[Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.]
Definition of 'Freedom of the Press' : The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government. Americans enjoy freedom of the press under the First Amendment to the constitution.
While most Trump clones are dancing to his tune and a couple are balancing on the fence, one or two are politely disagreeing with his paranoid attacks on the press.
Don't be surprised if he tries to legislate some kind of state control over the media like his beloved Putin.
Donald Trump's defense secretary has distanced himself from the president's war on media, calling journalists a constituency of the democratic process.
James Mattis' comments came after his commander-in-chief declared the fifth estate the "enemy of the American people" and vowed to "expose them for what they are".
"The press, as far as I'm concerned, are a constituency that we deal with," Mr Mattis said. "And I don't have any issues with the press, myself."
Mr Trump often mocked the "dishonest" media in his presidential campaign. But since taking office, this denigration has morphed from crowd pleasing rhetoric into a strategy seemingly intended to discredit journalists reporting unflattering revelations of dysfunction and divisions in his White House.
Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff warned yesterday that Trump's comments, which often come in the form of missives fired on Twitter, should be taken "seriously". He described political reporting on Mr Trump's first month - the most drama-riven of perhaps any presidency - as a "feeding frenzy" of "bogus" stories.
Mr Priebus attacked as "total garbage" the media coverage of allegations that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Moscow's alleged interference in the US election, despite this also being the subject in of a senate intelligence committee investigation.
He said journalists should report that Mr Trump "has accomplished more in the first 30 days in this presidency than people can remember in a long time", ( more what? ) a claim that, when these first weeks are compared to those of Barack Obama's, his predecessor, does not stand up to scrutiny. ( keep dancing Mr Priebus)
On CBS' 'Face the Nation' Mr Preibus dogged focus on the dishonesty of the press, prompted anchor John Dickerson to say: "So in every answer, you've turned it back to the media. So I guess the question is: Is the strategy now to answer any question by just turning it back on the media and using a fight with the media as a way to try to control the storyline?" ( keep in step Mr Priebus)
The president has taken to collectively dismissing major US television networks and newspapers as the "fake news media", describing them as "lying", "corrupt" and "failing", the "enemy" and the "opposition".
Definition of 'Freedom of the Press' : The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government. Americans enjoy freedom of the press under the First Amendment to the constitution.
While most Trump clones are dancing to his tune and a couple are balancing on the fence, one or two are politely disagreeing with his paranoid attacks on the press.
Don't be surprised if he tries to legislate some kind of state control over the media like his beloved Putin.
Donald Trump's defense secretary has distanced himself from the president's war on media, calling journalists a constituency of the democratic process.
James Mattis' comments came after his commander-in-chief declared the fifth estate the "enemy of the American people" and vowed to "expose them for what they are".
"The press, as far as I'm concerned, are a constituency that we deal with," Mr Mattis said. "And I don't have any issues with the press, myself."
Mr Trump often mocked the "dishonest" media in his presidential campaign. But since taking office, this denigration has morphed from crowd pleasing rhetoric into a strategy seemingly intended to discredit journalists reporting unflattering revelations of dysfunction and divisions in his White House.
Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff warned yesterday that Trump's comments, which often come in the form of missives fired on Twitter, should be taken "seriously". He described political reporting on Mr Trump's first month - the most drama-riven of perhaps any presidency - as a "feeding frenzy" of "bogus" stories.
Mr Priebus attacked as "total garbage" the media coverage of allegations that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Moscow's alleged interference in the US election, despite this also being the subject in of a senate intelligence committee investigation.
He said journalists should report that Mr Trump "has accomplished more in the first 30 days in this presidency than people can remember in a long time", ( more what? ) a claim that, when these first weeks are compared to those of Barack Obama's, his predecessor, does not stand up to scrutiny. ( keep dancing Mr Priebus)
On CBS' 'Face the Nation' Mr Preibus dogged focus on the dishonesty of the press, prompted anchor John Dickerson to say: "So in every answer, you've turned it back to the media. So I guess the question is: Is the strategy now to answer any question by just turning it back on the media and using a fight with the media as a way to try to control the storyline?" ( keep in step Mr Priebus)
The president has taken to collectively dismissing major US television networks and newspapers as the "fake news media", describing them as "lying", "corrupt" and "failing", the "enemy" and the "opposition".

FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast!

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
These attacks have drawn scathing criticism from US politicians, a few, even within Republican ranks. Lindsey Graham, a prominent conservative senator from South Carolina said on CBS that a free press and independent judiciary "is worth fighting and dying for".He said he believed US media had become a little "hysterical" in its reporting of Mr Trump, but that: "The enemies of the democracy at the end of the day are not the press. It's Russia. It's Iran and radical Islam."
His comments came a day after John McCain, the veteran Republican senator from Arizona, echoed the warnings being made by Democrats in congress that Mr Trump's is taking a strong man approach to the Oval office.
"If you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press," he said. "And without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started."
Marco Rubio, the Florida senator who ran against Mr Trump for the Republican nomination in the election, but who has since been careful not to criticize the president answered a question about whether Mr Trump was damaging America's image abroad by saying "a country's more than one person". But there is only one out there on center stage in the world's spotlight and he is the standard by which America is judged.
Separately, reports emerged that Mr Trump plans to issue an executive order enacting a new version of his controversial immigration and travel ban on Tuesday. A draft seen by the Wall Street Journal, shows that the administration would try to keep the temporary travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries. Green-cards will be exempted.
A state department official suggested that the controversial policy would be dropped, but two White House officials denied the claims. Most people believe Mr Trump will bring it to pass somehow.
Fake news is another one of tRUMP's old saying when he don't want the people to know when journalists are reporting the news as fact .
ReplyDeleteGet real tRUMP trolls and see that your master's days are numbered .
Good post
Love PIC
Mr Trump is scared of the truth. Especially if it makes him look like a fool or a paranoid mad dictator. If he likes the news ...it's true. If he doesn't like it... It's fake news. Please figure out how to get rid of this guy.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Luv ya
PS: Do you like my dancing puppets?? Feel free to use them...hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI love your puppets , got and use them
DeleteLove PIC ... go to WAG