Tuesday, November 04, 2008

WHO is Vixen?

Good question.
There is not much that is to know about ME.
Names , places , nationality and age have no meaning.
I am a very independent.
I hate to make long term plans.
My motto: "I'd rather live 10 very intense years than 70 very boring years."
I have my very own opinion which I like to express. I don't care if it upsets you or not. Take it or leave it and accept it - like I accept your opinion.

I have a blog of my own, humbly called "David Caruso revealed". I post things the way I see fit. I neither fear attorneys, nor network reps or artist's reps nor fans. What gets published on my blog stays published. You can ask me (nicely) to remove certain entries but you can't make me.

The people who post on my blog are a very eclectic group. Jeannie, CUPCAKE, Angela (now and then), Monroe and ME.
I plan to share one or the other item with you that I think could be interesting for this blog....


  1. Anonymous12:25:00 PM

    Welcome Vix.I wonder what little morsels you're going to throw into the pot.You are always an interesting writer.Apparently,no subject is off limits here.
    It boggles the mind what I could say,but I'm holding back.

  2. Anonymous1:14:00 PM

    Welcome Vixen,
    Jeannie is right,throw any and every thing into the mix,we nave no limits and we never close..haha,we would love for Monroe to pay us a visit,and talk about old what's his name.

  3. Anonymous1:18:00 PM

    come on share,share,everything goes

  4. Hi,Jean'ne. Did you vote yet?I won't ask you who you voted for.
    I think I know.
    On the other hand you're full of surprises.I wonder what sex scandals will come out of the Whitehouse when Mr Obama takes over.There's almost always a sex scandal.

  5. Vix you know how to use colors and fonts and you make your posts attractive and easy to read.I'll have to learn that.

  6. Anonymous2:13:00 PM

    Obama and sex-scandal? Are you kidding?
    I think there rather will be some sort of scandal with Palin (clothes, pregnant teenager). But Obama? I can't see that. That guy is no Bill (Clinton)he has no Hillary who puts the screws on his balls.

  7. Well that's true about the HIllary factor.Obama's wife seems like a very nice,concerned person.

    Anyone married to Hillary would have major marital problems.I think she has penis envy.

  8. Anonymous3:10:00 PM

    ..and she attacked Bill once with afire-poker after sh found out he had cheated on her with Gennifer Flowers. The Secret Service had to save the president from her attacks.

    The problem is Hillary is far too intelligent for every man. And far suoerior to the walking penis that is Bill.

  9. When you're that intelligent,all men look stupid.Who needs them

  10. Anonymous3:45:00 PM

    Everyone is saying Obama,if it is,everyone should be happy ,he has the black/white part for everyone .MaCain hurt himself with Palin...Now there won't be no getting pregnant with Michelle,she would call her and tell her to sit her black ass down gonna tell you whats up.....I have a nephew thats marrid to a black woman,she's really sweet,I like her, you know where you stand with her

  11. Anonymous3:52:00 PM

    Jeannie I voted early ,about 2 weeks ago,suppose to be in Reno,glad I did,everybody and their mama were out.

    Yes VIXEN tell Jeannie how to make us pretty,one time I put the Statscounter in space..gone...deleted the blog twice...gave wrong address 2weeks or more,Jeannie go for it,make us pretty.


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