were met by Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates.
"In honor of this holy season",Saint Peter said,"you must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven."
The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter.He flicked it on."It represents a candle,"he said.
Saint Peter said",You may pass through thePearly Gates".
The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.He shook them and said",They're bells."
Saint Peter said,"You may pass through the Pearly Gates."
The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties.
Saint Peter raised an eyebrow and asked,"And just what do those symbolize?"
The man replied,"These are Carol's."
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one,you had me fooled,my first thoughts was old Dave with Amina's."COOL"
I got to learn this picture crap,
Cupcake,I keep trying to get into the stats program but it won't accept my password.I would like to learn how it operates.maybe it only takes your password.
ReplyDeleteYou have to register your own account with your own password.
ReplyDeleteChristmas? Oh my. Not at the moment.Today we have a mean Santa Ana. It has 38 degress. We run around in tank-tops and shorts. Can I trade places with you Jeannie. A bit of the canadian cool would be very welcomed!
Thankyou so much for the information,Vix.
ReplyDeleteWe had our first snowfall today.It was quite beautiful.We don't think it's so pretty when we have to start shovelling it off the driveway but we like the cool weather.
I've just installed a new program Microsoft Office.WOW! It's brilliant.Very compatible with my XP,so many features.It'll take me weeks to figure it all out.I'm not a computer geek like you.I wish I was.I try but I don't seem to get any more computer smart.
Jeannie I am having the same problem,It won't accept my passwod,I e-mail stats,they sent me the same password I am using,I am waiting on another reply from them,they are slow.
ReplyDeleteWhy are we finding all this so hard?WE're both intelligent women?
ReplyDeleteI think it will grow on us,what I know about computers ain't shit....allI did was e-mail until my neice showed me the web sites..I like Xmas is cancelled.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is I keep throwing my code into cyber space,I have it copied so maybe I will get there,I can ask you how we doing until I get there. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how we're doing.I can't get into the damn program
ReplyDeleteWell we are having fun,all that shit is greek to me...we'll make it,after thanksgiving we will be tearing them up.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to get a professional looking blog with some style just to show the fangirls we can.But you're right I
ReplyDeletem having a ball.This was a great idea Jean'ne.Congrats
Jeannie ,look into the templates,there are some nice ones,you have a great eye for details,I bet you will do us proud,I had a nice one ,cupcake-life love and laughs,but can,t remember now,had so much going on,see what you think.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely look.How are you coming along with the pitures?
ReplyDeleteLadies. Hate to spoil it but you do it wrong. Go to stats - fill in the required forms and copy and paste the code you get. Copy the code into the html gadget-section of the blog - thats it. i did it for this blog and it worked as you can see.
ReplyDeleteI see you both have been neglecting me....not very Christian of you! LOL
I will start working on pictures tomorrow I hope,my babies has the sniffles,not bad,but Jill is a bigger baby than Gilly,slowed me down a little,she is her daddy's baby.
ReplyDeleteI hope the poor little mite feels better tomorrow.Kids pick up colds every other week,especially when they're in school
ReplyDeleteThanks Vix, will try it tomorrow
ReplyDeleteWE were so lucky to have you Vix.we would have made quite a mess of things.
ReplyDeleteGil taught Jill how to call him,she has him on speed dial,she told him she were sick ,he asked her where was I,she said I were scraping Gilly,but she is better,change in weather here,I rocked her to sleep ,all she wanted was her daddy to come.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a sweetheart.I hope her fever is down.Sometimes those fevers are scary.
ReplyDeleteA real daddy's girl.
It's a full time job with two little ones,but when they're sick it runs into overtime
ReplyDeleteI am gonna learn thse picture thing,so I can put their pictures on,yes she is daddy's baby .that's why I don't understand Dave,these are Gil's only kids,he is 54 yrs,he don't look or act like it..I have to do a post about the marrying thing-a-jig (giggles)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your kids.Im picturing them now.Do they both have dark brown eyes
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is the marrying thingajig?It sounds sexy
ReplyDeletedark brown eyes,curly hair like their daddy,you can tell they are all his,Gil says he is going to teach them how to speak italion,oh yes ,it's about the woman he marries.My babies is going to be tall,Gil is 6ft.3in. I'm 5ft.9in. go figure
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'4".I'd get a crick in my neck talking to you two.
ReplyDeleteYes,your son, particularly,will probably be a big guy.I bet he'll be a handsome son of a gun.I heard from Mac that you're very pretty.
Re - templates. A word of advice . Don't do too much. The site might start looking too cluttered and people could lose interest in reading.
ReplyDeleteWhen I open a blog and have hundrets of gadgets springing into my eyes I close it - because it is distracting and annoying.
When you look at my blog I have only very few . I don't need glitter-fairies and flowers and bees to make a point.
Just for thought..
ReplyDeleteVixen..how do we remove labels off front of blog page? Can't we hide them?What did you do with yours?It would give more space for other things.Thanks LOL[[[HUGS]]]
You go to Layout of your blog . The sidebar shows you everything you have uploaded is there and delete and add..