The gull dipped and wheeled against the crystal sky, the rush and roll of waves absorbed it's clamorous cry.
The sea was luminous with sunlight and washed the weariness from my eyes,
And the rhythm of the tide, the heartbeat of the earth, the music of the universe made my spirits rise.
Lost in thought, I gazed into the distance and pondered all the twists of fate that brought me to my knees then raised me once again just to dash my dreams with ease.
I longed for freedom without danger, an existence without heartache, where tragedy was a stranger,
A life without toil, duty and diligence, a life of peace and joy and like the sea, sparkling brilliance.
A murmur like an echo, a whisper in my ear advised,
"Accept your fate with dignity and like the willow, be resilient".
I turned and saw a man, quite old, with his journey writ upon his face and though his years had weighed him down he seemed to glow with inner grace and wisdom shone from sea green eyes.
I knew him and yet knew him not but understood that he was wise, compassionate and kind
And felt a warmth invade my heart and peace restore my mind. These gifts he gave to me.
We were silent for a time and watched the waves cascade, the gulls glide across the bay, the white against the jade.
I had no need to look when I felt his presence fade. I knew I was alone;
He had made his thoughts my own, my strange and quiet friend, familiar, still unknown.
A gull rose up beside me...hung suspended on the breeze, tipped his wings and soared away across the green, eternal seas.