Monday, January 12, 2009

Stick it up your ass!

Okay, we all have sexual preferences.
Some people like the normal stuff. Some like it a bit kinky. And then there are some people who like nothing better than to stick things up their ass (i.e. David Caruso - Anal beads!). To everyone its own..

'I tripped and fell ... honest'....SHOCKED surgeons were forced to use their imagination after operating on woman with a huge can of hairspray stuck in her bum. Mirela Gradinaru, 37, arrived at the clinic in Arad, western Romania, in agony, begging docs to help. But she refused to tell surgeons how the can came to be lodged in her rear even after a successful operation dislodged the canister...This was not just a little can of deodorant, this was a massive can of hairspray ...'
(For the rest of the article, please go to:

Oh, those Romanians......try something smaller next time...


  1. I heard of a lady being able to insert an aluminum St Louis Slugger
    (baseball bat for the uninitiated)
    almost three quarters of the way in.I guess the wooden ones had splinters.
    The only question I have is,WHY?

  2. Anonymous7:55:00 PM

    Pleasure? (Even if I can't see how sticking up something your anus could result in a feeling of pleasure).


  3. Jean'ne,come out and play.

  4. Anonymous8:39:00 PM

    I am playing

  5. Anonymous8:42:00 PM

    you wasleavig the post lame

  6. Anonymous8:49:00 PM

    There is no here,Oh well I just play by myself...sometime Nee that is a good thing....

  7. Anonymous8:54:00 PM

    Hello Nee,how are you...Just find Jean`ne...thanks for is your family and friends,I will keep you company for awhile,what you want to talk about?

  8. Anonymous8:56:00 PM

    Oh, LOL...

  9. Anonymous9:01:00 PM

    Well we have a hockey team,name the Mudbugs,maybe you have heard of friend Jeannie"s grandson Sammy play on his school's team,he is quite good,I don't get a chance to talk about our families much,when I do sometime it be 1/2 a:m here.
    How is your day going?

  10. Anonymous9:06:00 PM

    Thanks for the company "NEE" I think CSI:MIAMI is coming on now with their 2 parter starts in Miami end in Las Vegas thur.

  11. Anonymous9:09:00 PM

    ??? Ahem, it starts in Miami and finishes in New York..

  12. Anonymous9:10:00 PM

    Vix I am not crazy yet..

  13. Anonymous9:12:00 PM

    well it said Vegas,to bring Fishburne in I don't know just wat I read in the papers here

  14. Anonymous9:14:00 PM

    Okay, now I know what you mean. But this is future talk. It MIGHT happen, they say. In a few months maybe.

  15. Anonymous9:14:00 PM

    everyone wanted a 3 parter,I hardly read the papers,a lot of their shit is wrong

  16. Anonymous9:15:00 PM

    Well, lets wait and see.

  17. Anonymous9:17:00 PM

    Grission is leaving Fishburne is there in Vegas now,we have that fool on every day,A&E carrying him al,ost 24 hrs a day

  18. Anonymous9:20:00 PM

    They are on now,I hardly watch it anymore,they need to get better scripts,you see the firstof one you know the rest

  19. Anonymous9:21:00 PM

    As is CSI Miami and CSI NY...

  20. Anonymous9:24:00 PM

    CSI:miami is on now,mondays at 9:pm

  21. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Whats up with our girl everyone know actors has stunt doubles,She need to go over to Lacy,they would get along real well.
    sorry my posts don't make you laugh,

  22. Anonymous9:29:00 PM

    It is still 2,5 hours until it is on here in San Diego.
    Angela really is slowly losing it. Too bad.
    I like your posts too, CC.

  23. Hi Nee!Nice to talkto you again.

  24. Anonymous9:32:00 PM

    Jeannie, glad to have you back.

  25. How's your life going?
    My mom is eighty five tomorrow and boy is she grumpy.I took her presents to her tonight to see if I could cheer her up. Jaye and the twins are coming to morrow and I don't want mom snapping at the boys.

