"Gary and Anna was friends," Kent Emmons, the secondexecutor of coleman's estate tells RadarOnline,com. "They lived together for a long time, Anna really took care of Gary. Anna loved Gary, she was almost like a mother hen to Gary."
Gary met Anna in 1997 and after becoming friends, the two began living together in his Los Angeles home, where they remained friends and had separate bedrooms. Soon after, Gary named Anna as CEO at his corporation. They lived together until 2005, when Gary meet Shannon Price, whom he wed in 2007.
When Shannon moved in, the relationship got difficult because Shannon didn't like the fact that there was someone else in Gary's life. " And, Of course, Gary sided with Shannon and asked Anna to leave." Emmons tells Radar that Anna is "distraught" over Coleman's death and still grieving more than concerning herself with business.
Coleman's lawyer, Randy Kester, says the legal drama is not so much based on what Gary left behind but is what is yet to come. "Everyone's fighting over what might happen in the future ," Kester says, adding that if a book or movie deal arises , "you're really fighting over millions." also involved in the fray ? Coleman's extranged parents and his ex Manager , Dion Mial.
Emmons says Coleman and Anna were " wonderful to each other" and that Anna is not a money-driven person. "Whatever the wills says , we will honor it," Emmons says.
My spin on this drama, it's going to be another ex-wife fighting over something she had no part in helping Gary accumulate over the years when he was a child star...as I hear it , Gary was working as a security guard and his parents are cash cows who is looking for a little easy money.
A typical gathering of the vultures. A celebrity dies and carrion eaters descend from the sky and slither from under rocks.All have the same objective...strip him/her of every penny they can by legal means or not so legal.
ReplyDeleteAnd his parents are the worst,probably related to 'Beady Eye'
ReplyDelete(Joe Jackson)
Hi sweetie
ReplyDeleteThey adopted Gary and I bet they and beady are from the same pod.
ReplyDeleteDamn fools...they know there is a book/movie here.
I sent you an e-mail.
ReplyDeleteThe movie deal is probably what it is all about from what I read in your article.
ReplyDeleteI wonder who they would get to play Gary.
I'll go check my mail. A little icon comes up to tell me I have mail but I seldom notice it.
ReplyDeleteHi cutie
ReplyDeleteHow about Will/Jada Smith son...he playing the Karate Kid.
ReplyDeleteThat kid is brilliant. I love him. He's a natural actor.
ReplyDeleteI promise I will be good.
ReplyDeleteJust think PIC we will be saying that about Jakey in the near future, Jakey is horning his skills.
ReplyDeleteGood girl.It'll be fun. It's a wait and see what develops, thing.
ReplyDeleteI was reading the $ 1 post and I can't feed my little man on a $ i a day.
ReplyDeleteDidn't get to do it today that boy is still in court and I have to see the doctor tomorrow. But I'm not worried now knowing we will do it.
Jakey and I are writing a story together. I write a chapter then he writes a chapter.We draw pictures too.It's about a little man called Nuggy who is two inches high.
ReplyDeleteHow's Nana restng pretty good I hope...I know what Brian is up to.
ReplyDeleteDid you listen to my video. I love that lady. What a talent. She has sung her songs down in the subway for change for twenty years.
ReplyDeleteNana is resting and Brian is up to all his old tricks again. He feels pretty good. We find out tomorrow if the peppers worked.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sweet and maybe we will get to read his stories sometime.
ReplyDeleteTell Jakey who needs hockey when his mind is so brilliant.
Remember Ron Howard, he played Opie on the Andy Griffin show ...now look what he's doing, tell Jakey about him.
I posted the 'dollar a day 'post for people who are struggling for every meal. At the bottom of the article the two teachers say that you can't get enough nutrition for a dollar a day but you can for just over two dollars a day. On their website they have all the recipes and advice.
ReplyDeleteI will listen when I log off..I always listen 2/3 times and then listen whenever I come back on.
ReplyDeleteI think people need all the help they can get...the people along the Gulf is worried about their bills.
ReplyDeleteOne said he/he had .06 cents left over and wondered what they could eat so they got pesnut butter.
ReplyDeletepeanut butter don't last long here, mine like peanut butter cakes/cookies.
Would you please listen to it while we are online? I would love your opinion of her. I think there is a lot of potential there, but I think you are a better judge of this kind of thing. You have seen many more live entertainers and singers than I have.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for the best and I bet he will get a good report.
ReplyDeleteWith the surgery you may have missed a few days.
It was like Susan Boyle .They were not expecting much from her. and then she belted out this song and blew them away.
ReplyDeleteI happen to love this song too.
Okay just hold your horses and I will be back.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't think he would live so I never thought about the peppers again until about two months after the surgery.We missed all that time before we started them again.
ReplyDeleteI see Alabama is burning the oil off the water to stop it reaching the land. When it burns it turns into solids that can easily be picked up.
ReplyDeleteAwesome..she has a big voice..I Think that is N.Y subway, am I right?
