Columnist and socialite; she was born November 27, 1962 in Brooklyn, New York to convicted mob-boss, John Gotti, and his wife, Victoria DiGiorgio. As a girl, Victoria Gotti was raised in a modest two-story house in Howard Beach, New York, with her four siblings. She was the shy one of the Gotti children; Victoria was so quiet that for several years her parents suspected their daughter was autistic.
Despite claims otherwise, Gotti says her family lived a sheltered, lower middle-class life with old-fashioned family values. Her mother made all of the children's clothes, and cut the girls' hair. As a teenager, her father was a very strict enforcer of curfews and was insistent on screening Victoria's boyfriends.Gotti's father was also frequently in-and-out of jail during her childhood. Her mother told the family that their father was away on business as a plumbing supplier, helping to build a prison facility. "I was raised to believe...none of what you hear, and only half of what you see," Victoria has said of her early years with her father.
The young Gotti daughter was an avid reader and devoted straight-A student. She skipped two grades in high school, entering St. Johns University in 1977, at the age of 15. While she was still attending St. Johns, Victoria was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, a condition that makes the heart race, causing dizziness and palpitations. Her condition meant that Gotti needed to watch her health carefully, take regular medication, and occasionally wear a heart monitor.
In March of 1980, Victoria's 12-year-old brother, Frank, was hit by a car after he steered his motorbike into traffic. The accident devastated Victoria, who referred to her brother as her "little doll." Soon after the incident, her mother reportedly hospitalized the driver of the car, John Favara, after she bludgeoned him with a baseball bat. Four months later, Favara was abducted and never seen again. Victoria always claimed she knew nothing of the incident, or her family's involvment in Favara's disappearance.
Despite the tragedy, Gotti was determined to finish college and pursue a law degree, but she dropped out when she decided she was "too shy" to become a lawyer. In 1984, shortly after leaving school, she married her high school sweetheart and "first real boyfriend," scrap-metal dealer, Carmine Agnello. Together, the couple had three sons, Carmine, Frank and John, as well as a daughter, Justine, who was stillborn.
In 1992, when Victoria was 30 years old, her father, John Gotti, was convicted of racketeering and five counts of murder. He was sentenced to life without parole. For Victoria, his imprisonment came as a shock. She denied the court's allegations, and remained devoted to her father. "They don't make men like him anymore," she has said of the alleged mob-boss, "and they never will."
In 1995, Gotti wrote her first book, Women and Mitral Valve Prolapse. Inspired by her own struggle with the illness (she now has a pacemaker), the book documented her heart condition in relatable terms, and was critically acclaimed by patients and doctors alike. This non-fiction success led to her career in fiction writing, and in 1997, her mystery novel The Senator's Daughter hit bookstores to solid reviews.
In a recent interview to promote her latest book, Victoria finally, publicly admitted her mob boss father was a murderer on an episode of 48 Hours Mystery on CBS . Victoria came clean about her thoughts on her dad's life of crime on the show. According to People.com she said:I would lie awake nights and cry. 'Is my dad gonna come home? Is he gonna go to jail again? Is he going to get hurt? Is he gonna get killed?"
John Gotti was the head of the Gambino crime family in New York. He was called the "Teflon Don" before he was finally convicted of 13 murders in 1992. He died of cancer 10 years later while still in prison. It's still unknown how many murders he had a hand in.Victoria has just finished her book 'This Family of Mine': What It Was Like Growing Up Gotti. She said her father approved of the book, and didn't want to be made out to look like a good guy. We certainly hope not.
In Victoria's new tell-all she reveals that she didn't know what her father did for a living until she was in her twenties -- and remarkably didn't know what her husband did either! The mob wool was still over Victoria's youthful eyes when she married ex-hubby Carmine Agnello. She didn't know about his life of crime until 15 years after the wedding! "When he got arrested for the first time, I was blown away."
Victoria also recalls chilling events that reminded her of the life her family lived -- including when her mother stabbed her father with a fork, and when her own husband held a gun to her face. "He was on top of me. I woke up, literally opened my eyes to the barrel of the gun." Gotti may be breaking the crime family code of silence, but she maintains she was given her father's blessing to talk. "He said, 'I have to tell you, don't make me out to look like an altar boy 'cause I wasn't."
The mafia princess also opened up about the mysterious disappearance of the neighbor who killed her brother Frank in a car accident. "I wanted revenge," Gotti admits, adding that most people believed her father granted that wish. Victoria herself believes her father was innocent. "Ironically, this was something someone did and they thought they were gonna get a pat on the back."
Gotti also believes that brother John Jr. -- now awaiting trial on murder and racketeering charges -- is innocent. "John has never killed anybody. John was never a hardened gangster, per se." According to Victoria, John shied away from the family business, and John Sr. was happy to let him go. For more on Victoria's life in a crime family, pick up a copy of "This Family of Mine."
