I got you for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteJust put CSIM on.I can't figure out if Callie had work done around her eyes.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too fond of the new guy.But the big black guy is a hoot.Especially since they have always been known to hire only beautiful people.
ReplyDeleteCallie had a lot of work done, her skin looks too tight.
ReplyDeleteEventually they all start to look a little Chinese,Their eyes are pulled so tight and their eyebrows are as high as their hairlines.
ReplyDeleteWell he sure not beautiful, but a hoot he is.
ReplyDeleteThe new guy, Jesse is in the wrong role.Callie looks so fake, like she's reading off the wall.
I want the shower dingy, so if I'm not please, I can knock my man out.
I read that you lost fourteen relatives this year.That's a lot of people to lose.My sincere sympathy.Were any of them in the service?
ReplyDeleteTiger gotta be a sex addict, 7 bimbos out the woodwork so far, wonder how many more?
ReplyDeleteYes all of them was. 9 was in Afghanistan,They were my brothers/ sisters kids, 3 was females. A lot more, the 14 was nieces/nephews.
ReplyDeleteWe are proud of them, they was fighting for their country to keep us safe
You want the 'shower power bathtub handle'?That's for you to hang on to in the shower while you have sex so you don't slip and fall
ReplyDeletePersonally I'd like the case of KY jelly so we could slip all over each other.
I don't know what would happen to Emily if her last son was killed in Fort Hood,Texas. Obama said he was going to stop the war, but he don't have the last we just pray for the best and support him the best we can.
ReplyDeleteKY jelly sounds good, gotta try it sometime.
ReplyDeleteMy God what a terrible year for your family. I'm so sorry.And they were all young people with their whole life ahead of them.
ReplyDeleteIf Obama pulls out now the Taliban will take over afghanistan and maybe Pakistan and they will start terrorist attacks on the US.You can't go through that again.
ReplyDeleteThankyou....we just pray and hold on to each other and pray, and hope they didn't give their lives in vain.
ReplyDeleteBut on a lighter note, what you been up to.
Obama is a smart man , we pray everyday for him that God keep him stong to win this war.
ReplyDeleteWe want Obama to stay the course and not to let our love ones give their lives in vain.
This is one area that John McCain is an expert in and he would make the right decisions.He's tough.
ReplyDeleteWell, I've been a very good girl.We decided to make this a very special Christmas and spend a lot of time with our family.We don't know what the new year will hold for us but by God we're going to enjoy the rest of this one to the hilt.
I also did my good deed for the day and helped an old lady carry all her parcels to her car.I almost dopped one of her breakables but she was very gracious about it.
Did you find those little Zuzu hamsters for your kids? Research has proved they contain dangerous levels of some metals so don't let the baby chew on them.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain is behind Obama 100%.
ReplyDeleteWe will have to pray for them .
We put them there, so we have to support them.
Yes we found some, but decided not to get them. They are made in China I think.
ReplyDeleteThat little bugger will chew and bite on anything.
That's the way I feel also, going to enjoy and bring the New Year in with a bang.
ReplyDeleteWith everything that's happen this year, we are truly blessed.
Good decision PIC.Take no chances. there are a whole lot of other safer things out there.
ReplyDeleteWhen my kids were as small as Gilly, Christmas was a little overwhelming to them.They ended up hiding behind the couch with one each of their old beloved toys.Too much noise and paper tearing and bright shiny things.
Now that a great thing to do, help the lady,she will forever remember you.Little things mean a lot and you don't forget them quickly.
ReplyDeleteI bet that was so cute, hiding behind the couch, kids do the darnest things. We buy a lot of books, some toys, I got each girl a Polar Bear. Gilly can have the boxes they are in.He don't give a shit, just want to keep up with me.
ReplyDeleteI heard that stores were not going to stock so much stuff this year because consumers were not buying very much.I haven't found that at all.We can't move in the malls they are so packed and people are complaining they can't find anything.We have a major shortage in outdoor Christmas lights.Can't buy em anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI already got one of my presents from Brian.A Mac computer. I don't know why he gave it to me early.And he has been very secretive about something.I don't know what it is but he has been making secret phone calls.