  26. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    85! Congrats. And feisty like a 25 year old I guess?

  27. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    Hi Jeannie,I am busy messing with Vix,she is a lot of fun,

  28. Anonymous9:36:00 PM

    Tell your mom happy "BD" she just don't want you to know she's happy

  29. Her advice is,never let yourself get that old.
    I don't agree.I'm leaving tis world ,kicking and screaming.
    I'll fucking climb out of the coffin.Why would anyone want to die.

  30. Anonymous9:37:00 PM

    I left you a comment on lame about Jill being bossy,

  31. Anonymous9:38:00 PM

    All old people say that. No matter in which country they are in.Just never get old! LOL. Deja vu.

  32. Anonymous9:39:00 PM

    I was talking to myself,Vix thought she had another one to bite the dust(GIGGLES)

  33. Brian just came in the room and grabbed a piece of me.Nearly made me drop my keyboard.

  34. Anonymous9:41:00 PM


  35. Anonymous9:41:00 PM

    They will have to tie this ass down,When I get to be 98 I will just think good things.

  36. Please don't go crazy Nee.Haven't we got enough of those?

    Vix,are you sure old people say that?I don't want her to get any foolish ideas about ending it all.

  37. Anonymous9:44:00 PM

    I know what you two are up to haha,have fun ,tell Brian you can't keep a good man down

  38. Anonymous9:46:00 PM

    My grandmother and my late mother-in-law used to say it all the time. Even my mother (65) says it now and then....

  39. Anonymous9:48:00 PM

    Jeannie I bet your mom says things like that to bug the shit out of you.

  40. Anonymous9:49:00 PM

    Jeannie you are Aries ...march or April

  41. I have a wireless keyboard so I can sit back with my feet up in my
    executive chair and put the board on my lap.I have a vibrating heated cushion at the back,so it's very comfortable.
    All of a sudden,a big hand grabbed something,to get my attention.I jumped and nearly threw the keyboard across the room.

  42. April,Aries.
    how did you know?

  43. Anonymous9:53:00 PM

    Way to go can grab your stuff anytime it pleases you haha

  44. Anonymous9:55:00 PM

    Careful Jeannie, the keyboard won't survive being thrown to the floor. Trust me. Besides, I am piesces...

  45. Anonymous9:57:00 PM

    Jeannie you ask if Jill was bossy,Jill is bossy and mean as hell.She gets along well with other children,as long as they don't push her..been like that all her life,my little man is a mean one also,sis says they can't help it.

  46. Vix would consider it the ultimate sin to smash a new keyboard.
    Good way to torture a computer geek.Trash brand new Macs and Apples in front of them.

  47. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    One day I will tell you...I study people,Jill and Gil is Aries also...April

  48. Nee,who do the babies take after?Surely not you.

  49. Anonymous10:02:00 PM

    OH no, I am just worried for you. Those keyboards come at a hefty price if you have to buy a replacement. Another reason I'll vote for a LAPTOP. You have everything in one place. Besides, I need no mouse.

  50. Anonymous10:03:00 PM

    Vix would have a hissing fit if you break the key board hahaha

  51. Anonymous10:05:00 PM

    They look and act like their crazy ass daddy,he is a very sweet guy,just don't bother whats his.

  52. Anonymous10:08:00 PM

    Sis says she don't know what is best,me are him,we both are head strong,Gil just gives in,but he says one day I am going to get it.

  53. I can't get comfortable with laptops,but it would be so convenient for travelling.
    I like my big screen.I'm starting to get visual problems.It's genetic.It's in my Dad's family.I was lucky it came later to me than to some of the others.The big screen is easier on me.

  54. I think Gil spoils you and the kids rotten,Nee.Must be very nice to be cherished like that.

  55. Anonymous10:11:00 PM

    You know if he ever get at me ,I will fall on the floor with no panties on and ask him if he was going to hit the choochie.(GIGGLES)

  56. He would never raise a hand to you or your choochie.
    Big men are usually more gentle.
    I guess they are aware of their physical strength and hold back.

