Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Reincarnation-Believable?-Or Just an Interesting Concept?
Monday, March 30, 2009
My "Family" What A Hoot

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fight Back...Don't Give In to Wrinkles...You Can Beat 'Em

"Hurry Sunshine"

I'm back,been in the dumps with all the tornadoes,storms and the rising water in the "RED RIVER",the water is coming down stream,not sure when it will crest...here I am feeling sorry for myself,I realize just how fortunate I am....we take to many things for granted,when we should be thankful for the things we have...a lot of people have loss a great deal in this economy crisis slump,there are better times ahead,we will get through it.
Have you ever just sit quietly ,thought about some of the bad times you had? If not,think about it,you are much better off now,you have to have faith and work for what's better for you and yours....you have to have the understanding that it's not just money/materials things that matter,(but they do help),just open your heart and let the goodness flow in,there are going to be good times and bad,I guarantee you the good will out-weigh the bad...you can not expect to take all the time,you have to give also....you will realize that making others happy if they deserve it ,will also make you feel good /happy...it is a great feeling....I smiled at a lady once in the mall ,she just turn her head.....I didn't get angry at her...I really felt sorry for her...you see I am a good and funny person to know...I have a great sense of humor.....my man says you never know what to expect from me no telling what I will do or say,that much he has learned in the years we have been together,he would have it no other way,(GIGGLES)hopefully I will be going to visit a lady I had forgotten from chhildhood....maybe she can help me to remember some of the things I forgot about my childhood....I have so many memories that is coming back to me....I will keep you updated...So stay tuned: but hey it's just me......
Friday, March 27, 2009
I Thought That I Could Love No Other...That Is Until I Met Your Brother.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Reflection" Just Me Nee

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"MY MAMA" Part 2

The morning my mama left she told me to be a good baby for sis...I was disappointed,I went everywhere with mama,not this time,I think she knew she wasn't coming back,mama told sis to take care of her baby and tell me she will always love me and be with me always,I will never be along,my spiritual guide will always be there,teach me to open my heart,follow the signs that is laid out for me....I was so disappointed in not going with mama,I was trying to catch a chicken to wring it's head off....I heard my daddy call me,I went to see what he wanted,sis was crying...everyone was looking scared to death....my daddy looked so sad,he says come here baby,I have something to tell you...daddy took me in his arms and told me mama was not coming home,I asked why...daddy said mama 's angel carried her home to heaven ,I told him no mama would not leave me,she will be back to get me,I asked daddy where was Michael(sis hubby) daddy said he went with mama,I without a mama,Robert ,Michael Jr. and Nan without a daddy.....daddy said he understood now what mama was telling him..she left him a part of her(me) after the funeral,everyone was asking daddy what was he going to do...daddy said give him time he needed to think ...daddy had a franchise insurance company,my brothers worked with him, two brothers has retired,three still have the company going....Hey I am getting ahead of my self....I told daddy I wasn't going to talk until mama said I could...School started ,I wasn't speaking,not a word...daddy always had time for me,he tried to get me to speak,not even in school...I just knew mama was coming back and tell me when it was time...mama was close to nature,down with mother nature as she call it...sis says mama was a very spiritual person....she also says mama was trying to prepare us for her passing...it was a sad time for all,especially my daddy....wow I loved that old man...in the evening I would set outside listening to see if the wind would bring mama's butterfly kisses and word 's of joy...mama always told me sit quietly ,you could here the wind bringing you words of love from a love one who has pass over.mama was gone about a year,I was sitting on the porch one evening,I guess I dozed off...I jumped up and started hollering for daddy,I was running like the devil was on my tail...daddy was running to me tears rolling down his cheeks..I said mama said it was alright, she is happy and she will come after me when it is time...those was the first words I spoke in over a year...sis call everyone to tell them...my daddy said it was time to leave New Orleans,we carried mama with us...when my daddy passed on we laid him next to mama....I wasn't talking during that time ,I still got into a lot of crap....I carry flowers to mama/daddy...sometine I sit and tell them how my life is going....crazy ..huh....it makes me feel better . stay tuned...to be continue:
How to Stay Married For the Rest of Your Life
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"MY MAMA" Part One