Sounds like Gilly adores you.Jakey followed me around like that.
ReplyDeleteIs he walking yet? I bet he is so gorgeous.
Could Brian be making secret phone calls to you know who...Lordy I hope so...that would be one wonderful christam present. I know you will enjoy your Mac...they are the best on the market I hear.
ReplyDeleteYes he is walking, I think he got tired of them dragging him around.
You will see for yourself soon what he lloks like.
I want to do a different turkey stuffing this year.I think I'll look that up on our cooking gadget.
ReplyDeleteI think I stll have a couple of sugar free recipes for you.I should post them so you have a nice selection for Christmas.I'm not trying to make you fat but I'm sure Gil would love you anyway. Love handles are great for hanging on to.And a big fat arse is more bouncy.
The malls here are crowded, but there's nothing in them, Walmart don't have anything and we have 9 of those in Shreveport/Bossier City.
ReplyDeleteI weigh about 15 lbs. more now than I did when we hooked up.
ReplyDeleteOne of the ladies I met in Reno was kinda fat and she should be about 56 now. Dad say he always liked older women.
I eat everything, and they likes for you to give me recipes.
ReplyDeleteI am going to look at the cooking gadget also.
Mac says he use it a lot.
Do you really need nine Wallmarts?We get by with one and it don't got nothing on it's shelves either.
ReplyDeleteYou have snow, maybe they'll find her when it melts..haha just kidding. Maybe BIO will disappear to, that would be nice.
ReplyDeleteSweetie, it could be happening, you know Brain would go to the ends of the world for you. And he needs to see his "N"
No we don't need that many, we also have a Sams Club.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but I have this feeling that things is going to be better for us in the coming year, we both have been through so much this year. It can only get better.
ReplyDeleteWell,she's alive and well, maybe got herself a new man. I bet she plan to leave him, good for her.She wanted babies and heard her "BIO" clock running out.
ReplyDeleteGod,I think you have hit on something.She found out she couldn't have babies with him and she wants her own babies.
ReplyDeleteDid you mention Tiger Woods has 7 lovers so far? This is turning into a Dave Letterman mess.
ReplyDeleteWe said there would be more didn't we?
His poor wife must be going through hell.She will never recover while she stays in that relationship.She has to get out. She will never trust that man again.
ReplyDeleteIf my man had kids ,I would love them, If possible I would want some of my own, BIO didn' play with a full deck, he's a cheater and I for one hope she stay gone , he did some pretty under handed know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteYes ,Tiger has 7 so far.I hope she take him for all she can, he will have to pay for the kids until they are out of school.
ReplyDeleteCraig is talking about him now.
ReplyDeleteCraig says one is a porn star, he and DC has a lot in common.
ReplyDeleteI think Tiger has fucked his golden career.
ReplyDeleteDC followed the same trail.At least DC didn't present a false front of a good upstanding guy.DC had all his scandals publicly.We always knew he was an asshole
ReplyDeleteA cheater is always going to be a cheater man or woman.
ReplyDeleteI agree there is no real cure for that.It's ingrained into their character.It's an indication about the rest of their character too. I don't think I would trust a cheater with anything.
ReplyDeleteTiger is on the wheaties cereal boxes and he will lose that one for sure. DC just did his shit and not give a damn. We found out about DC's one at a time.
ReplyDeleteWell the old clock on the wall tells me that "Rabbit Poop Eater" will need to go out about now.I hear him moving around.
ReplyDeleteSo PIC, I'll leave you fuming about cheaters.Just remember you and I got lucky with our guys.
Sleep well; see what you can find out about those seven women. There's not much information up here about them...night Toots...PIC
You got that one right.AS we both found out, we don't have to settle for anything, there's a good person out there for everone.
ReplyDeleteI realize I wasn't in love with my ex...I was in love with love and when I realize that I was able to let him go.
I will see what I can find out.
ReplyDeleteYep, we got lucky.
I will see you tomorrow...sleep well.