Lampton Enochs has been making films in northwest Louisiana since 2005. He is co-founder of both Louisiana Production Consultants, a well established production services company based in Shreveport , and "Moonbot Studies" a new animation studio. The movie business is looking a lot brighter for the area and questions answered.
Question: After the recent local slump in filmmaking , presumably a result of both the recession and aggressive incentives offered by other states, what is th e outlook for production to return to northwest Louisiana in 2010?
Answer..: Fortunately, 2010 looks to be a much better year for the motion picture business in northwest Louisiana. There are several projects filming or slated to start prep in the first quarter and numnumerous projects scouting for thr remainer of the year. The new incentive legislation which increased our film incentives and made them permanent, has already had a major effect on industry in Louisiana and we have more than regained our competitive footing with other "incentivized" states.
Question : What remains our major stumbling block to establishing filmmaking as a fixed component of our local economy?
Ansewer..: Our major stumbling block is the one we have encountered from the beginning -- infrastructure. Shreveport needs more crew, more sound stages and more support businesses. Direct flights to Los Angeles would make a huge difference. Having a slow 2009 meant we lost some of the momentum we had gained from the previous two years. We need to keep our "brand" out there-- we are a truly "film-friendly" community with amazing civic and business support. We are an economically advantageous location for filming movies with diverse locations and professional crews.
Question : What can the community do to help this industry sink deeper roots?Answer.. : It would be great to see more local investment in the creative and motion picture industries, " The Celtic Studios" which were built in Baton Rouge are now attracting major motion pictures as the states only purpose-built sound stages. New Orleans has two purpose-built studios coming on line next year.
We need investment in post-production facilities -- sound recording and editing facilities. We also need to support the assets that are already here in "Shreveport" - The Robinson Film Center, the Animation and Visual Effects Program at "LSUS", the Bosssier Parish Community College film program and so many other creative entities. There are some great opportunities for investments that have a double bottom line impact -- economic and quanity of life.
It would also be nice to see more business relocating to downtown "Shreveport". We have a beautiful downtown that is vastly under-utilized. Overall, we need more amenities - cultural, recreational and entertainment venues -- to continue to attract and keep the creative class.
My spin on this: 2010 is looking much brighter and on the up-swing for the coming year, and maybe we will be able to dig ourselves out of this hole. Stay tuned, I may see you in the movies....The saga continues:
Kicking back and keeping it real.
You could always ask your "fallen comrade" and convicted felon Heidemarie Schnitzer if she would agree to make a personal appearance. Surely she'll be looking for some extra cash after she gets out of prison. All you'll have to do is spring
ReplyDeletefor her airfare from Austria to Shreveport. A win-win proposition for all concerned.
And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too my dear commenter.
ReplyDeleteCupcake..I have shivers down my spine.Something evil just slithered through our blog.
ReplyDeleteYes , an evil snake just appeared.
ReplyDeleteA coward I would say, scared to show their face.
Hey, partner, I told you they were sneaking around, I know who that bitch is.
ReplyDeleteRemember, I told you she was commenting as anonymous on th DC blog.
Listen, you anonymous bitch,if I comment on a blog, I will leave my name, I will not sneak around like a thief in the night, what do you have to hide, you are just a piss-ass hole.
ReplyDeleteHi CC...I hope you had a wonderful holiday.Lord knows it will take me a while to recover from all the fun. I would like to sleep for a week.
ReplyDeleteI had a great Christmas, now all I have to do is make it the next one. Maybe I will sleep til the 2rd of January. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteSleep sounds so wonderful.I would like to hibernate until spring but I have to go snow-tubing on New Year's Day.I'm attempting to get out of it.
ReplyDeleteAnd were you a good little girl this Christmas or did you give Santa a hard time?
ReplyDeleteAre you still digesting all that food? I know I am.
I can feel some of that food developing into handles on my hips.
ReplyDeleteStill full...yes I was a good girl as always.
ReplyDeleteNan says I have an ass like Jennifer Lopez. No Santa gave me his Hard. hahaha
ReplyDeleteAccording to Gil you were naughty all year.Maybe he meant naughty in a nice way.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to have handles on the hips, just don't get any wrinkles, you know what I mean. haha
ReplyDeleteHa!!...That was a good one CC.You're hot tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe Jacksons' show is on now.I have to change it...Blechhh.
