Saturday, January 17, 2009


All of these leading men(with the exeception of Kevin Federline who's a leading couch potato)have let themselves get out of shape.Perhaps they didn't notice.Someone should have pointed it out to them.We have enough character actors.
In the case of Mickey Roarke,not only his body,but his face,morphed completely into someone/something else.
Brendon Fraser went from handsome to beefy faced and pot bellied.
Our gladiator is pudgy.Mr.Big is really,really big.And 'The Saint' has a big round belly,like a bowl full of jelly.

Gentlemen,in case you didn't know,you're bulging in all the wrong places,YUCK.
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  1. Anonymous9:59:00 PM

    Oh my...Mickey Rouke had so many operations on his face that he turned into some kind of freak. Kev Federline sperminates everything within reach - and the rest of the guys...well...keep on eating.

  2. Mickey looks like a weird caricature of himself.
    With Federline's lifestyle he's got to get fat.

  3. Anonymous12:00:00 AM

    KFed - he lives off Britney. I have read that now and then he is getting it up with his EX Shar Jackson too (2 kids). YUCK. The man is used good. Britney was just to naive to see what he really is when she married him. Now he get 25.000 monthly in child support.

  4. Lucky Kev.And he ain't even very bright.Some people fall in shit and come out smelling like a rose.
    He must be good in bed.He doesn't have much else.
    HA!I just noticed Dave The Bottom Feeder.

  5. Anonymous12:35:00 AM

    Or he found two stupid women he can mild for all they are worth.

    YUP! Cupcake told me to think of tink as kind of shrimp (who are bottomfeeders). And voila! Here we are...LOL


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