When I was at the mall the other day,I held the door open for a couple of ladies who were chatting with each other.They breezed through without even acknowledging me.I could have been a rubber door stop.
It's a little demeaning and it chips away at your good will.A subtle change takes place that you're not even aware of and the next time you're at that door you may be a little reluctant to be so courteous.What goes around,comes around.
A woman in front of me at the bank machine,loaded down with bags and packages was fumbling in her purse,I guess,for her bank card.She dropped a couple of bundles and her purse.The contents of her purse went everywhere and her change scattered ten feet in every direction.I rushed around picking up money and personal items(some of them,very personal) while she tried to get her parcels in some kind of order and kept repeating "SHIT,OH,SHIT".I handed her all her things and said"I think this is what you were looking for",holding up her bank card.She snatched it out of my hand as if I were stealing it and said "Yeah",and turned away.
Now,I didn't want her eternal gratitude,but a thankyou wouldn't have killed her,or a smile,or even a nod.My day didn't seem so bright and sunny after that.
Your reaction to someone affects their reaction to the next person they meet.If someone shows you courtesy or kindness,please be gracious and thank them and if you can do it with a smile it'll warm the cockles of their heart,and yours too.You might feel like passing that little act of kindness along to some one else.
As I mentioned before ,life is a circle.What goes around comes around.
I witnessed a selfless act of kindness in the supermarket once,when I was out with my daughter.It's the kind of thing you remember vividly even though you don't want to.
A young girl and her boyfriend were all over each other,and she was showing off her lovely body in a pink halter and pink tights.We heard a loud "OOOOHHHH",and turned to look.We saw a brown river of diarrhea pouring down one leg of those pink tights and coming out at the bottom.We stood for a moment,frozen in indecision,then as I stepped forward to offer help,she said to him"Give me your coat".
He said"It's my new leather coat".He had,easily,paid five hundred for that coat.
"Give me the damn coat",she said.
He said"I'm sorry,you're right.Here."
It was a short jacket,so she tied the arms around her waist and they left.Her shoe squished as she walked past.
I felt her humiliation.Imagine,in front of a boy you're trying to impress.
Like Jack Nicholson says in his movie,"The Bucket List","Never trust a fart".
I wondered if she ever appreciated the sacrifice he made for her,out of simple human kindness.
I must confess at this point,I don't always practice what I preach.This happened a long time ago but I'll never forget it, because I was bad.Going to a Christmas sale at a department store,I saw a lady coming out ,carrying a Christmas tree.She turned to screech at her children to keep up,and got kind of stuck in the doorway.I said,"Let me help you",grabbing the door.
She said"I don't need help",in kind of a nasty way.Soooo,I let the door slam on her.For about a second,it felt good.What can I say?
I know exactly where you are coming from.I sometime wish I could beat the shit out of them,nothing is so bad you can't say thank you,someone having a bad day,a smile will do wonders,I try my damneast to think postive,it helps to look on the bright side.
p.s. have a good nignt..JEAN`NE
I found the sucker...
ReplyDeleteI am going to post about the celebrities I have met here filming.Got to tell you about Kevin Costner..now that is a real gentleman...
Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteHe had his wife and baby with him,I will do it tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteYeah, that is really bad.
ReplyDeleteBut I noticed that in the weeks before Christmas people are especially stressed out or in a very bad mood.
My advice - clebrate Christmas differently - at least for once. Board a plane to Thaiti, the Maledives or Mexico, book a nice hotel and let other people do the cooking, shopping, decorating...and you won't be stressed out once the Holidays come around. LOL
If I was free to do that Vix I'd be gone right now.Fuck Christmas
ReplyDeleteMe too. I am a "I hate Christmas" person. However, my daughter loves it so I have to pretend every year that I like it too.