My Husband and I have 6 adults
children between us , all making a good living . Some of our children expect us
to pay for their airfare to come visit us , in addition to picking them up at
the airport , being their taxi service so they can go drinking at night and
letting them use our car . At no tme does anyone put gas in the car or even
treat us to a cheap breakfast .
During a recent visit , we made
reservations for dinner with one son , his girlfriend , their daughter (who
lives nearby) and the daughter's boyfriend .
That morning , my husband drove
them to the beach (10 miles away ) . They then called to say they ate a late
lunch and asked that we push back the reservation and that my husband pick them
up from the daughter's house and bring them home to change . It seems the
daughter didn't want to drive the 10 miles to our house
I have told my husband that from
now on , the kids must rent their own car when visiting . I'm tired of being
their private chauffeur . Am I over reacting ?
Selfish Guests No Longer Welcome
Dear Guests ,
Of course not . If your children are old enough to have kids of
their own , they should not need to be driven around by their parents . But I
recommend a tactful approach . For the next visit , simply say , "We wish we
could pick you up at the airport , but it won't be possible . We suggest you
rent a car so you can have your own independence .
Dear Maxy
I am a married wife (25-years-old)
with a small child and one on the way . My husband and I live in a small
apartment . We know most of the people living around us , including the divorced
woman (about 45) living below our apartment .
A few nights ago ahe brought home
a guy . The weather was warm , and we had our windows open for the night . This
lady had her bedroom window open as well . In the middle of the night , my
husband and I could hear this woman and man having sex . It was discusting
This isn't the first time this has
happen . How do I politely tell her that we can hear her and that she should
close her window .
Dear Sound-Proof
I want you to let go of any judgement you have about her .
Otherwise , whenever you communicate with her , you may come across as insulting
. Keep your goal in mind ; no more sex sounds .
It's likely your neighbor doesn't realize that she can be heard
, and there's a good chance she may be embarrassed to know that you hear her .
Approach her with the belief that she will be surprised and will be intereste d
in resolving the matter .
You should speak privately with her and ask that she close her
window doing those personal moments . Or slip a note under her door telling her
your concerns .
Now , there is a chance it won't work . She may not care . If
that's the case , you can either close your window or get a white-noise machine
to help dull the sounds coming from her window into yours .
Dear Maxy
Before my mother passed away from
her long battle with lung cancer , she and my father renewed their wedding vows
on her deathbed . It was the most amazing experience in my life and I cried like
a baby seeing my father renew his wedding vows .
My relationship with my father has
not been the best over the past years , and I would like to make it better .
What are some ways I can improve the relationship ?
For the Love of
Dear For the Love of Mom
Choose to spend time with your father . Ask him to tell you
stories of his relationship with your mother ; how they met , when they fell in
love , what was it like when you were yong . Get him to travel down memory lane
. This should warm him up .
Tell him stories about your life . Storytelling is a great way
to connect with loved ones and may become the salve that heals and strengthens
your bond .
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