Victoria who has had some financial setbacks since her show went off the air has just made a deal with the feds that would have made her late father proud.Gotti will get to keep her Long Island mansion, which she was about to lose to foreclosure, by agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum for 11 commercial properties previously owned by her ex-husband, Carmine Agnello.
Victoria who has had some financial setbacks since her show went off the air has just made a deal with the feds that would have made her late father proud.Gotti will get to keep her Long Island mansion, which she was about to lose to foreclosure, by agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum for 11 commercial properties previously owned by her ex-husband, Carmine Agnello.
Agnello, who got out of prison earlier this year, still owes the government $7 million of a $10 million ruling against him. Until the deal was made, Agnello's mother owned the properties and was attempting to sell them. Agnello probably put the properties in his mother's name to keep them safe from the feds until he got out of prison. She may have been trying to sell them to give him the proceeds . It would have helped pay down the money he owes Uncle Sam.
Victoria will now be able to sell the properties to pay off the $700,000 currently owed on the mortgage on her home -- a mortage she says Agnello took out without her knowledge and neglected to tell her about when she was awarded the house during the divorce settlement.
The Gotti inheritance seems to be a notoriety that never fades.It moves down the line, engulfing one family member after another.We have yet to hear from John Gotti's grandchildren. It's only a matter of time.
Nan,I'm not sure you can talk about your special mission in Reno,but I hope it was successful and you straightened everything out.Quite a challenge,eh?
ReplyDeleteI hope you kick back and have a long rest now and enjoy your family.You'll have a wonderful Christmas. Better start your Christmas shopping.
You could have got some gifts in Vegas.How I loved shopping there.You can find anything in Vegas.I bought clothes shoes and jewellery.
Anyway,'The Partners in Crime'want to start another blog.We want to slam celebrities,politicians,men in general or anything that needs slamming.If you are ever interested in digging up some dirt for us or even writing something yourself ,we would appreciate it..It'll be fun.
Also ,Nan we are looking for a good name for the new blog...J
ReplyDeleteNee just called and said you were here and wanted to talk.
Had a great time did some shopping fired a bunch of people
it's wasnt fun but had to be done for the betterment of the company and the employees.
I would love to dig up some dirt for your new blog that I am good at. Don't have a name for it but please don't let Nee name it
she may name it choochie
Have to go down thestreet to aunt Em's be back in a few.
And thenks for wanting to include me but you two know I am always on the look out.
Thanks nan,talk to you later.
ReplyDeleteHa..PIC she has your number.You two probably know each other better than anyone knows you.
ReplyDeleteHow did you like my series on the Gottis PIC? I tried not to let my personal opinion creep into it.
ReplyDeleteI bet she will be telling you all my little secerts.
It's a great post all three parts together, you don't have to jump around.
How was your day? Good I hope.
Those are the kind we want to do..
ReplyDeleteJust had and Idea...a post like that one could have a hellva personal opinion follow up like the CSI trilogy follow-up you told me to do.
It's a good idea to do a follow-up.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I want to do this one.I don't want to wake up dead or with a horse's head in the bed.
I get your drift, we will do follow ups on the new one, I don't think anyone else is doing it on their blogs, it will be something different.
ReplyDeleteI still think turning on your friends when you are as guilty as they are just to save your ass is awful.
I think telling the family...you should play it by ear.
I'll take your advice to heart and play it by ear.
ReplyDeleteVis a vis the traitors, singing like canaries;it shows you that even your best friend will betray you to get out of jail.You can't trust anyone in the mob.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like dad...he said when he was a young man he left Brooklyn and came west, money was to easy and your life wasn't worth a plug nickle. When he had kids, he wanted them to have a chance at at good life and good values.
ReplyDeleteYou got that right.He would hate being fussed over.You seem to know him quite well.
ReplyDeleteI guess after a year and a half of talking about the guy you've got him figured out pretty accurately.
I see where Alite says John Jr. dropped $30,000 in Vegas, shit thats nothing for a high-roller to drop.The casinos fly them in and cater to their needs, everything free and all the liquor they can drink.$30,000 is just a drop in the hat for them.
ReplyDeletePlease forgive me.I have deleted all comments about the personal subject.
ReplyDeleteMy mother watched the 'Colonel'(Elvis' manager)drop a few hundred thousand at the tables.
Always delete.
ReplyDeleteWe will need one at the othe site.
I will tell Brian.It will probably be the same for him.
ReplyDeleteBefore I became management over table games,and was a dealer,poker mostly, they droped a lot of money and my tips was very good.
ReplyDeleteIt was only blood money, what the hell did they care, just bump someone off and get paid.
ReplyDeleteSilver Hammer
Slam Bam
Choochie Talk
I just threw that last one in for a joke
I think when money comes that easily to people like that,they can't throw it away quick enough.
ReplyDeleteJohn JR.didn't stand a chance of growing up differently.He was strongly attracted to the life and his dad was the don,so he had an entree into the mob.You have to kill someone to beocme a made man though.
