Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Resolutions? I Don't Think So

Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year and yet you never keep them? Here are some resolutions that you can actually accomplish! Enjoy! :-)

10. Read less.
9. Gain some weight - at least 30 pounds.
8. Stop exercising. Waste of time.
7. Watch more TV - All the crap you wouldn't watch last year.
6. Procrastinate more - but think it over first.
5. Drink - then drink some more.
4. Start being superstitious
3. Spend more time doing absolutely nothing
2. Stop bringing lunch from home - eat out more and eat bigger portions
1. Take up a new habit: maybe smoking, gambling or just eating junk food.You might even give some thought to becoming a sex addict.

You can do it. Call upon your inner strength, your will power and you can keep every resolution on this list.


  1. Anonymous5:28:00 PM

    I will make some resolutions this year, the ones I will make is :
    #'s 3--4--7--8--10.

    Number nine, I don't need to make a rasolution for it [giggles] my PIC is making sure I gain the weight, she know I love to cook and she keep coming up with all these good recipes.
    The recipes for the immune system is the best.

  2. Anonymous5:29:00 PM

    I will meet you on the Garrido post.

  3. I haven't made my resolution yet.

    I think I'll try to be more patient.


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