Sarah Palin's secret war with Michelle Obama is exploding as her controversial new memoir tops the best-selllers list,sources reveal.Insiders say that as she rides the wave of publicity surrounding her book, the Republican pin-up queen is taking every opportunity to snipe at Michelle. Palin has been mocking the First Lady and boasting how she's going to personally "kick the Obamas" butts out of the White House 
in 2012 insiders say. Sarah's obsessed with the Obamas, particularly "Michelle" one insider says."They're on her mind 24/7."

in 2012 insiders say. Sarah's obsessed with the Obamas, particularly "Michelle" one insider says."They're on her mind 24/7."
Palin insists she--not Michelle Obama--is the most important woman in America today. People are waking up and starting to realize the truth. Palin said I'm Alaska-tough, Michelle and her husband are just spineless wimps.
Sarah's aides recently gave her a coffee cup, which she keeps on her desk, on the front of the cup are the words, What Would Barack Obama Do?" On the back it says ," Nothing As Usual!" She shows that cup off whenever she can. Insiders say the two women have never liked one another, but Palin has stroked the bitter conflict as sales of her best-selling book - for which she was oaid $7 million advance - have soared.
Palin made her first promotional appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show on November 16, the day before the official release of "Going Rogue." Palin hardly mentioned the Obamas during the hour long interview with Oprah - The Commander - in - Chief's biggest supporter. Instead she revisited several controversies from the 2008 campaign, including her disastrous interview with CBS anchor Katie Couric. But a source says that behind the scenes, Caribou Barbie [Palin] has her sites set on toppling the Obamas - enraging the President's wife, insiders say .
An angry First Lady is fighting back against Palin.
Michelle said," didn't anyone tell "Palin" she was on the losing side".
Michelle is using a picture of Palin on the cover of Newsweek Magazine to ridicule her nemesis. The picture shows a smiling Palin in a fitted top and short-shorts in a beauty queen pose by an American flag draped over a chair. The magazine has been blasted by Palin supporters, who say the picture- from a shoot for Runner's World-- is sexist and being used out of context to discredit the former governor of Alaska. Still, White House insiders reveal staffers have blown up the cover and given it to the First lady, who likes to show it to pals to poke fun at "THE PIT BULL IN LIPSTICK."
Palin's name is high on the White House's Top 25 Enemies List (which Michelle helped draw up) and which is topped by Conservative loud mouth Glenn Beck. During the campaign, Michelle hated Sarah's snide insinuations that her husband pals around with terrorists, the insider says. Palin made out as though Obama was some kind of secert socialist, that he - and by inference Michelle --somehow didn't share real America values.
Michelle is livid and says," Palin has done nothing but lie when it comes to the Obamas."
Another stinging source of contention is that while Michelle has been held up as a trend-setting vision of style, Palin was pummeled in the press over her wardrobe. The vice presidential candiate was pilloried when it was reported that the Republican National Committee had spent $150,000 on her outfits.
But in her book, Palin writes that she and her family never went "on any kind of big-time shopping trips" during the campaign . However, John McCain's former running mate is still bitter about the fashion flap.
Sarah told me , "the political media praises Michelle for how she dresses while criticizing me for my wardrobe. What double standards", said the source.
Adds the insider," this is just the beginning of what promises to be a long, drawn out catfight between Palin and Michelle as the 2012 presidential election draws closer."
My spin on this catfight: I can't see Palin as President of the U.S....She's petty and can't see as far as her nose, as a matter of fact, Palin don't know her ass from a hole in the ground. The president of the United States has a lot of world issues to contend with, not petty crap that Palin is into. If palin runs against Obama, she will lose big time, it won't be about Sarah Palin versus Barack Obama .It will be about Sarah Palin versus Michelle Obama---and may the toughest woman win....We don't have to make a bad spin On Sarah Palin ...She does that quite well all by herself. To be continued:
Kicking back and keeping it real:
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