ReplyDeleteHorseshoe and Sams town is the only casinos Nee can play table games I miss listening to you two.
Nee count cards Nan
CC can you remember the most you ever saw won or lost?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe Nan knows of a big winner/loser.
I'll keep coming up with names until something clicks. We may come all the way back to 'BASH'
All those names sound too violent don't they?
We've both missed having you sit in on our gossiping Nan.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy seeing the money I work for. When I coonted my tips and sometime they would be over a couple thousand dallors for a weekend and when there was tournament I remembered making $3,000 for that weekend.
ReplyDeleteWhat big tips.Did you let them pinch your ass? Maybe you leaned forward when you dealed the cards so they could see the bubbies.
ReplyDeleteThat was rude of me.I know you worked hard for your tips.Probably late at night too.
ReplyDeleteYou could have made more if you let them have a little ass grab.
How about Dwayne Johnson, wrestler now do movies dropped a bundle two weeks ago at the tables about a grand so I heard.
ReplyDeletePlease don't name it choochie Nee will be counting her hairs if she has any. Nan
Yes you are not rude in the least
ReplyDeleteWore a skirt and let them look at the legs and when I got up I gave them the jiggler walk.
Yes I forgot about the jiggle walk thats how she got her man as she calls that crazy fool running round looking for her like a love sick puppy Nan
ReplyDeleteI wonder if wrestlers and other athletes gamble more than the average person.They certainly have more disposable income.
ReplyDeleteI will have to research that.Very interesting.
The jiggle walk sounds fascinating.Can you pop your booty??
ReplyDeleteI do the bubby bounce.It can be effective if he is a breast man.
I wonder if that poor fool is still lovesick.
ReplyDeleteI think it's rather sweet.
I will say good night I think I still has a little jet lag Nan
ReplyDeleteSleep well...J
ReplyDeleteI think CC went for a pee.
ReplyDeleteCaught it before I went off. Thats one I will have to tell you about.
ReplyDeleteYes the fool is still lovesick. Nan
How did you know...I held it as long as I could.
ReplyDeleteLordy Nan is back to her old self.
ReplyDeleteWe do know each other well, the family says we are joined at the hip.
You sure seem to know how to keep your man interested CC.Still lovesick after all these years.
ReplyDeleteI think you should write another post ,telling gals the secret of keeping your man lovesick and hungry for you.
ReplyDeleteHell, just doing what you and sis say, keep him well fucked.haha
ReplyDeleteI think I will, always do the unexpeacted like jumping out buck ass naked at him. I did once when I was 7/8 months pregnant and i think the fool laughed so hard he pissed on himself.
ReplyDeleteYou cook for him too.That must make him feel cherished.
ReplyDeleteA lot of women are not as passionate as you,they have to try other means.
That's one of my secrets,making him laugh.Works every time.Not as good as surprise sex,but pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI just be me, throw on some clothes, like my worned jeans or shorts..don;t put on airs and stay the same person he fell in live with and if it's true love he will stay...it won't be like my ex.He was in love with fame and money, he is very unhappy with his life.
ReplyDeleteI love to make him laugh...sex is good, but just to be held and stroked is always good, you don't have to do the nasty all the time.
ReplyDeleteHe says I am natural and don't put on airs and that he like.
It takes some people a long time to grow up and realize you're not happy until you love someone more than yourself and they love you.
ReplyDeleteTell me , can you imagine a 7/8 month pregnant woman jumping out at you buck ass naked?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to picture it in my mind and I have to say it's hilarious.Too bad he didn't have a camera.
ReplyDeleteA lot of men like sex with pregnant women.
You and I are so lucky, to know our men will always be there for us.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have to worry about catching anything.
Brian is one of them.
ReplyDeleteIt's too dangerous to be out there and single these days.If I were a young girl Now I would probably choose to be celibate until marriage. I would want my groom to be tested for VD& AIDS before I married him.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest thing is being with someone I can be completely myself with.It's relaxing and comfortable.
ReplyDeleteI just like being naked,he still sleep naked, I have to keep on some clothes now.
ReplyDeleteHe loves me as much first thing in the morning when I look like hell,as he loves me when I'm all dolled up.
ReplyDeleteAin't that the truth. if I was single now I would have all kinds and sizes of sex toys.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll let 'old rabbit poop eater' out for a pee and hit the sheets.I'm trying to teach him to say hello.Our old poodle could say a few words.
ReplyDeleteMaxy just looks at me like I escaped from the funny farm.
Another Christmas shopping marathon tomorrow.Nearly finished,thank heaven.
So girl,no hiding behind the drapes buck naked,go to bed...Have a good night...PIC
I think they love us more in the morning, wanting to jump our bones and kiss us before we brush our teeth. He says it hot and really hot before you pee.
ReplyDeleteWhat a kluck.
[giggles] Have a good night and happy shopping.
I have to say I don't enjoy sex before brushing my teeth and peeing....PIC