Today I will talk about my large and crazy family,they are a warm and loving bunch....my dear friend "JEANNIE" said there was enough of us to start our own town...she is so right,I want to tell you about my mama and daddy...they had nine(9) children....I am the last...had to run for my life a lot of time,I was a bad little fucker and still is (GIGGLES)...so lets get all these kids in order...so you will know where I fit in this shit...kids in order so you will understand how young at heart my mama and daddy were..In order as they popped out...Richard...Hamon...Jonathan,Jr./Joanna the twins....Rachel.....Emily....Daniel...Chris...along comes me,I sneaked in the back door;
As I remember my mama....she was a tall woman with black hair...green eyes..a very pretty mama...Her name was Emily Jean`ne ...my daddy said he fell in love with her the first time he saw her...."THE BEGINNING".
My daddy met my mama in El Paso Texas on a hunting trip when he was about twenty (20) years old....my mama family moved from Tahlequah,Ok. to work on the railroad...daddy asked for her hand in marriage,her family says no...my daddy asked why...he was told he lived to far away in New Orleans...my daddy travel to Texas about once a month,guess what,my older brother Richard was on the way...mama wrote daddy,mama's family didn't know she was seeing daddy....my daddy did what any scared young man would do...He told his mama...remember "ROSE" the sea captain's daughter...well she has a lot of her mama in her ...Josie the madame....Josie started all this shit,and boy am I glad.Well "ROSE" went to Texas and gave them a piece of her mind....My mama was pregnant with her blood and she was going to take her to New Orleans with her...you know who won....my daddy said mama loved to dance and sing..she loved spring time ...love dancing/singing in the spring showers....things I remember about my mama she was a gentle woman ...lordy did she have a temper...she would get angry ,my daddy would say...watch it kids, the indian is on the warpath...my family is very protective of me...you see we lost our mama in a train/car accident when I was eight(8) years old....my older sister Joanna lost her husband in the wreck also,I call her sis..she took the responsibility of raising me with her three(3),my mama was forty-eight(48) my daddy was fifty-two(52) when I was born ,my younger brother was ten(10). Sis says the morning mama and her(Sis's) husband ...Michael left for town,mama told her to look after her baby and to tell me she loved me and would always be there looking out for me...to tell my daddy that she is glad she gave him one that looked liked her...sis says she didn't pay to much attention to mama that morning,because mama had started talking weird lately...my daddy brought us the news,that my mama was not coming back...she said before she left she would always be with me....I refuse to talk to anyone until my mama come home...I didn't understand ,I was only eight (8) years old.....to be continued......stay tuned.....you will learned she has never left me......
Mr Obama,You've been busy
Monday, March 23, 2009
How to Stay Married For the Rest of Your LIfe

When you marry,you should believe in your heart that it will be forever.If you don't,you're starting off on the wrong foot.For example,if you demand a prenuptial agreement,aren't you already foreseeing the end of the relationship,the dissolution of the marriage?You have to believe this is the only person in the world you want to spend the rest of your life with.If your heart and mind are in that place,then you've made a good start.
So before you make that leap of faith you should take your time and make absolutely certain you have picked the right partner.It's not only exciting and wonderful,keep in mind you are entering a binding legal contract and the biggest personal and financial transaction of your life.
Ask yourself a few questions.If you became ill would you trust this person with your medical care,maybe your life?Would you trust them with all your money and property?Can you love their parents?(you'll find out how important that is)
Do you want your children to be just like them? Do you want to change certain things about them?Are your goals the same?Are your tastes the same?Do you enjoy the same lifestyle?Do religious differences have significance?Does your partner have a good sense of humor?(boy,is that important)Finally,do you really know this person well?(You don't want unpleasant surprises later when you've tied the knot.)
Never marry with the expectation that you can change what you don't like about someone.You can't.You have to accept the whole package.
People who are thirty and older can put sexual attraction in it's proper perspective a little better.Marrying a little older is a good idea.If you are bowled over by physical attraction,you should stop and think how you'll feel when you've both got an extra twenty pounds around the waist and a few wrinkles.Will you still want take a romantic walk on the beach?Don't place too much importance on that powerful sexual feeling.Yes,it's important,but over time it becomes diluted and you may be left with not much else that matters.
Certain decisions should be made before you marry.Decide on your objectives.When you're going to buy a house,who is going to raise the children and who is going to work.If you are both going to work,you have to divide household responsibilities.This is a partnership and one partner should not be more burdened than the other.Marriage is hard work,but it is so worth the effort.It is very satisfying and very fulfilling.
Your spouse should be your best friend and should be treated as such.If you don't think of them that way,or they don't think of you that way,maybe you should reconsider.
So,marry,be joyful,be prosperous and tomorrow,I'll give you some tips on how to stay married.At least the ones that worked to keep my marriage alive and well.
Gilly,Don't Eat the Pets
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Nana's TV.

