There are so many things to worry about lately,global warming,endangered species,greenhouse gases,economy ,and now the damn swine flu , why do we wait for something to happen before we go into action , I guess it's just human nature . Now on a brighter note.....come on people lets take care of business so we can get back to the business at hand...and thats making whoopie,my main past-time.In times like these,we have to have a sense of humor,without the ability to make fun of ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in....if I make a list of things that make me happy,a very few of the items would be extravagant.....so for now I will catch dad and sis,look out world here I come.......(GIGGLES).....So stay safe and well and I will see you next time.
What a cute picture.That's the two of you in a few years.
ReplyDeleteBrian doesn't wander about in his shorts.He either dressed or naked,that's it.He has a cute little bum.
Gil used to go naked util Jill was born,it reminded me of Brian catching you at the sink..hahaha,working on my pig story,feeling a little sluggish today...
ReplyDeleteGil says he is going to sand on his head and see if I will kiss his nose...HA!!!
ReplyDeleteMore doctor's appointments with Nana today.
ReplyDeleteHow's construction?I know you don't have basements there so how do you build them ? On a concrete base ,on stilts on dead alligators?
How did Nana tests go?
ReplyDeletePromise me you'll take a picture of Gil standing on his head and send it to me.I have just the right spot on the wall in my hidey- hole.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like years since Brian did that sneak up and penetrate.Those were the good old days.
construction is going slow,but moving,we are having some crazy weather...it will be concrete base.
ReplyDeleteHer stomach is fine but they want to biopsy her lungs now.Poor old Nana.I'll finish her story,to cheer her up.I have more photos too.
ReplyDeleteYou have all your memories to think about...Gil stand on his head and I will do the Bobbitt on him..hahahawhen you think of the good times a little spark hits you and you relive the feeling.
ReplyDeleteJeannie ...that would be the best medicine you can give her..it will be good for you also..to know you are making her happy.
ReplyDeleteStop sending your fucking tornados up here.They're knocking over silos and windmills.Barns are blowing away.We're not used to them.
ReplyDeleteOf course you could keep it in the freezer.
ReplyDeleteIf you Bobbitt him You'll be one sad horny little lady.
I haven't heard the loons discussing the NE story.
I want you to do Nana story,we won't stay on tonight.
ReplyDeleteEveryone here is waiting on it also...I think thats why Sis never remarried,Machael was her soul mate....she said there was not another man that could measure up.
You're right.When I think back on certain memories I get that little tingle.
ReplyDeleteThen there was that time we were driving along the highway and I had my hand down his pants.Never mind where his hand was. A big eighteen wheeler went by and the driver looked down into our car.
They are not talkihg much..DC has some blogs on MYSPACE and FaceBook,you have to join them,some are private...
ReplyDeleteNow I know why Emily Proctor didn't like DC...he met Liza on CSI,I think...
Sis knows how much you can be hurt when you love someone too much.Maybe she never wanted to take the chance of being hurt like that again.
ReplyDeleteEveryone at CSI probably knows how he treated Marg and then Liza.How could you like him after that.
ReplyDeleteWell it's good to know I am not the only horny one here..hahaha
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming has something to do with the weather...it is so freaky,the ice caps has mealted more than was realized...and people still don't want to believe.
When their house floats away they'll believe what we're saying.
ReplyDeleteI will have to get a NE is it this week's.Sis was engaged once ,the guy wanted her to leave her kids with daddy,sis still live in the house daddy built for us...
ReplyDeleteIt was in last week's issue.Sis made the right decision to stay with her kids.My old boyfriend asked me to do the same thing.They always think women will leave their kids to go with them.
ReplyDeleteThe polar bear situation is critical.We can't save them. But if their death would wake people up to the problem,then they wouldn't have died for nothing.
ReplyDeleteI told Susan to work with us about Global Warming...her hubby says it was a bunch of crap I got off the web...I told her to tell him to fuck his crazy old lazy sorry ass..
ReplyDeleteI heard on the Nat.Geo.channel that the polar and the grizzly might mate and started a new spieces...
ReplyDeleteThere are always ignorant jerks to deal with.
ReplyDeleteWe just drive over them and keep going.
ReplyDeleteI have never cared for Susan hubby,he's thinks we owe him something...asked dad for a job,Hell he can't work at any casinos bad record..dui...drunk..drugs and he is 59.
ReplyDeleteWell now that might be an interesting bear species.White with brown spots or maybe stripes.
ReplyDeleteIs Susan your sister?
ReplyDeleteThey say the ocean waters was going to rise and some of New York will be under water.
ReplyDeleteYes the crazy heifer is my sister.
ReplyDeleteShe says he needs help,shit he is a lost cause.
California too will be swallowed up by the water.Maybe Florida.All these places are at the present sea level.You need to be on high ground.
ReplyDeleteSusan kids is grown..I guess she likes his shit...he hates Chris guts.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they are going to say ...this ful might be some of the cause...it don't get cold enough ,almost can't tell one season from the other..they are blending together.
ReplyDeleteBoy,am I getting smart since meeting you...my man says there is a change in me...I am more settle..now he wants to teach me not to be so mean(GIGGLES) Sis told him thats was impossible,she gave up on that a long time ago.
ReplyDeletel like you mean.I want you on my side.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.Without the cold weather all kinds of micro-organisms will multiply and mutate.Nightmare diseases
ReplyDeleteI just don't like people trying to pull shit over on me,I am easy going if they let me...I will not be used or my man by my family.
ReplyDeleteThere are always a couple of lazy no good bums in every family.They always want to borrow money or get somehting off you.
ReplyDeleteSusan wanted to borrow money to buy him a truck,I told her Gil was not no fucking bank and he had 2 babies ..if he had to borrow money from her family he didn't need one...hell everyone was havind a tough time.
ReplyDeleteWe have a guy like that too.He always wants money but he gets his wife to call us or call Steve.He doesn't even have the balls to ask us himself.
ReplyDeleteWe're pretty generous with the family but it just rubs me the wrong way to give him money
I love sharing with my family,things they need to help them along the way...thats what we are suppose to do...we all needs help at one time or another...he is a grown man sitting on his ass,no way,get a job.
ReplyDeleteHe's only 59...
ReplyDeleteWhen I married my ex...I wanted to open a dress shop to hely Ron,daddy gave me my part of the land and carried me to the bank to get a loan...all he had to do was build on the land daddy gave Susan.
He really sounds like the lazy ass we have up here who lives with our daughter.(no names)She supports him.He contributes nothing to the house.He' was supposed to renovate the house .He starts things but never finishes them so the house is a mess.
ReplyDeleteHe says daddy gave sis more,hell Sis stop working to take care of her three kids daddy and me...he's just sorry and lazy...
ReplyDeleteI think I'll go write that story now,Sweetums.Give your beautiful kids a hug from aunty Jeannie and be happy.I hope you don't get any more nasty little health problems popping up this year. You've had your share.Be well.Don't kiss any pigs...HA!...your friend J
ReplyDeleteNo names needed...I think they see some of the family doing pretty good and they can just enjoy..I heard dad and Gil talking the other day and they both said they lost their asses off,dad said he would have lost a hellva lot more if he hadn't started Jill and Gilly trust funds...
ReplyDeleteGoodnite dear frinds...LOL...LOL...NEE
ReplyDeleteYour dad did the right thing.He trusted Sis to raise his little green eyed baby.He and Sis went through hell together.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who resents that is an arsehole.