ReplyDeleteWhen no one is looking, I let him have a peek.
ReplyDeleteI just change mine also.I don't like them well enough to post about them. They can't dance or sing.
ReplyDeleteDidn't I tell you that we was sweet and people just couldn't stay away from us?
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea (the peek) to keep the relationship exciting.Too bad I wear jeans all the time.At least I don't wear them to bed ...yet.
ReplyDeleteWe are loved by our fans. It's so gratifying.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Heidi,I hope she is not getting out any time soon.She needs long term therapy to get well.I hope they re-think her release.
I showed Gil the Santa baby post and he said he will show me again how to do it, maybe write it down so I can follow the directions as soon as things slow down.
ReplyDeleteI hope they keep her, but she may convince them she is well and get an early release.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Heidi and Sharon Harvey will team up and give DC a little PR.
Wonder what Anonymous will think when DC open his Greta films studio here?
The Santa's Baby post was fun.I enjoyed doing it.I took your words and turned them into a poem.
ReplyDeleteBut you told a fib.You said you were good all year.
Sent you an email.
ReplyDeleteIf Heidi comes back online and re-activates her blogs, then we can assume that the therapy did no good.That would be a shame.What a waste of a good person.
ReplyDeleteOkay...Be right back
ReplyDeleteWell, I was good if you don't count the times I was naughty. When I wear my Jeans, I let him run his hand down the front of them.
ReplyDeleteI read the post about the man falling, I once loved to fly, but not anymore, people is trying to blow them up, you heard about the father warning the about his son?
ReplyDeleteI guess Gil will represent DC when he opens his company there.He is family even though his family doesn't like him very much.
ReplyDeleteGotcha right back.
ReplyDeleteI know we are sweet and entertaining and they are welcome to joined us, but they have to play by our rules and the rules are simple, just be yourself and have fun.
Yes, he will represent him, and I will get the lowdown and post it here.We have some very pertty dark-skinned ladies here so Amina better look out.
ReplyDeleteIt will be fun to report on the situation PIC. Although I don't know how 'hands on'DC will be. He may just put someone else in charge.
ReplyDeleteHow did Brian's trivia game go at the company party?
ReplyDeleteSo true, he's not hands on, Abe seen him in Vegas promoting his Lexicon Co.
ReplyDeleteIt's not off the ground yet,he needs some more investors. I asked Gil was he going to invest and he said "NOPE."
Trivia game went great.I will put some of it on the blog.
ReplyDeleteThe boys went with Bio on the day after Christmas (Boxing Day in Canada).Bio is much more co-operative now that he has no Partner in Crime.
ReplyDeleteI have never understood why some people want to keep kicking a person when they're down. Heide could get well and write a book and get quite rich.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess when you don't have a man to fuck, all you can do is live in the past.
I will put some photos in drafts for you when I pull them together.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll get one of me tubing down the ski hill.
Watch BIO just the same, I hope she never come back, and he don't know how to care for the boys if they get ill.
ReplyDeleteYou know she may have been the one that wanted the boys.
ReplyDeleteNan asked me when was boxing day, I told her to ask you, maybe it was the day we give the wee ones the boxes to play with.
I think you're right; she could write a book with the right ghost writer which could have potential.
ReplyDelete'The Memoirs of a Gingerbread Stalker'
The thing that would hold it back is that DC is not an 'A' class star. A Brad Pitt stalker would have a ready market.
That will be great. Why do you called it boxing day?
ReplyDeleteYou are right on the money about DC,he is a d-lister and when CSI:M close he will fade off into the sunset.
ReplyDeleteI asked my man why he wouldn't invest, he said he has a poor track history and has failed at everything he started. A man that can't keep a woman something is wrong with him.
Boxing day is a very old British tradition referring to the day after Christmas when servants had the day off and were given boxes of food and other goodies to take home by their employers.It also refers to the boxes of clothing and food donated to the poor after Christmas and the boxes placed outside of churches for donations.
ReplyDeleteThat's your history lesson for the day.It does have other origins but they are obscure and have become lost in history.