ReplyDeleteYes, the NY subway.I was surprised no one offered her a job in a club or something in all that time.
ReplyDeleteAlabama is taking things in their own hands, they can't get BP to return their calls. Jindle says we are going to follow them because Obama is pussying footing to long.
ReplyDeleteSweetie ...you know that if it's not all gone , you will continue with the peppers, he really was to ill to eat the peppers, but it will be fine now and things are beginning to look up for both of us.
ReplyDeleteShe may just enjoy being free to do it her way. Just look at Whitney she had it all.
ReplyDeleteI heard this somewhere , they was saying Obama was writing the same book as George bush, chapter one"set on your ass and do nothing.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI just went and kissed the Rock goodnight. He is a good guy. He got a Father's day card from Jaye that made him cry.
ReplyDeleteShe thanked him for always being there and always supporting her and never letting her down. In other words, being the Rock in her life.That's what he does.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful and thoughtful daughter, that card will mean more to him than any present.
ReplyDeleteSee I told you the ROCK wasn't finish here yet.
Yes, I heard about that book.Bush sat on his ass during Katrina and passed that advice on to Obama.
ReplyDeletePIC..you and the ROCK raised some pretty smart kids so give yourself a hug and a pat on the back.
ReplyDeleteYou truly are a strong and loving woman and I think you know what I mean.
Obama is looking tired and weary, this had been hard on him...
ReplyDeleteIs England on his ass too. I didn't get all of it today.
Jeremy called me. He feels a bit lost now that he has achieved his goal of graduating with honors.He is in a little lull in his life. He is sad he is finished school and won't see his friends again. A big chunk of his life is over.He is sending out resumes and also looking for a temporary summer job
ReplyDeletejust for pocket money.He needed a little encouragement.
How are your kids. Are you keeping them occupied? Does Gilly still wear his bells.I bet he is irresistable. I must put a new recipe up so he can beg a piece.
ReplyDeleteYou know I'm going to do like dad and say who gets what. Susan/Dan said Sis should have given them some of what daddy left her and Chris told him old man you better jumb back I'll hate to kick an o;d man's ass.
ReplyDeleteGreed is awful and the ones that's greedy is the ones that didn't work for shit.
I have to keep those bells on him, that boy is so damn bad he stinks, now he's learned to pull his pants off, Jill was so sweet but this child stays into everything and yes he's a begger.
ReplyDeleteWe was done to the office today to pick up some papers and they put coins in his pocket and he went to cute chick and gave her one.
Obama got BP to agree to a 2$billion fund for victims of the oil spill and he also promised that that is not the end of BP's accountability.
ReplyDeleteObama is opening his own fund to get money to the most desperate people right away.
Emily asked me yesterday was I going to get carpet for the whole house and I told her hell no, I had three kids running around and they live all over the house.
ReplyDeleteWhen they was raising their kids there was certain places they couldn't go it was for company.
I am glad he is because they need it so badly, some in South La. say they are afraid they ma lose their homes if they don't get help.
ReplyDeleteSusan and Dan should shut-up and take a hike. What losers.Chris should kick both their asses.If they didn't put enough aside for their old age then they should go to their children for some charity.
ReplyDeleteObama has a hard job with no help to speak of.
ReplyDeleteBush was in office, the Republicansjust farted and the Democrats said ohhhhhh let me smell it.[giggles]
Sis doesn't owe anyone anything. She will leave what she has to her own kids.
ReplyDeleteI would be too proud and too humiliated to ask any of my relatives for a penny.
Dan is wanting someone to give him because Sally broke her hip and we wouldn't let Sis take care her, they have 5 kids a bushel of grands and greats.
ReplyDeleteGuess what, I didn't get mad, I just looked at dan and told Chris he was almost 71.
Chris said hell he should know his place, and we left it at that.
Ain't you proud of me???
Gilly has the right idea.He may be going after the ladies early in life if he is a horny little guy like his parents. Make sure he knows about safe sex and keep him supplied with condoms.You don't want any little surprises showing up.
ReplyDeleteTell Jer to hang in there and something will turn up, tell him it's just a step from boyhood into manhood and he will enjoy his journey even more.
ReplyDeleteI am proud that you kept your temper. You can achieve much more if you control your temper.
ReplyDeleteYou have a good example in front of you. Gil's family all blew up and yelled and screamed and all it did was slow things down. It never got them a thing.
No I don't and there is more dangerous things out there that little surprises, his daddy should be a pro at telling him how to stay safe.
ReplyDeleteI guess they all lawyered up and slowed things down some more.
ReplyDeleteHave they come to any kind of agreement yet?
Now he's making them wait til he has the time to see them, and Leon is staying out of reach too.
ReplyDeleteNan and Gil got into it and I asked Sis who won and she said she went outside before she kicked both their musty butts.. It was about me. Hahaha
Do you find it hard to picture Gilly as a man?
ReplyDeleteI bet when the girls are dating Gil will be as protective as a tiger. He will scare all those boys to death.
One lady I know followed her daughter and escort on the first date, and watched them all evening. She was so afraid the guy would grope her little girl.