  57. Anonymous10:17:00 PM

    Jeannie I am a good and loving woman,my first I was true to,Gil I am true to will be always...not because his dad has money shit my babies got that,I was told a long time ago that I would meet someone that would really love just me.

  58. Anonymous10:17:00 PM

    I can't get comfortable with laptops,...

    You get used to it. And you can have a 17¨ screen as well .

  59. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    Besides, you can carry laptops everywhere AND thanks to wifi sometimes you don't need to buy your own Internet access...LOl

  60. Anonymous10:21:00 PM

    I never realize I would fall in love with a man 14 years older,I am glad I did I have mt own sugar daddy...hahaha

  61. I guess you'll never go back to a PC,eh,Vix?

    Nee,I got the impression that it was love at first sight for Gil.

  62. Anonymous10:26:00 PM

    Not if I can avoid it. It is small, leight and I can use it everywhere. Even on some planes.

  63. Are you still stealing other peoples internet access Vix?
    Naughty girl.

    It's very hard to govern the internet or anything connected to it.One day there will be a huge mother board in the sky,a satellite that spies on all of us and controls what we do and say.That'll take all the fun out of it.

  64. Anonymous10:27:00 PM

    So very ture Vix about the Lappy,sis sneaked hers into the hospital for me.

  65. It was not love at first sight for you Nee was it?Or did you feel a little thrill when you met him.

  66. Anonymous10:32:00 PM

    I guess so...he would always find some excuse to come on the floor,he got up enough to ask did I wear contact lens...he caught me on the stairs,oh yes,I had to see what was to that man.

  67. Anonymous10:33:00 PM

    Hey, Jeannie. My laptop just picks the connetcion up. That's what WIFI is for. Besides, if people son't secure their Internet access with a password - it is their fault. Besides, EVERYONE does it.

    Control the Internet? Never. Pure utopia.

    Yup CC, everywhere anytime. You can't do that with a PC

  68. Anonymous10:36:00 PM

    I was 31 I had no idea he was that old,I told sis I was going to see what he had

  69. He really pursued you hard.He knew what he wanted.Very romantic.

    I think you are one hour earlier than me,but don't tire yourself out.I know how early little ones get up.NO sleeping in for you.
    You must have a lot of energy.

  70. When you saw what he had,were you impressed?

  71. Anonymous10:40:00 PM

    I don't think it was love at first sight,I really believe it was lust,when he did the first poke I was hooked,then I got the letter,I knew then and there he was going to be mine ,I found out he wasn't married

  72. Do you have a new post up on your blog today,Vix?It's great that Monroe visits you so regularly now.
    YOu get the straight story from her.
    Nice to have an inside track.Couldn't have worked out better for you.I like that she pops in here now and then too.

  73. Anonymous10:46:00 PM

    Impress..boy was I ever,now I am all hot and bother,can't handle it now visitor is here...everyone keep telling me to get a housekeeper/nanny,shit I don't have enough to do,Gil says I can't go back to work,so I can take care of my family

  74. Gil was never married,unusual.
    He was really picky.It had to be just the right woman.You must have
    filled all the requirments.

  75. Anonymous10:47:00 PM

    I have. Just take a look. I am putting them up after midnight now.

    Please, Jeannie and Cupcake name me 10 adjective YOU NEVER EVER would use in connection with Caruso (i.e. good-looking, faithful)
    Thank you.

    Yes, Monroe is an asset. Today, I had a lot of traffic on my board.Very busy.

  76. Do you miss working?you worked a long time.That's what you're used to.

  77. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    I hope my energy stay high when thay get bigger,thats when I will need it the most.

  78. Oh boy,yes Nee.There'll be karate
    and little league,soccer and maybe Jill will want dancing or singing lessons.
    I bet Gilly will be a terrible two year old.

  79. Anonymous10:56:00 PM

    Mine never did. All she wanted was to sit at home and watch TV. But then, I took her to the crib at age two because I started to work again.