In Canada it is the day we relax and recover or go out to the boxing day sales which are lots of fun.
I will take your advice about Bio.If he is unstable emotionally right now,there is no telling what he might try.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes feel sorry for DC.The only solid,permanent thing in his life was that show and now it is drawing to a close.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of Box Day, maybe it should be started around the world, that would be nice.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it was his choice to walk out on his children.
ReplyDeleteWe enjoy Boxing Day and everyone gets that day off as part of Christmas.Some of my daughters like B.Day better than Christmas because it is so relaxing.Chriistmas day is hectic.
ReplyDeleteHe is a sad person and I think he knows it has come a time in his life where he have to pay for any affection he gets, looking back he had it all, but now he is older than his years and he haven't aged well and his health is deteriorating fast, I wonder how long will Amina stay with him after the show close.
ReplyDeleteWe're still eating left-overs today.Maxy loves turkey.He looks like he put on a pound or two.
ReplyDeleteBrian had to wear his pants unbuttoned for two days.I wonder if there are more heart attacks during this season.
My son Steve really overindulged.His wife is such a good cook;especially of desserts.
ReplyDeleteMy turkey turned out really well and I am an indifferent cook.
How about yours?
Amina will stay as long as the money holds out and not a day longer.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know...it makes no difference how how old our men get, they know they are loved for themselves and not what they can give us.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would want a man my age, hell I want someone that's ready to settle down and make me happy.
I think Amina has pretty much milked that cow as much as she can already.He obviously has not helped her career as he no doubt promised her.In fact she is more obscure now than she was before.
ReplyDeleteShe has been reduced to cleaning the wheels on his SUV.And he makes a real effort to keep her in the background.All hopes of a career have been dashed.She will always be known as one of DC's bed-mates and that's all.
Everything turned out great and all my left-overs is gone, with all my family dropping in all day, they wasn't much left.
ReplyDeleteAunt Mae was over to have dinner and I invited Betts and Leon, she can't cook, Betts went to the Market and brought one of those frozen dinners.
It was very nice of you to invite Betts and Leon.I know she resented the fact that you were asked to take over for her at the casino.
ReplyDeleteSis baked 2 hams and brought ome here today, because Aunt Mae stayed with us.Dad told the family they had to tell aunt Mae whats going own and she really dug into Leon.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine eating a TV dinner on Christmas day??
ReplyDeleteI don't like cooking but I know someone has to do it so I learned the basics.My kids would have starved otherwise.
ReplyDeleteBrian can make toast.That's it.
I'm glad they told aunt Mae the truth. She had a right to know.
ReplyDeleteDad is a wise man.
I bet Sis makes a mean ham.I loved a well cooked ham.
ReplyDeleteMy mother used to wrap a pastry around her ham before she cooked it,just to keep it moist.When it was done the pastry was broken off and the ham was delicious.
Dad told aunt Mae, that he didn't have anything to lose, his grands had all his money.
ReplyDeleteBetts was not suppose to be take over, she knew nothing about running table games, The ass't was more than capable of running it, she would called me if she needed help. Betts just wanted to be where she could be seen. The paper work is in a mess, and I have sent out invitations to all the high rollers, trying to drum up business.
Nana must have taught Sis, thats the was she bakes her ham,A lot of people asks her why and she said thats the way mama baked hers.
ReplyDeleteThey must have a lot of confidence in you.I know you will staighten it all out.It is satisfying to be good at something.
ReplyDeleteMaxy is doing his "Gotta go Poo Dance".I guess he needs to download a little turkey.So goodnight for now partner.It was sure nice talking to you again.I missed you...PIC
ReplyDeleteOut of the six casinos we was #2, right behind Horseshoe now we are #5. the people she hired looks sloppy. I put a poster on the board that we was having a meeting, one at 8:am and one at 4:pm. so everone can come and if they don't show they will be fired.
ReplyDeletePost Script: Boy, you sound tough.
ReplyDeleteI missed you also and it will be better for the both of us next year, just wait and see, there are a lot of things in store for us.
ReplyDeleteSo goodnite and sweet dreams.
See you later Gator......PIC
I misssssssssssssed you toooooooo
hahaha NIte...Pic
Funny girl.