What was she going to do if he touched her? Jump out of the bushes?That would harm her daughter much more than a little groping.
I seen one of their lawyers sitting in the lobby waiting to see Leon or Gil, Leon was hid out in his office with his feet on his desk and Gil is still in court.
ReplyDeleteThey want to make a deal, but they will have to settle for the terms they gave them.
It's so funny to see them wondering around and not knowing whats going on.
I wonder what Nan and Gil were saying about you. Aren't you curious?
ReplyDeleteNan says Gilly will be like his daddy and married late in life, I hope he marries for love.
ReplyDeleteJill may never have a date unless she sneak because her daddy will scare the shit out of all the guys, because he know how he was.
I think Gil will give the guy the third degree.
I will instill trust in my daughter and teach her the right things.
We will just have to trust and pray.
Gil asked Nan why she calls me musty butt and Nan says because it was and maybe he didn't know it because he kept his head so close he was used to the scent and he told her it did smell like flowers and he would have to ask James what hers smell like.
ReplyDeleteThey get into all the time.
That's what we all do honey, send them out there on a wing and a prayer and hope we taught them the right things.
ReplyDeleteJaye was such a tiny thing and so innocent.We used to stay awake until we heard her come in.
Al used to slip in the basement window so we didn't know if he broke his curfew.
Nan can be naughty when she wants to and she talks as naughty as I do, when she talk to you she is just to sweet.
ReplyDeleteI can detect the mischief in Nan. I hope you and she never lose that.I love that naughtyness. I know I have it and I enjoy it.I don't ever want to be tame and boring.
ReplyDeleteJaye may have been tiny, but I bet no guy took advantage of her.
ReplyDeleteYou don't worry about boys as much as girls...
Tame is no fun.
ReplyDeleteReally I think thats some of the things our men love about us.
Oh yes, you was telling me you was getting smaller in certain places but the boobs was still cute...tell me where did the 10 pounds go.
Al was a pretty smart guy and I bet he looks a lot like you..
ReplyDeleteWhat time is your doctor's appointment??
ReplyDeleteL. Shank will be very protective of his little women. You might have to step in and stop him from cross examining the prospective boyfriends or getting them to sign agreements not to touch his daughters. If Dad is still alive, he will be even worse.He is very old school. He'll probably wear his gun while he is talking to them.
ReplyDeleteI think Brian's appointment is at nine o'clock. I won't go with him.
ReplyDeleteI will go with him to the cancer specialist in two weeks.
I think you are right...Gil was out there in the world for a long time and he knows the score and he wants them to let people kmow they are sure of themselves.
ReplyDeleteNow Dad on the other hand, when the little boy is over here playing with them Dad is somewhere close by.
Nan said something about telling you about a couple of friends he had and she met them when one when she was in Reno and what they said about him, she won't tell me.
Yes I have lost some ass but not boobies.My body is pretty good.
ReplyDeleteIn the health store today a lady asked me how I stayed so young. I said I didn't know,maybe a clear conscience. She said, "shit,then I'm screwed."
You can give Nan my email address.If she wants to tell me something confidential.
ReplyDeleteWell he will ckeck out good and in two weeks you can celebrate some and have your mind at ease.
ReplyDeleteIt's about time someting good happen for your family...you have fought the devil and won and now you are going to put the devil down for the kill.
Brian says he still likes to watch my ass wiggle. If I lose much more there will be nothing to wiggle. I better stop losing weight. It's hard to keep my weight up when I can't eat much. I'm allergic to a lot of food.
ReplyDeleteShe says it's in her package she has here, Nan is just being mean and want me to ask her.
ReplyDeleteI met one when I was there I was about 5/6 months pregnant with Jill.
You really may not be losing as much as you think and if you was losing it I think Brian would tell you and if it was getting smaller it sure wouldn't wiggle.
ReplyDeleteStaying young is in the genes and how you take care of your body and having a man that likes to poke you helps a lot too...don't you think???
I better let old RP out.It's been nice chatting to you as usual.I enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about heidi, lately. Surely the seven months is up by now. I wonder where she is and what she is doing.I get the feeling she will drop in one day.
Anyway, have a good one.We've had a lot of rain for a few days but tomorrow will be sunny and hot.I will be in the garden with a pitcher of lemonade.See you there, bring cookies.I took a picture of some geese in the stream in my garden. I think I'll post it.Night for now...luv& hugs....PIC
Yes, I got the impression Nan likes to tease you. She's a little devil.
ReplyDeleteYes, staying attractive is easier when your man thinks you are beautiful and sexy.A healthy sex life helps too.
I think after Heidi did her 7 months she was going to be in a prison for about three years, but we may hear from her soon, she may not come here as herself but I have started to keep an eye on DCR, I wonder will she try to contact us and what she'll say ???
ReplyDeleteLet RP out and you have a good night and enjoyed it as always...
ReplyDeleteSee you at the vampire blood feast in the twilight zone.
Kiss the Rock.