Makes: About 32 Cookies
8 oz. pitted dried dates
1 cup orange juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar substitute
1/4 cup margarine or butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup 2% plain yogurt
3 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon grated orange zest
8 oz. pitted dried dates
1 cup orange juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar substitute
1/4 cup margarine or butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup 2% plain yogurt
3 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon grated orange zest
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a large baking sheet with vegetable spray.
Make the filling: In a saucepan bring the dates, orange juice and cinnamon to a boil; reduce heat to medium-low and cook 10 minutes or until soft. Mash with a fork until liquid is absorbed. Refrigerate.
Make the dough: In a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, margarine, oil, yogurt, water, vanilla and orange zest; process until dough forms.
Add up to 1 tablespoon more water, if necessary. Divide dough in half; form each half into a ball, wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes or until chilled.
Between 2 sheets of waxed paper sprinkled with flour, roll one of the dough balls into a rectangle, approximately 12 by 10 inches and 1/8 inch thick. Remove top sheet of waxed paper. Spread half of date mixture over rolled dough.
Starting at short end and using the waxed paper as an aid, roll up tightly. Cut into 1/2-inch slices and place on prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough and filling....Cook 7 to 9 minutes. Check after 7 min.
Hi CC, If you look in drafts there is a recipe for peanut butter cookies (no sugar) and sugarless pecan pie.Both have good reviews.I hope you and your family enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteSee you later.
Thanks....I got them and love both.
ReplyDeleteBaking the cookies now, everyone calls to see what I have sweet.
I have started my own recipe file, it's growing and the food gadget helps a lot.
Again thanks.....PIC
I am watching the Mentalist.Still pretty cocky but improving.
ReplyDeleteI am watching the Mentalist.Still pretty cocky but improving.
ReplyDeleteI am watching the Mentalist.Still pretty cocky but improving.
ReplyDelete3 times...boy you are hot tonight.
ReplyDeleteHe is a cocky little fart...hi
I don't have a clue how that happened.I think the Mac is screwing up the PC.The PC won't do anything I ask it to.I think it's jealous.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe I'm developing a stutter.
ReplyDeleteSee now I have turned the Mac off everything works fine.
ReplyDeleteStay put
ReplyDeleteIt's nothing wrong with your Mac,they double up on me too.
ReplyDeleteHow you doing?
Doing okay.Tired.Hungry.Got any cookies??
ReplyDeleteI got some Keylime pie.
ReplyDeleteIt's 24 degrees below freezing.My right breast hurts.And my feet ache.
ReplyDeleteHow's by you??
My sisters/sister-in-laws think I'm going to bake sweets for them all, they have started asking me what I needed.
ReplyDeletePie sounds good.I have a cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteDon't get sucked into that crap.They'll never let you stop.
ReplyDeleteBeen there.
It's going to freeze tonight, I think it's about 34 above now. You are going to be alright, huh?
ReplyDeleteI'm not, they say you're giving me so many good recipes, and I love to cook.
ReplyDeleteNan got mad at them and told them to bug the hell off.
We'll be snug as a bug.Our houses are so well insulated.We won't step outside till tomorrow.Unfortunately the temp is going lower tomorrow.I took the boys to karate tonight and my face froze.I couldn't get my lips to work.
ReplyDeleteIt's never this cold in December.
January and February the temp can go to 40 bellow freezing.We are on the centigrade scale our freezing point is zero.I believe you are on the Farenheight and your freezing temp is 32 degrees.
ReplyDeleteI just love those babies, you can find cute stuff, I see some even have dangles, so cute.
ReplyDeleteI think it's spelled Farenheit.Don't know where that other spelling came from. My brain is frozen.
ReplyDeleteYes it's 32 degrees. Is there a difference?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the patience that artist has to do such fine detail.
ReplyDeleteShe is amazingly talented with a real feeling for the human form.
Now if DC sponsored someone like that someone might take him seriously.
Did people really live in igloos.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is that when it is 17 degrees up here it's sunny and warm (about 70 degrees)
ReplyDeleteThat would go good in his one piece of art.haha
ReplyDeleteThe igloos are about three to four thousand miles north of here, but yes,some people still live in igloos in the winter.
ReplyDeleteAbe says he is considering jump starting his film company again, and Abe told him this was a new market opening up here.
ReplyDeleteYeah, DC would have that one painting and one marzipan baby in his gallery.It would have to be a very small building.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be a hoot, shit all these women will be in behind him.
ReplyDeleteHe don't look to hot in person.
The snowstorm hit Buffalo too.They are buried.
ReplyDeleteNo, it would be a large bulding, you know he has all the stuff of his from CSI:M and those full size posters of him.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget he can put his porn mags on display.
ReplyDeleteI go everywhere and can't find shit about him.
ReplyDeleteThey are expecting more snow and the people don't know how to get around in the snow. I wonder what's next. I know they are going to find a lot of dead people when the snow melts.
ReplyDeleteYou have seen DC without makeup.Is he very freckled??
ReplyDeleteObama accepted his Nobel Prize today.But he said he still has to make war to get peace.Peace being his ultimate goal.
ReplyDeleteOMG that is so funny.He can put the porn mags in the gallery.He would get more customers for that than that skanky painting.
ReplyDeleteYep, DC is freckle, and very white,the sun wouuld burn his ass up if he stayed in it to long, maybe that's why he has to film in the mornings.
ReplyDeleteMy family and a lot of people we know are supporting Obama 100%.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people is against him for the wrong reasons, and we all know what they are.
He's a good man.He's not perfect by a long way but he is trying so hard to do right by the people.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they think he can do in least than a year.