  80. Do you really have a hockey team called the MudBugs?

  81. Anonymous11:01:00 PM

    putting your needs first
    jolly good fellow
    friend you can count on
    a true blue Family man
    A man that don't have a lot of different baby mamas
    you can think of anything good and use it.

  82. Anonymous11:04:00 PM

    Yes we do they are pros.I think they have been to Canada,you can find them on the net,they are quite good.

  83. My son Steve can;t keep up with his two.He and his son Shayne are very involved with the Boy Scouts.
    Steve takes a couple of dozen handicapped children camping with his Scouts also,on and off through the summer.He's a Scout leader,and now Shayne is too.
    Jordan,his daughter has an after school activity every night after school.She recently took up belly dancing.

  84. Anonymous11:07:00 PM

    Sounds stressful to me. Mine is somre sort of a couch potatoe - no sports except her Nitendo-consolee.

  85. Anonymous11:09:00 PM

    Terrible Twos oh yes if he is anything like his sister.Jill is a sweet child even her mom.

  86. Wise,generous,talented,easy to work with,good judgement,
    respectful of women.
    team player,man of character.

  87. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    Jeannie, thank you are an angel.
    lets add handsome to the mix.

  88. Gil called you a firecracker once.
    That may be a more accurate description than even tempered.

  89. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    I took belly dancing good for your abs,you don't have do all the push ups,good for the waist line also.

  90. Vix,please add,impeccable taste,to your list.

  91. Anonymous11:16:00 PM

    YUP Jeannie, this one is a MUST. Thank you...LOL

  92. did you quit belly dancing?Do you still do it for Gil?..HA!
    Jordan is very over weight.She takes so many sports but it doesn't help because she eats so much rich food.
    Her Mom cooks a lot of carb rich food to get Shayne to eat.He is skinny as a rake.Shayne's story is a tragedy and a triumph.I'll tell it sometime.
    WE had nine healthy grandkids.Then the last three boys were all born with problems.Tough times,but we came through them.

  93. Anonymous11:25:00 PM

    I have mellowed out a great deal since marrying Gil, yes I did miss work,Jill I worked a little,Gil didn't like it ..I had her with me because I breast fed her also,now I am enjoying playing ex family had money.

  94. Anonymous11:30:00 PM

    I just do it for Gil,where I want something I just put on something tiny..and roll my stuff...he told someone there is never a dull moment at his house.

  95. You have your new house to work on and decorate.You have to put your stamp on it.Do you like gardening?
    I love to watch things grow.

  96. Anonymous11:35:00 PM

    I would very much like to hear his story...I know about my Jakey,he's going to do well,,writer,oh yes,look out world here comes Jakey

  97. I imagine you keep things pretty lively for Gil.The mark of a happy homelife is that they can't wait to get home after work.They get a happy feeling as they walk in the door.
    Brian told me that,that's how he feels.

  98. Anonymous11:39:00 PM

    Yes gardening,fishing,camping ,Ilove the outdoors..we live on the lake,have a fence all around our place.

  99. What's the name of the lake?I'll Google it.
    I'd so love to see some pictures of you and family.If you're nervous about putting them on the blog,email them to me.Email me any time you want.

  100. Anonymous11:44:00 PM

    Brian is one happy and bless man and he know it,A real man know when he has what he wants.

  101. Anonymous11:49:00 PM

    "Cross Lake"google it ,it very pretty,I will get some together,

  102. I'll send you some.I was nervous when I put pictures of them on the blog.I'm not sure why.

  103. Anonymous11:53:00 PM

    I know Gil got "A PLEA TO GIL" and had it frame...all he did was take a picture of it on the can paste and copy anything if you know how,so says the OFFICE DEPOT guy.

  104. You are going to be tired tomorrow.The kids will drive you crazy.Go to bed.

  105. You're not a night owl like Vix and me.Night time is my time.

  106. Anonymous11:55:00 PM

    I will...Goodnite all...everyone sleep,poor Gil can't get any.

  107. Anonymous11:57:00 PM

    Good night, Cupcake. As always, it has been a pleasure...


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