"Beware" Whoopi's on a Ranting Spree

Friday, March 20, 2009
Natasha Richardson...Autopsy

Natasha was vacationing at the Mont Tremblant resort in Quebec.Quebec legislators are now seriously considering making helmets compulsory on the slopes,an excellent idea.
Natasha descended from a famous acting dynasty.Her mother was Vanessa Redgrave.She had an impressive body of work and was regarded as a fine actress in her own right.She is survived by her husband and two sons,Micheal,13 and Daniel,12.It's always very sad to see someone so young,vibrant and gifted snatched from a fulfilling life and loving family...My sympathy.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Billy Connolly-Scottish Bad Boy
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

They stopped and stared at two shiny silver walls that could move apart and slide back together.The boy said,"Father,what is this?"
His father(never having seen an elevator before)replied,"I don't know son.I have never seen anything like it in my life ."
While they watched in amazement,a very fat,old lady in a wheel chair rolled up to the moving walls and pushed a button.The walls parted and the lady wheeled between them into a small room.The walls closed and they watched the red numbers above the walls change sequentially.Then,they watched the numbers reverse themselves.
The Walls slid back and a gorgeous 24 year old blonde stepped out.The father leaned over,without taking his eyes off the beautiful woman,and said quietly to the boy,
"go get your mother."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fascinating Facts About the Human Body
Monday, March 16, 2009
God Bless You and Keep You George,You Atheist Bastard
I have always loved George Carlin.He was the only comedian who could make me weep with laughter.He was someone we could all relate to.God, how I miss him.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Nightmare Date --part two

"Green Pepper Steak" For "BRIAN"

Prep. time: 20 minutes....Cook time:30/40 minutes
For 4 servings you will need:
1 lb.beef chuck or round fat trimmed
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 clove garlic
1 1/2 tsp. grated fresh ginger or 1/2 tsp.ground
1/3 cup virgin olive oil
1 cup green onion,thinly sliced
1 cup green bell peppers cut into 1 inch squares
1/2 cup green bell peppers cut into 1 inch slices
2 stalks celery ,thinly slice
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 cup water
2 tomatoes ,cut into wedges
1.)Cut the beef across grain into thin strips,1/4 inch thick
2.)Combine soy sauce,garlic,ginger,toss and set aside ,prepare vegetables.
3.)Heat oil in large frying pan or wok,add beef,brown on high heat....cover and simmer over low heat for 30/40 minutes
4.)Turn heat up and add vegetables...stir until vegetables are tender crisp,about 10 minutes
5.)Mix cornstarch with water,add to beef/vegetables in skillet,stir and cook until thickened
6.)Add tomatoes and heat through
It's quick and tasty( if you notice I always let you use your own judgement on salt/pepper...we have to watch our intake) you can season it to your taste....my family loves highly season food...I cook a lot of "Cajun and Creole style foods....
This recipe is especially for "Brian" better known as the "Jeannie"s Ever-ready Man the Rock".
You go girl....(GIGGLES) The devil made me do it..hahaha