ReplyDeleteObama inherit this war,lets give him a chance.
He's also a good ambassador to the rest of the world.Other countries love him.
ReplyDeleteThe new Harry Potter is out on video.I have to get one.I love him.
The guys want to see the Princess and the Frog.So I'll have to brave sitting in a theatre among sick coughing snotty people.
He's better than we had. People complain about the soldiers getting killed, but I don't see them dying in vain, just look at all the drug shooting and nothing is being said about it.
ReplyDeleteMy family that we lost over there was for a cause and thats the way we remember them, they was trying to keep us safe.
I love Harry potter, and I keep looking for the Princess and the frog, I know I will have to see it to. The girls will love it.
ReplyDeleteTake you a scarf to keep your nose and mouth covered.
ReplyDeleteAfter 9/11 America had to take a stand against terrorism. Doing nothing would have encouraged more attacks on a larger scale.
ReplyDeleteYour young people in your family made us all safer by showing that no one can hurt Americans and go unpunished.
Unfortunately Bush was not the best leader to head up th retaliation.
ReplyDeleteHe attacked Iraque for no particular reason.They didn't attack the World Trade Centre.He should have concentrated on hunting Bin Laden down and destroying the Taliban
Did you really put your cold feet on Brian's butt?
ReplyDeleteIf you did, I hope he poked you good.
I wouldn't really do that to poor old Brian.He has enough on his plate without having a bitch for a wife.Although to be perfectly honest I love being a bitch sometimes.
ReplyDeleteNow the fool that kill/wounded those at Fort Hood is another story. Bush is a drunk and the VP and others was telling him what to do. Other countries see what Obama is trying to do to help everyone,but most Americans just see color, we are still living in the dark ages.
ReplyDeleteI think it turns him on when I'm bitchy. He feels the need to subdue me with sex.
ReplyDeleteBe as bitchy as you want. I love being a bitch, I think thats why they can't wait to get home.
ReplyDeleteWho gets to prosecute the Fort Hood guy?? The military or civil courts??
ReplyDeleteMaybe they can both have a go at him.
That killer was a Muslim was he not?? I think he felt torn in half by loyalty to America and loyalty to his roots and religion.
ReplyDeleteTiger makes me mad because he could have done so much good for kids with his money and influence and his image.
ReplyDeleteHe wasted his energy fucking around instead of supporting an orphanage or two.
All celebs of that stature seem to think of is satsfying themselves.They are too full of themselves and their own needs to recognize a homeless child.
ReplyDeleteI am getting mauadlin, depressing and boring.
ReplyDeleteTell me a dirty joke.
The lady laughed at the man's tiny dangle.
ReplyDeleteyes he was muslin.
It has to be something wrong in Tiger's marriage to have 11/12 women, don't you think. I'm going to wait and see how this plays out.
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you do, it may come back to haunt you.
Yeah,that was a good one.
ReplyDeleteI don't really think a man with a tiny dangle would have the nerve to flash women.He'd be a fool because most women would show him no mercy.I'd laugh.
I got my money on Angelina Jolie breaking up Johnny Depp's marriage, they are doing a hot and sexy movie together, that's how she got Brad in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
ReplyDeleteYou have to wonder if Tiger was this bad before he was married.
ReplyDeleteWe can't blame the whole thing on his marriage.
Although if he has a cold wife, that sure doesn't help matters.If she is physically abusive to him then they have some real issues.
I think you may have something there.Angie doesn't seem to be troubled by too many morals.
ReplyDeleteI just got a story about her and Brad having a fight becuase she insulted his parents, they want him to leave her and she had some mean things to say about her dad.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty bad if his parents are urging him to leave her.She must be some bitch.His parents should mind their own business .If the marriage busts up they may not get to see their grandkids so much.
ReplyDeleteWell, like we both say, there's two sides to a story...she should have realize something was going on in five years of marriage.
ReplyDeleteYou got a point, they should stay the hell out of it. Brad knew how Angie was when they got together, we knew she was a weird person and he did too.
ReplyDeleteAll of a sudden our picture icons are back.
ReplyDeleteElin knew something was up.Unless she was stupid.She was only an au pair after all.
Brad's mom, Jane always wanted him to get back with Jen, but I think Brad and Jen should both make a fresh start, to much water under the bridge.
ReplyDeleteBlogger is doing something to upgrade it I guess, when they go off I don't worry, hope they will come back.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.It's too late to get back together.They would be bringing too much emotional baggage.It's too bad.If Brad hadn't been thinking with his shmeckle, they would still be together.She will never get over him.He was the love of her life.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll get on a cozy granny nightie now and some big socks.Sooo sexy.
ReplyDeleteThere are tell-tale signs when a man is messing up, and it didn't take me 5 years to learn it. It started after we was in LA and he started getting a lot of work/money
ReplyDeleteThe end of another fabulous day.I can hardly wait for tomorrow.I'll probably have to dig us out of here.If it's too cold the shopping and stuff can wait.We're staying home ,building a fire in the fireplace and making hot chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI will put mine on too, and see if I can get me a little nookie.
ReplyDeleteYou are so bad, I will tell Brian tomorrow.
Let Maxy out and you Snuggle up to the "ROCK"...
Sweet Dreams and may all your wishes come true.
What were the signs??
ReplyDeleteWith my first husband I called his lab and they told me he was home sick.
That sounds great..and think about when you met your man, it was snowing...[giggles]....PIC
ReplyDeleteLipstick on his shorts and condoms in his inside jacket pocket
ReplyDeleteNight PIC.If he doesn't wake up a cold wet facecloth on the dangle wakes them real fast.....HA!..night